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Mr. Micawber, I don't think RJ was making a political statement by choosing monarchy as the common governing method in Randland. It's just part of the setting.




Neither do I, if you read my post in full.


Largely because his original 7 characters were a member of a republic, a warrior monk sworn to that republic, and 5 residents of a rural community that was organized and run along democratic/republican lines.


But, the most of the main characters that got introduced afterward were either nobles, royals, or chieftains/shaman-esque wise women.


And the main characters all got placed in positions of authority. I just feel that Perrin's unwilling assumption of the hereditary overlordship of Duopotamia was completely unnecessary, forced upon him by his overbearing wife, and represents a terrible reversal of his previous characterization.


There's no reason he couldn't have been the elected leader of Duopotamia - something like the Protector or Governor or Consul or even an explicit title - without becoming the overlord in perpetuity. Then he really could have gone back to being a blacksmith, in the end.


Ah, it seems I wasn't clear. I don't think the initial intention was for the TR method of self-governing, or the WT model, to demonstrate some desired ideal, in contradiction to some of the governments we encounter later on. I think it has a lot more to do with the relations between the sexes, and a motif of cultural decline (in the case of the TR).

I just don't think this story speaks of government, per se (though, certainly, some occurrences in the books do relate to real-world events that have been the subject of public debate in the US). Clearly, it's okay for you to disagree with my assessment, I'm just sharing my views.


I'm not saying it was his initial intention.


I'm just saying that the idea that Morgase or Elayne (or, by extension, any of the inbreds running the Westlands) are somehow competent rulers is a case of Informed Attributes (c/o Tvtropes), and that our Heroes become won over to aristocratic values out of close contact with aristocrats and being made aristocrats themselves.


I would, just once, have liked someone to buck the trend and retain their responsibility without receiving a Nobility Upgrade. Hell, that's why I like the Aiel so much.


In that case, you should appreciate Rand's situation as well. It doesn't matter how many honors he receives in life, none of that would be passed on to his children.


In that case, you should appreciate Rand's situation as well. It doesn't matter how many honors he receives in life, none of that would be passed on to his children.


I do, the Dragon Reborn isn't a hereditary office.*













*But Rand's daughter's going to be Queen of Andor, Rand Jr's going to be King of Illian, and Cairhien's going to be a nice family-owned timeshare.


I'm rereading LoC... someone remind me, if the Taimandred theory is false, why does Lews Therin despise Taim so much? Does he know Taim is a Darkfriend/will betray Rand?


I'm rereading LoC... someone remind me, if the Taimandred theory is false, why does Lews Therin despise Taim so much? Does he know Taim is a Darkfriend/will betray Rand?


Because he was insane and hated all male Channelers.


I'm rereading LoC... someone remind me, if the Taimandred theory is false, why does Lews Therin despise Taim so much? Does he know Taim is a Darkfriend/will betray Rand?

Because he was insane and hated all male Channelers.

And maybe, because the Taimael theory isn't quite as false.

And maybe, because the Taimael theory isn't quite as false.

I guess that theory is Taim being another; either Sammael or Ishamael.

Taim does not fit either of those, either.


Sammael was released during Dragon Reborn and died in Crown of Swords.  Taim still lives after his death.


Ishamael was released within a few years before the start of the main series and died in Dragon Reborn.  I take he was resurrected (as Moridin) during Crown of Swords because he seemed to not done anything before then. That was after Taim became on-screen.

Also, Moridin & Taim were 2 of the 3 to give the 'Kill Rand' order.



I'm rereading LoC... someone remind me, if the Taimandred theory is false, why does Lews Therin despise Taim so much? Does he know Taim is a Darkfriend/will betray Rand?

Because he was insane and hated all male Channelers.

And maybe, because the Taimael theory isn't quite as false.


Maybe, sure. But probably not.


I'm rereading LoC... someone remind me, if the Taimandred theory is false, why does Lews Therin despise Taim so much? Does he know Taim is a Darkfriend/will betray Rand?


Well, one possibility (that has been my favourite from the stat, I never jumped the taimandred train) is simply that LTT snapped because Taim was the first male channeler Rand ever met (except for the forsaken). And when more male channelers started to appear at the BT, Taim was the one in charge, the one who trained them etc.

Also, Taims personality. Those he recruits comes because they want to serve TDR, Taim came at least partly because he wanted to share Rand glory. At their very first meeting, Taim does make it quite clear that his main reason to come to Rand is to benefit himself. Frankly, I do not think Taims own mother would have trusted him based on his interactions with Rand.

