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SG's annual big mafia game (in honor of FDM) sign ups!!


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This idea was festering for awhile and it's been a long time since I modded so I wrote up this.  I can take up to 26 players but if I don't get that many there will be a way to earn the roles not used.  Bwahaha.  Even if there are 26 there will be the sort of call/responce.. moral dillema type things DPR favors.  This is my first time trying that so please bear with me.  It will start sometime after Lily and Aust's game finishes.



1. Barm

2. Amadine

3. Aemon

4. Player

5. Andrew

6. Aust

7. Moggy

8. Lia

9. Min

10. TMD

11. Lily

12. Krak

13. Verbal :biggrin:

14. Kemian


16. Hybrid :myrddraal:

17. DPR :uno:

18. Red :tongue:

19. Eli

20. Amegakure

21. Ed

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My dear First-Sister, you should have told me you were going to mod a game. I would have gladly sign up. So, sign me up. I am starting to get addicted to coming to the Shayol Ghul. I hope it isn't some kind of Aiel sickness.

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I'd go ahead and stay signed up Aemon.. this game won't start until I get more players anyways but I'm also not starting it until the move.. which should be after you return anyways.  I'm certainly not moving all the posts from a game in progress.

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  • 1 month later...

Bumping this back to the front page and announcing that it will be the official MEGAMAFIA game that Shayol Ghul puts on every October. FDM normally runs these and they are epic games. I'm no where near that great at modding/coming up with games but I will do my best and it will be done in her honor.


For every player who gets someone else to sign up for the game you will get 20 points. (Sg points so you need to be a member for this to benefit you)

The cap is 26 players though so any after that will be alternates on call to fill in should we need a replacement.

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