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Chapter Titles (Full List In Order From The Book)


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Regarding the chapter, "An Open Gate", I really hope it's a Waygate that the Asha'man couldn't close...the two that come to mind are Tar Valon and Far Madding. The problem is I can't decide which one I would love the Shadow to hit more.


Ever since I read about Far Madding and how awful those women were, I hoped the whole city would be laid to waste. It couldn't be a more fitting end to that lot, especially with the Borderland wankers there. Only problem is that I think the Aes Sedai with them are all Black Ajah and that they would blame the massacre on Rand to help ruin him and turn people against him (as if everyone isn't already against him!). Still, I'd like to see everyone in Far Madding - including the Borderlanders - get slaughtered. If that happened, I might believe the Shadow is actually a threat.


My desire to see Tar Valon in ruins is just as strong as my desire to see Far Madding destroyed, however. I think it would be awesome if while little Miss Perfect was sitting on her high horse thinking about how perfect everything is now that she is the god of the world and how she intends to force Rand to her will and blah blah blah, that Shadowspawn were slaughtering everyone in her city. She needs something to deflate her head, and maybe that would make her realize that she isn't the end-all, be-all answer to the world's problems. Then again, she'd probably manage to blame that on Rand as well. But at least maybe people would stop prostrating themselves to her and kissing her butt.


Nah, that won't happen. Still, here's hoping one of those cities is completely destroyed. That would be awesome.


Talk of Dragons could refer to the Dragon pins worn by Asha'men, but given Mat specifically thinks about getting in to talk to Elayne about using her foundaries to make Aludra's Dragons, that seems far more likely.


As for an Open Gate--if it is a Waygate, my moneys on it as being one in the Shadow Coast or near Ebou Dar and that it will prelude an invasion of Seanchan lands.


The TGS Chapter 34 is called "Legends". It's the one where Mat comes up with those dumb complicated storylines for everyone before entering Trustair and Verin also shows up.


Any chance this could be related to the ToM chapter "the End of a Legend"? I was thinking Noal, after revealing he is Jain Farstrider, will die in some dramatic act of redemption...


The TGS Chapter 34 is called "Legends". It's the one where Mat comes up with those dumb complicated storylines for everyone before entering Trustair and Verin also shows up.


Any chance this could be related to the ToM chapter "the End of a Legend"? I was thinking Noal, after revealing he is Jain Farstrider, will die in some dramatic act of redemption...

Either him or Cadsuane I'd think, both of them are going down in this book.


The TGS Chapter 34 is called "Legends". It's the one where Mat comes up with those dumb complicated storylines for everyone before entering Trustair and Verin also shows up.


Any chance this could be related to the ToM chapter "the End of a Legend"? I was thinking Noal, after revealing he is Jain Farstrider, will die in some dramatic act of redemption...

Either him or Cadsuane I'd think, both of them are going do in this book.

I thought Mat's storylines were funny, actually. Would have worked, too, had they not been necessary. There was good drama in those pages!


My money's on it referring to Farstrider as well. I mean, sure, Cadsuane's been called a legend by her peers, but there's never been a book called "The Travels of Cadsuane Melaidhrin."


The TGS Chapter 34 is called "Legends". It's the one where Mat comes up with those dumb complicated storylines for everyone before entering Trustair and Verin also shows up.


Any chance this could be related to the ToM chapter "the End of a Legend"? I was thinking Noal, after revealing he is Jain Farstrider, will die in some dramatic act of redemption...

Either him or Cadsuane I'd think, both of them are going do in this book.

I thought Mat's storylines were funny, actually. Would have worked, too, had they not been necessary. There was good drama in those pages!


My money's on it referring to Farstrider as well. I mean, sure, Cadsuane's been called a legend by her peers, but there's never been a book called "The Travels of Cadsuane Melaidhrin."


I do like the idea of the rediscovering of the Seed Singing, which would end the Legend of the Song.


"Blood in the Air" seems to me like its the chapter after Seven Striped Lass. With the whole Gholam, Mat can smell the blood and suchlike. Sounds right to me.


Got nothing on the rest of the cchapters to add. Others have said it or I havent a clue.