Taim was the first male channeler Rand ever met (except for the forsaken).

Some whom Taim afterward taught/trained, Rand seemed to met some of those before meeting Taim.

And before those, Rand saw Logan.



It could just be that Taim reminds Lews Therin of Demandred. They look somewhat alike, have a similar sense of jealousy, they see themselves as a better Dragon--Lews Therin could just have been reacting to Demandred's betrayal.


IN TSR, Kadere keeps hinting to Rand that he has information to sell. It made me wonder. Did he plan to sell Lanfear/Asmodean's identity to him?


Not Lanfear/Asmodean, Natael/Keloeg. Kadere didn't know they were Forsaken, he thought they were merely powerful darkfriends. That was what he was trying to sell.


Also, Lews Therin actually liked Dashiva, so that should give people some idea as to the validity of Lews Therins arguments :P Rand was paranoid of Taim because he was powerful false dragon who obviously harboured some form of resentment toward Rand for his station. However he liked Dashiva. Basically, Lews Therin is just channeling Rands thoughts; has nothing to do with any sort of inside information.


Not Lanfear/Asmodean, Natael/Keloeg. Kadere didn't know they were Forsaken, he thought they were merely powerful darkfriends. That was what he was trying to sell.


Yes, that's what I was suggesting, even though I wasn't clear. Funny, how blind Rand was in some ways :)


Yeah, but even after LTT sees more channelers, he obsesses over Taim in particular. Is this because Taim is nearly as strong as Rand?


I think this is because Rand had a billion flashing arrows pointing to the fact that Taim in particular was not trustworthy.  But he found these thoughts to be inconvenient - he needed Taim to train his army o Asha'man - so those thoughts were expressed via the voice (like many of Rand's suppressed thoughts and emotions).


Is it possible that the DO is depleted by people using the True Power? If it's addictive, and binds his followers more closely to him, why's he so stingy with it?


He never seems to consider Natael, at least, not really. I wonder whom he thought Lanfear would be posing as, however. He can't possibly be considering Isendre, or can he?


He never seems to consider Natael, at least, not really. I wonder whom he thought Lanfear would be posing as, however. He can't possibly be considering Isendre, or can he?


He thought Asmodean was Kadere, I am not sure about Lanfear though.


You can tell that Rand knew that Kadere, Natelle, Isendre and Kielle were DFs, but i always got the impression that he knew one of them was a forsaken from the start, he just didnt know which and he didnt expect to. I also think Rand knows or at least suspects things about certain characters like Taim and Weiremon that he hasnt conveyed to readers


A few questions:


1. About the Moiraine and Thom possibly marriage:

While I agree with people who think, there could be a romantic relationship between this two, there was one thing that made sceptical about the two marrying:

When Moiraine and Siuan became AS in New Spring they were told, that members of the Blue Ajah never marry - so I thought Moiraine meant she would never marry when she claimed to know the face of the one she'll marry. I do not think Blue Ajah not marrying has changed since NS.

Also if Moiraine got severed or burned out while visiting those tricky Finns, she would not have thought about this in the past for a possible later marriage.

On the other hand Gareth Bryne asked Siuan to marry him and she said something like "we can discuss later" and not "It's not possible because I'm a blue" - so I'm a bit curious if this got clarified anywhere.


2. While his first portalstone journey Rand got visited by Ishamael who told him about the Amyrlin telling him that he's the dragon reborn. While we know that Ishamael was not always speaking the truth, this was a specific detail that really happend and there where few people knew about it: Rand, Perrin and Mat (Rand told them), Moiraine, Siuan and Verin (and maybe their warders). While we could rule Perrin, Mat, Moiraine and Siuan out (all this before TGS) - wasn't that with the "Moiraine sent me" lie a good indicator for Verin possibly being black.

Now it's not relevant anymore but i never saw this discussed and was just curious if ever was presumed that Verin told Ishy about the meeting (i know it sounds not so easy with timing - but Verin certainly had some possibilities to pass over the details - and I don't know how she should have known else.


3. Was it ever clarified how Moiraine discovered the identities of Sammael and Be'lal? I think this was discussed before, but I did not see a satisfying answer.


4. Is Rand now aware that he channeled the True Power? I was really annoyed when he mused about the power he had used and that it was in a way like the AOLers discovering the DO and trying to use his power - and then not making the obvious connection.

But the Lews Therin voice knew what he had used and after the reintegration Rand should finally know that he used the TP, right?

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