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I think the 1.9 release is going to be the "official" release

so mid November I think

after MineCon


This was the plan. not sure how it will be now,, since Notch is working on a boss fight, a project that probably will take a bit longer to complete.

  • Community Administrator

I thought 1.9 was the last 'beta' patch, and hten its focused entirely on release for the next 3 months.


A quick look at notchs blog says that the official release of Minecraft will be at MineCon. Then there will be some extra updates for adventure mode, which should culminate with the boss fight. Also, dragons!

  • Community Administrator


Me and Jens have only two more major features we want to implement before the release in November. The plan it to stop all new development on October 18, and resume them again after the release on November 18. That will give us one month to focus on just fixing bugs, cleaning up the code, and optimizing the performance to make sure the release will be as good as possible.


When I read the underlined, and again, the bolded, I believed that meant, v1.9 was going to release BEFORE the game was finalized. And they would then, spend the rest of that time, from then, to release, and after, devoted purely to bug fixing.


Obviously thats not what happened. (Minecon looks like its going to come before 1.9, thus it'll be release version.


Wish no more!

It's finally on it's way.

The Wheel of Time has spun a new weave, but into another dimension... the third one!




Don't miss this special opportunity to see first-hand the world of Rand al'Thor, come to life, in blocks!

You'll get to see the world as it never has been imagined before!

Get sneak peeks of places in the books! And vote to see new things, faster!

So, GO NOW!, and stare in awe!


Wheel of Time ---- http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/723834-the-wheel-of-time-updated/ ---- Minecraft


--------------------COMBINATION IN CREATION!--------------------


Disclaimer: Places and scenes may not be uniform to your perception of the author's words.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

after level resetting for over 30 minutes I finally settled for a level 49 enchantment


I got

Efficiency IV

Unbreaking III

Silk Touch I


not what I wanted but maybe I could do something else with Silk Touch I dunno =/

I still really want fortune though

  • 5 months later...
  • 4 months later...

so i finally tried the trial of this online. went and got the game card at Best Buy.


had to reformat my laptop and resotre it to factory settings to get it to run smoothly, but played for an hour last night with no lag.



ofcourse, it would happen that in that particular world, it dropped me on an island with no land for a days travel in any direction :dry: lucky i had the start chest function checked cause it gave me 5 apples (i'm now down to 2 with 3 hunger things gone)



i'm gonna rename this world, Gilligans Island XD

  • Community Administrator



well, if you build your self a bed, you can reset your spawn point at that bed.


I bleieve you need 3 wood, and 3 wool to make it. (note, wood, not logs. Definatley not sticks. :P)


But you also need to dig your self a hole, or build something around the bed, cause if you have zombies open around it... they'll eatcha.


darkness is bad in Minecraft!


My wife got me onto it, I've built a HUGE place on top of a mountain. It started out as a cave running all the way through that I just walled off. It's become massive, with a personal mine running in a lot of different directions all the way down to the bedrock and going until I run into lava. Amazing how much time you lose doing that...


i'd be down with a server. so long as ya;ll play nice and dont PK me :unsure: ofcourse i'd want to build my character, he's only a lowly 2. but i finally got Iron ore and was able to make tools and armor (excluding boots right now, not enough)



i've actually got two games running. 1 at home on the downloaded version, and one here at work in the browser. i got so pissed yestruday at the one here at work. i found diamonds, but it was right on a pool of lava, and as i got the second chunk, the lava rushed in and killed me :mad: and i dont think you can recover items if their consumed by lava *sigh*





well, if you build your self a bed, you can reset your spawn point at that bed.


I bleieve you need 3 wood, and 3 wool to make it. (note, wood, not logs. Definatley not sticks. :P)


But you also need to dig your self a hole, or build something around the bed, cause if you have zombies open around it... they'll eatcha.


yeah i did that. my house is nice, ocean view facing directly west so i can stand at my door and watch the sunset :happy). i built a mine shaft in the basement (that leads to an abandoned mine shaft) i came out near a spider spawner on fire and destroyed that and was able to harvest loads of webbing and found 2 emralds to boot. so the shaft has yeilded great booty thus far. i've just started excavation on it. my aim is (snce i dont have a map and dont want one) is to take one tunel at a time, but block off all the others so no critters can come through. then harvest the wood in cleared tunnels and wall them off once i've fully explored them. i'm not much into strip minning yet, mostly i'm walking around the pre-build shafts and if i see ore i'll dig it up. once i get all the obvious stuff i'll start stripe minning it if i dont just move on. i like my little nest though. i did make sure to put a door on my basemetn, incase somethign spawns and trys to use my minning area to enter my house.


i've even started clearing a place out back thats secluded for a farm. i just want to wall it off a good measure and dig a cannal for water. this way i dont have to worry about drought and the local wild life eating my crops while i'm minning (if that happens, i dunno) i do know that its rainy as shit in my world :laugh: must be mansoon season or something.


i haven't figured out what material i need to use to prevent walled off water from absorbing int othe ground. do i create slabs? or maybe use Sandstone?



also with the wool. yeah. i made one, but only after getting killed and reswapning back out in the middle of the ocean. i wanted to shear the sheep instead of kill them; cause they dont seem to give you meat like Cows, Pigs and Chickens do.



darkness is bad in Minecraft!


My wife got me onto it, I've built a HUGE place on top of a mountain. It started out as a cave running all the way through that I just walled off. It's become massive, with a personal mine running in a lot of different directions all the way down to the bedrock and going until I run into lava. Amazing how much time you lose doing that...


yeah, minning is very relaxing. and its great finding stuff too :happy:



i guess i'm really enjoying the game though, because two nights in a row i've been in Minecraft in my dreams minning :laugh:

  • Community Administrator
i haven't figured out what material i need to use to prevent walled off water from absorbing int othe ground. do i create slabs? or maybe use Sandstone


are you talking about how water stops flowing after awhlie?

If so, thats just the way the game works, not that its absorbing.


Also, you need water next to anything you plant and the ground color will change from a light brown to a dark brown. *you want this*, else nothing grows. or it grows really slow.


what i mean it to build a pond or something near my farm instead of digging and aquaduct froma natual source or planting near a natural spring water.

  • Community Administrator

You have to build a bucket (3 iron, almost in a + shape, minus the top half.) go to a water source (ocean) gather water, and dump it in the hole for your pond. Once you place it, it won't seep into the ground. Water is basically like every other block in the game in this regard. You place it, it stays there.. water just happens to be liquid.. so it spills away from where you placed it.. but only so far.(and by spills, I mean out in all directions,)


yeah i've been on it reading up. reading this makes me ultra excited for finding the abandond mine shaft :laugh: its good to know that the spawners are generaly close set together, i've located one so the others whould be near by. and i know where the cave it connects to is, infact the cave is exposed above ground.



i saw a tutorial, where the user was able to set way points, how does one do this?



edit - they were also able to stack their tools and weapons too. was watching jHOBtv on youtube. guy is hilarious to watch play minecraft. his reactions and shit are hilarious, but he does cuss a bit.


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