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Almost 1 Year Later ... How Do You NOW Feel About ''The Split'' ?? - I LOVE IT!!

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Regarding the original announcement of ''The Split'' almost a year ago now, I remember how mad everybody was at the time, but I bet when Spring of 2012 rolls around and caps off a stretch where we got THREE ...*AWESOME*...WOT Books in aabout a 28 Month Span...Well, will you sit down and eat crow, my friends? ;)


(Yes, I understand that using the term ''Awesome'' before 13 and 14 are even out is non-guaranteed, but I have the right to go on faith on this one - especially after how EXCELLENT I myself found The Great Storm to be).


Remember, splitting AMOL was never ever about content...it was about binding issues.


I will bet you that the three hardback releases average about 800 pages.


Do everybody see now that a 2400 page book is just NOT released in today's market, lol?


But...I am going to be honest. Here is my MAIN reason for supporting the split and, yes, it is a VERY SELFISH reason:


Think about it. If AMOL had been 1 book. ... We would be DONE :(


I am loving the fact that I got to read an EXCELLENT Book 12 last fall - and then talk about it this year and look forward this year to Book 13 THIS fall :)


And then, in 2011 we can still talk about TGS and of Course TOG which will still be fresh in our minds and look forward to what we KNOW will be the Grand Finale the next spring (2012)


I understand that we all wanted one single book to voraciously rip through and see how it all ended, but, I just think that this way is alot more fun :)


Also, the quality of the work Team Jordan is putting out and the care and dedication they (especially Brandon) are putting in on this massive progect has restored so much of my faith and earned so much of my respect.


Everyone is entitled to their thoughts - those are just mine.





I had no problem with the split at the time of the announcement, and I still don't.  I never once thought that they would be able to fit all of the events after Book 11 into final gargantuan book.  There's simply way too much ground to cover.


I would have liked a 2400 page book.

Let's face it, that thing would have been awesome. I can picture it sitting on my bookshelf now.

and can you imagine reading a book that long?

Anytime anyone says something about another book, you could pull that bad boy out and say "You call that a book?"


Here's the thing. They couldn't do it.

they say it was physically impossible, so there's no reason to doubt them.


However, to say you'd be done by now is incorrect.

You'd still be waiting for it to be written.


There are pros and cons of both.


Pros of one book, cons of 3:

Awesome book

You're paying for 1 book, not 3.

It was how RJ imagined it.

and did I say it would have been awesome?


Cons of one book, pros of 3:

Wait longer to get a taste if it were one book, get to dive in now that it's 3.

It's finished in one reading, rather then being read and reread in parts of 3. This way you can read and theorize, and spend more time in forums.

It's giant, and probably wouldn't fit in your luggage, let alone a backpack.

You would have to hear jokes about over-compensating for something by carrying around a book that big.



The way I see it, I have something to read until George RR Martin's A Dance with Dragons comes out, and then hopefully another Wheel of time after that one.

So I can continue to read the two best series available at the same time.





One book?   ???


Not a single one of my paperback copies has been able to hold the cover through repeated readings... and several are held together with duct tape across the spines.


There is no way a single volume would have been possible... unless the font was realllllllly small


I am very happy about the split.




I refer to the Split as the Breaking of the World, as well as the Age of Legend. I have to wait to get the end of it, having to pay 3 for 1.


But we have had more thoughtful theory to make before having them resolved. We have to discuss over so many things that it would have been a shame to have it on a silvery plate for us to eat before having time to savour it and swallow that big piece of meat bit by bit.


So mainly I'm pro the Split. Because we can actualize our theories to the new novel, and also bring new ones on the boards!


I was against the split because it came after the book had already been worked on - that meant it was being written as if it was one book. I felt that we would get the opening plot of A Memory of Light and the plots would not be resolved until the very end so that by the time the third book rolled around we would pretty much know everything that was going to happen. It might still happen that way - it depends on how Towers of Midnight is written and if it gives too much detail on the final book's plot.


Got The Gathering Storm as a Christmas gift, meant to wait for all 3 to come out so they can be read at once.. Glad I didn't wait to read it.


