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Nope.  Didn't see a hint.  I'd have to go thru again to see what you asked him.  I could be, Ed.  But I'm not.  You are playing much more assuredly of yourself this game and that has me suspicious someone is guiding you.  I smell a rat.


That covers me if theres a truth seeker.  I AM NOT MAFIA. :)


I don't know about truths seekers in the game.



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I did not call you dumb Ed :P I merely repeated what most people were saying, that Pete would be the brains behind the Ploy...I.e. he came up with it. Just because I think he came up with it does not mean I think you are dumb.


After looking at Ed's and Lily's respective posts as well as Nae's Pro's and Con's I am for the moment convinced that Lily is the real truth finder and [glow=red,2,300]Ed[/glow] is the scummy one. Either way we'll find a scummy but since I believe Lily rather than Ed, he gets my vote. If Ed is scummy then I'm looking hard at Pete next ;)

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Nae, if you want to know what it was that I picked up on - the 'hint' Ed gave as to why he was lie detector - it was that he pointedly asked someone (can't remember who now) ARE YOU MAFIA? And then when they didn't answer, he said, YOU DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION, ARE YOU MAFIA? That's what made me (and supposedly Pete) think he is the lie detector. He obviously wanted whoever it was to give a statement he could supposedly detect.


That said, I think I believe Lily here. Right after Ed asked that, Pete was like 'I know who you are now,' and, major metagaming here, but he did something very similar with Rey in another game. Rey hinted at being a finder, Pete called him out on it, and Rey pretended to be disappointed Pete had said it aloud. I think the same thing is going on here, like Lily said.


Now, y'all posted a lot while I was gone, so I'm going to go back and read what I missed more thoroughly. Might post more in a bit.

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Nae - the list is awesome :)  i'm gonna do a re-read and i'm sure it will help in the decision


Pale - the hidden 3rd??  what exactly is that??    unless your saying that you think this whole thing is a set up between pete, lily and ed.



ugh!!  this is why i hate false role reveals, mucks everything up. 


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Ok ty Alanna.  Like I mentioned.. I totally overlooked that as him just badgering MCS. :)


Glad ya'll like the pro/con thing.  I'm trying to get my thoughts straight and figure out which one is lying and figured I'd share the thoughts...

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Ok ty Alanna.  Like I mentioned.. I totally overlooked that as him just badgering MCS. :)


Yeah, I saw that later on my reread. I think it stuck out to me because I just heard of the lie detector role for the first time in another game I recently played.

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Ok ty Alanna.  Like I mentioned.. I totally overlooked that as him just badgering MCS. :)


Yeah, I saw that later on my reread. I think it stuck out to me because I just heard of the lie detector role for the first time in another game I recently played.


Min was lie detector in Princess bride.

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Womabt I was gonna mention that myself but got sidetracked. :P


And Pale does make a point.  If we chose between Lily and Ed and pick the wrong one we lose what could be a helpful role.  If we take out Pete and hes scum it's more likely Ed is the lll and not Lily.  The flaw is .. Pete could be mafia but Ed isn't or Pete could be innocent but Ed is mafia.

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So Talya was a wanted woman...


So now we have two people claim the Lie detector role...and more then one person with a NK



How do you conclude that there's more than one person with an nk?  A visitor need not be a killer.


I saw that too Wombat and was going to ask the same thing.

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