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The Seven Striped-Lass


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Yeah, this is a pretty good teaser. Just enough to get us excited, but not so much that when we get the book we'll all sigh and say "But I read this part already!"


First thought reading it: Its an Eleyan chapter..

First thoughts when I finished: Grr.. Brandon did it again!


Likely his servant guy, can't think of anyone else that would enter Mat's tent when they probably know he's not around.


Yeah, I think you are right. Lopin? I think that is his name. Is probably history.


Sad to say, I'd prefer it be him to the alternatives: Olver, Talmanes, Estean, Daerid, Vanin, Domon, Egeanin, Aludra, or one of the other AS or one of the sul'dam/novices.


The next chapter : "Blood in the Air"?

I liked the discussion with Teslyn. But I'm not totally convinced that she doesn't have a second thought with her thanks.


Also :"I don't trust her. There is something off with this one" - Thom. Sorry, you're a bit late. We knew it already. :)


I bet Mat will open the letter. It seems more and more obvious to me.


And while reading the draft of the broken code, I felt that Verin mentionned the Tower of Ghenjei. Don't know why, but the mention of Verin asking Mat to rescue someone, I automatically thought hum... Moiraine?


Nice cliffhanger. Only three notes I would make.


1st - I don't know why he named the chapter that - it would have been just as appropriate to name it "Three Inns," or something. Nitpicky on my part, and pretty unimportant.


2nd - This chapter does what most of the other Teslyn chapters have done since aCoS - namely, made her to look like one of the very few Red Ajah with a brain in her head. Good to see it's still going on.


3rd - I see some evidence here that could lend itself well to Terez' Gawyn theory. If Mat decides that the best protection he can offer Elayne (after leaving) is to loan her the medallion, well Elayne is only one step away from Gawyn. It wouldn't work out exactly as her theory states, but I couldn't definitely see situations where Elayne then "loaned" the medallion to Gawyn.


Overall, just makes me very excited to read the book.


Also, still thought Mat felt slightly off, some of his sarcasm didn't ring quite true, but I've decided not to worry about that stuff anymore in this series, I think.


I thought mat was great in this chapter. Other than the 'bloody ashes' (which i've moved past), I thought it was great that he was thinking about not looking at other girls, while blatantly doing so. "Hmmm. maybe Thom would like her" ... i thought that was very much something mat would think after getting married.


The Mat voice is much improved from TGS. This bodes well for the book.


Regarding the complaint above about the title - Harriet titles all chapters.


I see some evidence here that could lend itself well to Terez' Gawyn theory. If Mat decides that the best protection he can offer Elayne (after leaving) is to loan her the medallion, well Elayne is only one step away from Gawyn. It wouldn't work out exactly as her theory states, but I couldn't definitely see situations where Elayne then "loaned" the medallion to Gawyn.


Oh, she is definitely not loaning the medallion to Gawyn. To Alivia for battle, though? Hells yes.


It's not just that the gholam situation makes him more likely to leave the medallion - he left one queen to be killed by the gholam; he won't make the same mistake again - but the freaky incident with the dice. Nothing like that has EVER happened (closest thing was probably Comar, when the weights shifted). It's obviously hugely important.


Also, more foreshadowing for Mat going to the Tower before it's all over with. :D


I'm still not sure if I buy your theory Terez...

But the point about the dice landing on their corners.... That means something huge will happen to Mat or he will make a huge decision.

If a choice he makes (ie. leaving the medallion in caemlyn) leads to the death of the Dragon Reborn? That would be big.


So, it definitely adds some credence to your theory.


I don't remember Mat being so boob crazy but whatever, I guess Marriage really has changed him up. I did love him complaining about his coat.


I knew I liked Teslyn for a good reason, it is rather momentous to actually get a freaking THANK YOU from someone. Geez.


I'm still not sure if I buy your theory Terez...

It's not for sale. ;) Feel free to bet against it, though...funnily enough, I offer that all the time, and no one has taken me up on it yet.


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