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finally opened up and popped in "Assasins Creed". LOVE IT (i saw 2 in a pawnshop and will be buying it, liekly Brotherhood as well if i canget my mitts on it) and i'm salivating for 3, but i've been wanting it as soon as i read abotu the plot line :laugh:


but i'm feeling the need to get my butt severly kicked and beaten into submission so i'm probably gonna be popping in Demon Souls for a few aggrevating hours, just to have a challenge; i'm still waiting for Dark Souls to go below $30's :happy:


finally finished Arkham Asylum though i still have the riddler side quests to complete. other than that, the ending was VERY anti-climatic :dry: seems like they do this on purpose to get rid of the joker and to blatantly tell you theres an Arkham City 2 in the works.


i'm still only 10 minutes into Skyrim (lovely game and i want ot play it, but i have a hard time doign so cause its not linear enough *shrugs* ), i've logged 3 hours into inFamous; i'm about 80 hours into DA and i've got about half the conquest map in DW7 complete but none of the story line as i've got the expansion pack to load so Bubba and i can co-op :happy:. oh yeah, i'm also about 75% through the first Uncharted game *nods*

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Currently playing:


PS 2:

Tales of the Abyss

Disgaea 1 - next game


PS 3:

Tales of Graces f

Cross Edge - next game


XBOX 360:

Infinite Undiscovery



Civ V

Sims 3


I've got one current project on each listed console, and the PC games are for when I don't really want to play the console games.

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Arez, if you like AC you should try inFamous and Batman Arkham City. both have the free world feel like AC does with a dreally great story line.



Razen - how are you liking Infinate Undiscoveries? i've got that game but can't get past the doppleganger fight in the first 20 minutes.

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spent all weekand immersed in AC. i'm in my 3rd city and can i just say how much i really HATE archers!! i mean REALLY hate them. serioulsy, they act like they own the city, just cause i'm up on the roof tops wanting to kill them and all *eyeroll*

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I'm currently playing the Game of Thrones mod for Crusader Kings II. Loads of fun! Me and a friend are playing a LAN game. He's playing as house Marbrand, while I'm playing as house Garner (which hasn't appeared in the books yet) and totally kicking ass.

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Crusader Kings II (still playing vanilla, but downloading the GoT mod for sure once Im satisifed with my game as the kingdom of Castille (currently control 4/5ths of Iberia and all of Tunis). Also been playing Dragon's Dogma.

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Still playing Demon's Souls though I miss the online. Dragon Age: Origins also.


Has anyone played Game of thrones? Have any feedback?


I'm looking for games in the 30 to 20 dollar range any suggestions? ps3

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Has anyone played Game of thrones? Have any feedback?


I'm looking for games in the 30 to 20 dollar range any suggestions? ps3


Game of Thrones was abissmal. i haven't played it but i have talked ot people that have and the reviews were less than sparkling.



for the PS3 - 30 & 20 dollar range, heres a list. stars indicate my rating 5 = top rated (if no stars means i haven't played but have heard good things)


- Darksiders 1 ***

- Dantes Inferno **

- inFamous 1 ***

- Uncharted 1 *** & 2

- Arkham Asylum *****

- Assasins Creed 1 *****, 2 & Brotherhood

- God of War 1 *****, 2 ***** and Duel Origins pack *****

- Dynasty Warriors 7 ***

- Ico & Shadow of Colossus **

- Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll *

- Ninja Giaden 1 & 2

- Force Unleashed 1**** & 2 **

- Bio Shock 1 & 2

- Mavel Ultimate Alliance 1 *** & 2 *****



games that sucked - Risen, Bayonetta, White Night Chronicals, Two Worlds, Dungeon Siege 3, Liar, Eternal Sonata, and Hunted

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