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  1. Logain SAW Ninive holding the power when she healed all the people he hurt. Or is that just something I'm assuming I about the series? I haven't ONCE said anything incorrectly. And, I'm not just slammed the show or overblowing the facts. You like the series and that's fine I don't like it and, that's fine too. This subject is why not follow the books. People are just arguing for or against it. The fact is that Rafe could have easily followed the books and, do it in budget.
  2. The "books" cover sacrifice, mistakes, and, choosing the right path, the noble path even if it isn't easy. Rafe made it about relationships that never even happened in the books. Regardless of the people who enjoy the series or, those like me who hated it. When I searched up the guy on the internet 2 things stood out. 1 the series and, second pissing on the Survivor helicopter. Niether imo are things he should be proud about. But, just my point of view.
  3. 😂🤣😂 Seriously LOL Read the books LOL Decided instead of just laughing about the comment on mine that I should just answer. The male half of the power "which just like the female half, counter parts can't actually see," was corrupted when the dark one was sealed back in the prison the creator put him in. Made the comment about male and, female not actually seeing their counterparts power because, well just another easy thing to both explain and, implement that wasn't done. Men don't make the power "dirty," it was corrupted then Lewis Therin and, the 100 companions tried "saving" the world. You know Lewis Therin a male always reborn as a "male." The Dragon Reborn was "never" female. Not once. Also easy and, no cost involved in getting that right.
  4. Well I returned after just writing off this subject. I need to stick with feeling that so much in the books was changed between it and, the series that Rafe isn't the fan of the books that he claims to be. Hell the costume designer couldn't bother getting cloaks or wigs for the actors. Rafe didn't bother even sticking to real cause of corruption to the male half of the power. Loial was "in comparison to his real height" little more than a fat hobbit and, those are simple things to get right. It's ridiculous to even have this conversation. Sorry but, true. Nothing I've read in this discussion explains reasonably why the books weren't followed. It's only people who either like or are disgusted by the series. Entertaining but, not reasons why.
  5. Should add yes too much Porn in GoT. LOL No argument here.
  6. I know saying this is too late but, if it'd been my project I would have started off with showing Lewis Therin and, the 100 companions and, the end of sealing off the bore. A backlash from the dark one that corrupts the male half of the power. End opening sequence. Then the into explaining how the Dragon would be reborn ect... Instead "I'm guessing" maybe Tom's cousin being stilled and, the Dragon being either male or female and, it was mens fault the power was corrupted. Then village intro and, attack. Follow the book. Keep the kids the same age as they should have been. No changes because, it wasn't needed. Traveling would skip some things. And, so on.
  7. See good points and, well written unlike what I've dealt with so far. However they were in their 15-16 year range and, "even though" I think they could have used a wig or 2 to keep the character appearance as it should have been I didn't dislike most of season 1 cast. But, the mention of Perrin's wife was only one of the things I still believe wasn't necessary. The fear and, shock in addition to their families wanting them to run would have kept with the books and, explained what was needed. I'm sorry when chatting with someone who can be truly objective and, make logical points. However, the books could have been followed and, the audience wouldn't have been lost if the scenes were done well. I can't see them fixing the damage done in season 1, in season 2. And, it could have been an excellent series. But, Raff or whatever his name is lies. He couldn't possibly be a "huge" fan of The Wheel of Time, yet put out that show. I truly had huge hopes for the show originally and, thought it could go for 14 seasons "before seeing season 1." I was shocked they got a second season out of it. I hoped chatting here that I could add to the voices who feel likewise and, that changes could be made and, hopefully save it. I know it's too late though.
  8. Fair enough. It wasn't necessary, just like it wasn't necessary to create intimate situations between people who didn't have them. I've seen you or the other one argue that budget was required or, "how can you show someone under the control of another." Yet niether of you support your arguments instead you subtly put down any one that doesn't feel the way you do. A lot of money could have been saved by not adding unnecessary material. For the idiotic ball gag thing. It would be simple, taking in consideration the special effects that already used, to show a surge from the bracelet to the collar. Simple easy and, follows the book. Perrin killing a wife he didn't have.... really how much was the scene. You're happy to attempt to act like the one making logical arguments. But, you didn't and, that was just in my argument that a ball gag wasn't an acceptable change. I've been on this site for 2 days and, seen you and, the other one bully and, act insulting. To anyone who doesn't praise the show. It isn't the Wheel of Time. If GoT could do it reasonably well what is the excuse here. And, when will you support your arguments? You can't because, you don't know the books.
  9. "Thoughtful" discussion? LOL First ball gaggs were needed because actors would drop the leash. And was because, they needed to ride horses. Which "Domiani" didn't ride. But then it's argued Suldamn did.... with Domiani walking. And, it was later "although never removed except in the dreamworld," that the leash wasn't needed. Yep Thoughtful. Yep Thoughtful don't worry I won't be back.
  10. Oh I'm well aware of that. But, there's no point arguing with either of you guy/gals because, neither of you have a clue about the books. You let that slip arguing for ball gags. Enjoy I thought this was an actual forum for people who knew the books. Take care.
  11. It's a necklace connected to leash and bracelet and, they never rode horses.
  12. Well there always people who think adding ball gaggs to the Domani isn't a unreasonable or twisted change. And, there are those defensive of the people who are offended by the complete change of an already good story. Don't expect me to get drawn into being like those individuals who can't handle the "fact" the changes weren't necessary to save budget. Those who put down views not their own. I won't change your mind don't think you'll change mine. But, at least I have no need to put down those individuals views. And, I can read a whole definition before posting it as a win. I'm certain that the parts removed and, irreparably damaged.... disfigured the whole. I say stop calling it the Wheel of Time because, it isn't anymore it's a completely different story.
  13. I think that there are people who confuse "adaptation" and, "mutilation." Amazon has allowed it to be completely ruined and, I don't see that changing in season 2. Especially when the person in charge doesn't care about staying remotely true to Robert Jordan and, Sanderson's work. It seems listening to the interviews that the mutilation will continue since, one of the main points that can be taken is who's in a relationship with whom. There is no way he was ever a fan of the books. Anyone can buy a stack of books and, take a picture of them. And, the one that he claims was so well worn it needed replacing. That book was "neglected" not worn out.
  14. Completely agree these same people went too far off from what was in the books that my expectations are low. Will I watch it? Probably but, I have very low beliefs it'll be any better. I hope they can at least stay true to the books in this season but, how can they recover and, stay true to the writer after season 1? They had Perrin kill a wife he didn't have in season 1 added lovers to others who weren't lovers "ever" in some cases. And, far more changes that weren't needed to shorten it for the series. Low expectations indeed. But, hopefully they listened Signed, Sick to my stomach after season 1
  15. I completely understand the need to reduce the content due to the limitations on budget. I can't understand however, why the books weren't followed closer. It's really difficult for me to watch season 1 again before season 2 is released because, so many alterations were made to the amazingly well written books. Will season 2 head in the current direction of changing what was written or will it re-adjust and, get back to the roots of what was witten by Robert Jordan and, Brandon Sanderson, (who picked up and finished Jordan's works extremely well)?
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