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The "I Just Watched..." Thread


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The Help

Wow, I realy liked this movie.

It covered alot of different emotional themes to the movie. (note, since it is a drama, they tend to focus on one type of emotion, so to speak.) I mean, there were parts that had me laughing out loud! It was overall a great movie.


Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Definately a great movie, and worth a watch.

Infact, one of the characters might also be in the movie, The Help.

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first 20 min were compleatly lame, unless your into seeing the backside of sex, after that it got a little bit better. was incredibly violent, not my kind of movie. definatly not somthing to take the kids to either

Did you see that dudes eyeball just hanging there......"narly like narg"
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Just watched Sweeney Todd (Johnny Depp version). I actually liked it. For those who don't know, Sweeney Todd is a musical set in London. I really don't ever like musicals, but this one was awesome. Well I think the fact that Johnny Depp, Alan Rickman, Helena Bonham Carter, and the guy who played Wormtail in HP, might have had something to do with it. Such a great cast, the music was wonderful. The story, while very sick and demented, was very enjoyable.

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I saw Dark Knight Rises and first impression, I was completely blown away. It was only the next day that plot holes and whatnot started nagging at me. Nothing too major, but still. I have to give it up to Tom Hardy, he was so awesome. Every movement he made whether it was walking, gesturing, or fighting looked like a dancer. He looked like death incarnate.



I mean, he was just toying with Batman until, in the end, his overconfidence proved to be his undoing. I don't like how all the scenes where he killed people, take the Czech scientist for example, happened off-screen and we only see the aftermath. I felt like it didn't mesh well with the two very dark, visceral scenes where Bane pounds Batman's head and then breaks his back. You either go all the way, or you hold it all in reserve.



In the end, it was awesome. Better than Begins, but not as good as the Dark Knight. Nothing and no one can come close to matching Ledger's performance because it was (dare I say) perfection. And it was his performance that shaped the movie. A movie that quite possibly is the best comic book adaptation ever. A movie in which I couldn't find one flaw. Was Rises a fitting end to the trilogy? Yes. Would I change a few things? To be sure. Am I satisfied? Very much so. A great end to a phenomenal trilogy.




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Project X


Here is the movie script:


High Schoolers talking about getting laid.

High Schoolers prepping for party.




Dad high fiving his kid.



If you want to watch a movie that is basically about people gettting wasted with very little other plot... this one is perfect for you!!!

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Just watched Cabin In The woods, The Five Year Engagement and Battleship.


Cabin in the Woods was a nice departure from the recent "horror torture porn" movies and that have been dominant ever since Saw came out.


The Five Year Engagement, I thought was hoolarious. But I'm a big Jason Segel fan and I'm in love with Emily Blunt.


Battleship...I wanted to, but I just couldn't finish it. The dude from John Carter is decent, no idea why they had Rhianna in it and Peter Skarsgard should stick to playing a thousand year old vampire. Just my opinion of course.

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  • Community Administrator

I was actually suprised at how not-completely-awful the movie was.

As for the true-blood guy? watcha more of the movie Ashaman, you might like what happens to him. :tongue:


If it helps any, alot of the navy personell you saw in that movie, were supposedly, actual Navy personel, that the prodcuers paid as consultants/live actors to make it a little more authentic.

And.. one of the final battles, with the last navy ship? I thought that scene was epic, and (if) this movie released during Memorial weekend? It would have killed while the USA's mandatory patriotism is at it's highest. :wink:

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