"Blood in the Air" seems to me like its the chapter after Seven Striped Lass. With the whole Gholam, Mat can smell the blood and suchlike. Sounds right to me.


Got nothing on the rest of the cchapters to add. Others have said it or I havent a clue.


Kind of joining this wealth of spoiler stuff late in the game, but do we know for sure that the end of the the released Seven Striped-Lass is the end of the actual chapter in the book? Makes for good PR, but that's pretty cliffhangery for being the end of an actual chapter in a book.


If it is indeed the end of the chapter, and Blood in the Air picks up after that, it would sound more like a situation where those two chapters are set apart by another storyline in between them("Blood in the Air" just seems a little on the nose for something a reader is reading a second after "Blood."). Though that seems unlikely since chapter 8 seems to be Mat's first chapter in the book which would make it unlikely to cut off his story so soon...also, I've never really noticed that sort of super-cliffhanger chapter style to be present in WoT.


Also, a question, I am figuring that we know for sure now that the numbered order for the clues is not the actual chapter numbers(what with 8 not being the Seven Striped-Lass) but do we know if there's any relation at all to the numbering? Or is the ordering completely up for grabs?


Also, about "An Empty Ink Bottle". It would be great if it had something to do with Verin's letters. I don't think it would need to be a timeline buster or flashback to work. It could even be incorporated into the timeline after Verin's death by way of one of her recipients reading a letter ala, "The task I have left you is most important of all. And I must be quick because my time grows short, and my ink bottle is empty". Hopefully something written a bit bette then that, but you get my idea. It could be a letter Vering has written to someone that kind of draws together all of her other plans, or maybe just one very important plan(as it would have to be at least a little signifigant to warrent it's own chapter name).


Also, it seems with Jason's review now being posted, there may be some new juicy pieces to fit together between his tidbits, and the chapter titles.....


Ever since I read about Far Madding and how awful those women were, I hoped the whole city would be laid to waste. It couldn't be a more fitting end to that lot, especially with the Borderland wankers there. Only problem is that I think the Aes Sedai with them are all Black Ajah and that they would blame the massacre on Rand to help ruin him and turn people against him (as if everyone isn't already against him!). Still, I'd like to see everyone in Far Madding - including the Borderlanders - get slaughtered. If that happened, I might believe the Shadow is actually a threat.


My desire to see Tar Valon in ruins is just as strong as my desire to see Far Madding destroyed, however. I think it would be awesome if while little Miss Perfect was sitting on her high horse thinking about how perfect everything is now that she is the god of the world and how she intends to force Rand to her will and blah blah blah, that Shadowspawn were slaughtering everyone in her city. She needs something to deflate her head, and maybe that would make her realize that she isn't the end-all, be-all answer to the world's problems. Then again, she'd probably manage to blame that on Rand as well. But at least maybe people would stop prostrating themselves to her and kissing her butt.

Classy. I don't like some of their leaders, so let the whole city be raped and slaughtered. :rolleyes:


Based on Jason's review, I'd say chapter one, "Questions of Leadership", is going to be the long awaited chat between Rand and Egwene.


I must say, I'm not entirely too pleased at this timeline mix-up. The way tGS ended, with Egwene thinking that someday they may know the significance of the break in the clouds, you'd think there was some time before they meet. Rand needs to clear things up with Nynaeve, Tam and Cadsuane. Egwene needs time to make the Aes Sedai see they've been a useless bunch of ninnies so she can whip them into shape for the Last Battle. Instead, it looks like they'll meet right after Rand's epiphany in tGS.


Maybe I'm wrong, though. Maybe its good that they're meeting and hashing things out right after such pivotal moments in their lives. Might tie them together more.


I doubt Chapter 1 will be the meeting because you need massive setup for that. Egwene will probably want all the AS she can get her hands on to 'take care of Rand' if he gets out of control by her reckoning. If I were Rand, I would try to get Mat and Perrin, being the other two taveren. Alivia, Nyneave and some AM would be nice; Logain blackmailing Egwene would be a nice touch too. They'll probably want a neutral location because they(the AS) won't want Taveren in their precious tower.

On another note, where is Jason's review? I searched but couldn't find it.