Hey I didn't mind the split at all. Heck I wouldn't of have minded it have been split even more. Especially hearing now that Pevara doing something awesome won't amake it in the final books but we may get it online. I actuall think it could of been split more. Drag it out as long as possible with as amany books as possible.


I can see it now 2020 and book number 16 is about to be released 'The Eye of the Storm' to be followed by 'The Actual Storm' followed by 'A Memory of Light', which of course would deal with just Rand's final confrontation. Ah if only.


I was glad when I heard about the split, because finishing the series in 1 book after KoD, or 2 books after CoT, would've been impossible. Ever since CoT it seemed the series was doomed due to insufficient space to resolve the important things to any satisfaction. The split saved it.


I admit, I was skeptical when I first heard it, just as I was skeptical about BS (or anyone) completing the series. It seemed to me that it was a simple money grab by Tor. After reading TGS, however, I changed that opinion. It was a very tight book, with very little wasted pages. I also think BS's writing was a boon for the series. I'll even go so far as to say it is the book Jordan should have written two books ago. His version of the characters actually talk to each other and convey information to each other in a much more satisfying was. At the risk of being called heretic, I'll even say that I think BS is a better writer than Jordan. Not as good an author; I don't know of any other author that could hold the vision and scope of a story like this one the way Jordan did, but even so a better writer, if you can see the distinction I'm making.


I laughed when RJ said at a KoD signing that he didn't care if the book was 54 pages or 5400 pages, he promised that no matter what, no doubt about it, there would be one last book.


Obviously that didn't happen.  I understand that such a huge book presents binding issues, so I'll accept the fact that it has to be broken up.  In my opinion though, despite the need to fit so much content in the story before the Last Battle, I think that part of the reason for the split was for financial gain.  Three more books, three more years, etc.  Hardbacks come first, paperback later.  Hardback = $$$. 


Honestly, I don't mind the series being drawn out a few more years.  I can't even fathom the day when I have no more books to read, nothing left to look forward to.  My life will be complete yet not... after all these years of anticipation! 




As to the split I can only say that I am somewhat amused by the fact that we are back to the status quo.  When RJ passed there was so much uncertaintly over the ultimate fate of the series.  Would the series be finished at all?  If so who would write it and how long would it take for it to be completed.  Now here we sit once again as WOT fans anxiously waiting for the next volume of WOT just as we always have.


I was shocked & bewildered to hear RJ had passed.

I was a little annoyed they decided to split aMoL, but did not realize the scope of what was to come.

I think if it had of been 1 book it would have been condensed, & cut a lot of what we've read in tGS.

3 books gives wider scope.



As to the split I can only say that I am somewhat amused by the fact that we are back to the status quo.  When RJ passed there was so much uncertaintly over the ultimate fate of the series.   Would the series be finished at all?  If so who would write it and how long would it take for it to be completed.  Now here we sit once again as WOT fans anxiously waiting for the next volume of WOT just as we always have.


Nicely said. Totally agree. 




I was pro Split because it would allow the story to retain its breadth and scope and it would give us a chance to fully experience the story. It was a good move by both BS and Tor.


As much as i want to read the end of the series, the day the final book is released will truly be the end of an age.


I didn't mind the book being split in three because i felt it would have more attention to detail that way, one huge book would have had to be heavily culled IMO.


RJ said that the book should not be split, because there was no way to make more than one coherent book out of the rest of the series.  If split, it might make one coherent book and one incoherent book, or two semi-coherent book.


So far we have one coherent book.  I am reserving judgement.


RJ said that the book should not be split, because there was no way to make more than one coherent book out of the rest of the series.  If split, it might make one coherent book and one incoherent book, or two semi-coherent book.


So far we have one coherent book.  I am reserving judgement.


RJ was a brilliant man and a phenomonal story teller, but he also once thought that he was going to get this entire series done in three books so......... LOL


That's not very fair. Things do change once you start writing. Maybe he knew of a way to fit everything into one book. Maybe he wanted to leave some things out?


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