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So, I was hoping to move on to the third book of ASOIAF but no luck.  I thought my wife would be getting it for me for my b-day.  Guess I'll order it and wait.  In the meantime I've begun The Butlerian Jihad. I had read the main Dune series and was interested, and had the book on my shelf.  Figured I'd give it a go. Can't remember If I have the next one too, The Machine Crusade.  I'm actually almost finished so I need to take a look.  If not, I just purchased the Mistborn trilogy so I have that to fall back on as well.  Lot's of good reading coming up.

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I'm currently reading *deep breath* Mistborn: The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson, Shadow and Betrayal by Daniel Abraham, A Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin, The Evil of the Daleks by John Peel, Turn Coat by Jim Butcher, Broken Angels by Richard Morgan, Raj: The Making and Unmaking of British India by Lawrence James. There might be one or two others, but that's all I can remember off the top of my head.

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Mr Ares,


You are reading all of those?  At once?  You are the man!  I've read as many as three at a time but I wouldn't recommend it.  I like to get sucked into the story and that can be hard when there is more than one on the brain.  More power to you though. Enjoy!

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Mr Ares,


You are reading all of those? At once? You are the man! I've read as many as three at a time but I wouldn't recommend it. I like to get sucked into the story and that can be hard when there is more than one on the brain. More power to you though. Enjoy!

Well, if I get really into one book, it does tend to take over more time than others, but I can put a book down for a few weeks and pick up where I left off with no problems. Plus, my brain is incredible. And there were two other books on the go, Hunter's Run by Gardner Dozois, George R.R. Martin and Daniel Abraham, and Edison's Frankenstein.


Raj: The Making and Unmaking of British India by Lawrence James.
Is that a good book?


It has been on my book shelf for a couple of years, bu t I haven't gotten there yet

It's quite good so far, the writing is engaging. If you don't know much about British India and are interested, this book will do.
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I just hit the half way point of "how to win friends and influence people"
I find acting like an arrogant bastard works for me. Is that information found in your book?


Finished Hero of Ages. It failed to match the high standard of the first book, but was an improvement over the second. Vin's ending made me happy, Ruin came across as like Lord Foul, only in a readable book. On the whole, good, but not brilliant.

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Sword of Truth. It's much better than the TV series.

Give it time, I'm sure it will disappoint you just as much.

This is true. I read Wizard's First Rule and enjoyed it. Read Stone of Tears, thought that the Sister's of the Light were the biggest rip-offs of Aes Sedai (Who in turn were stolen from Irish Mythos, the Aoi Sidhe, but wutevr), and couldn't get past page 200.


Seriously, the way he had the Sisters carry themselves, and the way he suddenly changed the magic system, which had no name or detail to it, to having the Sister's embrace their Han, I slammed the book shut and never looked at it again.


In another note I am currently read The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas.

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I posted earlier what I was reading, but it has changed...Now I'm reading "King of the Murgos" (bk 2 in the Mallorean), but I'm almost done with that one.  I also started reading the Chronicles of Narnia (finished Magician's Nephew and started the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe), The Count of Monte Cristo, AND Elantris.


My goal is to finish up the Mallorean first, follow that up with Belgarath the Sorcerer and Polgara the Sorceress, then finish up the Chronicles of Narnia, and finish the other two somewhere in the middle of all that.


Sometimes I just get bored reading the same story for too long.

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