I doubt Chapter 1 will be the meeting because you need massive setup for that. Egwene will probably want all the AS she can get her hands on to 'take care of Rand' if he gets out of control by her reckoning. If I were Rand, I would try to get Mat and Perrin, being the other two taveren. Alivia, Nyneave and some AM would be nice; Logain blackmailing Egwene would be a nice touch too. They'll probably want a neutral location because they(the AS) won't want Taveren in their precious tower.

On another note, where is Jason's review? I searched but couldn't find it.


Jason's review is on the Dragonmount home page. It comes up when you first go to the site.


I think the Egwene/Rand talk in the first or second chapter is highly likely. I wont go into more, but I think it is pretty certain.


Based on Jason's review, I'd say chapter one, "Questions of Leadership", is going to be the long awaited chat between Rand and Egwene.


I must say, I'm not entirely too pleased at this timeline mix-up. The way tGS ended, with Egwene thinking that someday they may know the significance of the break in the clouds, you'd think there was some time before they meet. Rand needs to clear things up with Nynaeve, Tam and Cadsuane. Egwene needs time to make the Aes Sedai see they've been a useless bunch of ninnies so she can whip them into shape for the Last Battle. Instead, it looks like they'll meet right after Rand's epiphany in tGS.


Maybe I'm wrong, though. Maybe its good that they're meeting and hashing things out right after such pivotal moments in their lives. Might tie them together more.


I originally thought Questions of Leadership would be a Perrin chapter. Though I'll admit, Rand, Egwene, Elayne, and Perrin all have leadership issues right now.


On your point about the time lag, I think it could be done pretty quickly. Rand returns from his epiphany. Nynaeve and Tam will likely be close at hand. Cadsuane w/in earshot. He can make up with Tam & Nynaeve and we can get a glimpse into his thoughts on how to mend the rift with Cadsuane, and possibly others (Logain, Dobraine, Ituralde, the Aiel, Bashere, etc). Nynaeve can can be his emissary to Egwene (as she's trusted by both sides).


Rand will realize he needs the Tower's help, with the LB and for after. He should be able to get/have pretty good intel with Traveling out.


Meanwhile, we can glimpse Egwene after VoG. She can ruminate on her plans for the Tower, both external and internal, Gawyn, her LB plans, and even get a little Leane/Siuan, and some info on how Tower integration went (Ajah heads, survivors, BA status, etc). Nynaeve appears offering a meeting, and poof.


Chapter one is "apples first". Deleted minor spoiler (but cool starting point for the wind; and endpoint) Check it out on www.orbitbooks.net. Finally something for us in Europe :-))))))


"Deleted my spoilers here, because I'll wait for the thread." To much spoilers for a thread not designated to this thread. But I can say that the chapter title actually refers to the importanse of apples :-) as this is the topic of this thread.


Oh it was to short, I'm in pain:-((( Buhu.


Cut and moved to the new thread :rolleyes::rolleyes:


I haven't seen anyone comment on this. Probably because no one cares, rofl. However, In The Three Fold Land is most likely in reference to Avi and her trip to take her test.


Ok so here is where we are at. (After reposting, I'm going talk about my new predictions based on Chapter One).


Prologue - Distinctions - Lan/Perrin/Galad/Graendal/Fain/Malenarin (Of the Trolloc Invasion)

Chapter One - Apples First - Almen (Of Rand)

Chapter Eight - The Seven-Striped Lass - Mat


(In order of wotgh revelation)


1. Questions of Leadership

2. The Pattern Groans

3. Questioning Intentions

4. Lighter Than A Feather

5. Blood In The Air

6. After the Taint

7. An Unexpected Letter

8. An Empty Ink Bottle

9. For What Has Been Wrought

10. Use a Pebble

11. Shanna'har

12. Partings, and A Meeting

13. The Strength of This Place

14. Talk of Dragons

16. The End of a Legend

17. To Make A Stand

18. A Call To Stand

19. A Terrible Feeling

20. Men Dream Here

21. Into the Void

22. A Storm of Light

23. A Good Soup

24. The Right Thing

25. An Invitation

27. In the Three-Fold Land

28. An Unexpected Ally

32. A Reunion

33. Working Leather

39. A Rabbit For Supper



Lucker's Guestimations Following Chapter One.


Chapter Two - Brandon said, when speaking of why he chose chapter 8 for wotgh that chapter two followed on from chapter one--so it will be Rand and Egwene meeting. Problem from one of their two perspectives, but as an alternative, possibly from Gawyn's (I think this less likely).


I reckon 'A Reunion' is the likely chapter title. The next most likely, to me, is 'For What Has Been Wrought', because we know Rand will face Egwene's anger (and likely for what had been wrought at the Black Tower). 'Questioning Intentions', 'The Right Thing' (though I'm calling that a Mat chapter) and 'Questions of Leadership' (tho I like Perrin for that) all seem plausible too, or it could be an unknown one (it occurs to me Brandon may not have put any of the pre-release material in the wotgh to preserve their release).




A Call to Stand


Originally I suggested this would probably be Egwene asking the sitters to stand to allow her to go meet Rand (put herself in danger). That seems unlikely now (Rand going to the Tower takes away the need for her to ask the Hall).


Some suggested that a call to stand may have nothing to do with the Hall, that it might refer to say Lan calling the Borderlanders to stand with him or Galad calling the whitecloaks. Personally I think that given there is a chapter called 'to make a stand', and a call to stand has such political weight in the Tower that it seems very likely that it does refer to a controversial vote within the Hall of the Tower.


My personal hope is that it is about the Oaths. It occurs to me that unveiling Mesaana and figuring out how she evaded the Oaths raises all the necessary points--the dangers of the limitations the Oaths place on them in the modern world, the concept that the Oaths should not be what defines an Aes Sedai, and the contentment the Shadow has that the Aes Sedai bind themselves in such a manner are the points that I believe could lead Egwene to opposing the Oaths.


Other likely contenders are a decision about the Black Tower (though I believe Pevara and co. will resolve that before the Tower gets involved). A decision to ally with the Dragon (rather than control or manipulate him), a decision to move against the Seanchan or move to free the captured sisters.


I still like the Oaths, now that a simple meeting with Rand is out of the game.


Oh for sure Luckers. Ever since I saw the chapter 'A Call To Stand' I've been really hoping it will be a chapter concerning the criminal binder with the hall. Out of any other possibilities for the Hall to stand, this one has the biggest 'umph' to it hands down. And it's an issue that I want addressed in WOT moreso than pretty much any other thing.


It just defies belief to me that Robert Jordan would bring to light so many issues with this subject and leave Aes Sedai ignorant of it. I also agree and believe that Mesaana was Robert Jordan's tie to the criminal binder and will be the main protaganist in bringing this issue to this light. Sure he could have adressed this issue since Crown of Swords, but he left it for the end because it's such a big issue seeing how it's the very thing that Aes Sedai define themselves by. So it needs a big screen and Mesaana will provide this seems logical. This is assuming that Robert Jordan did indeed plan on adressing this 'issue'.


I also have the loony theory following chapter 8 that Teslyn will arrive in time for this revelation (if she leaves at the end of chapter 8 as per her plans, she will arrive in Tar Valon around 5 days after the re-unification of the White Tower) and will stand in favor of abandoning the oath rod. Perhaps I'm somewhat delusional, but the way chapter 8 ended screams of one of the main themes of TOM will be the 'Return' of the Aes Sedai or enlightenment if you prefer. What use are Aes Sedai in the Last Battle really under the binding of the 3 Oaths? Dreadlords aren't going to have a tatoo on their head saying hey here I am, a Darkfriend it's ok to use the power on me. The only thing Aes Sedai are capable of doing in their current capacity is 100% reaction. You can't plan for anything when all your plans can only be defense and having the battle lines drawn first so to speak, nothing but pawns begging to be manuevered. In other words you could theoretically camp an army right in front of a camp of Aes Sedai and not worry about them attacking you first. They'll only attack when they're in danger so hey, take your time wait till your ready friend, we'll be sitting over there while you iron out your attack plans.

Guest moomarc

I haven't seen anyone comment on this. Probably because no one cares, rofl. However, In The Three Fold Land is most likely in reference to Avi and her trip to take her test.


Have to agree with this. I wonder if there's any chance of her running into the Shaido? :aiel:


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