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Ask A Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer (No AMoL Spoilers)


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Here's a question, who is older, Lews Therin or Cadsuane? Cadsuane is older than any Aes Sedai thought possible, and she of course is bound by the Oath Rod which cuts her life in half. Lews Therin was unbound and described as a man just into his middle years, so it seems to me as if they're pretty close to being about the same age.

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is books 8 and9 somewhere where we find out about Dashiva?

Yeah, book 9 for sure, unless I'm forgetting an earlier reveal. Either way, during the Cleansing of the Source (WH, With the Choedan Kal if I'm not mistaken) Elza identifies Osan'gar as Dashiva.

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Guest redz81

Hi All,

Basic question, that even though I've read the book so many times over I keep missing it.

In the Eye of the World, when Rand and Matt are first on the boat to Whitebridge, Rand (for the second time) experiences a reaction to channeling.

I recall that the first time he channels, which we find out later, is when he wills Bela to keep up when Egwene is riding her in their flight.

However, I can't recall what he does the second time around.



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I'm working on a painting and need to know if the White Tower is round or rectangular. It seems like such a basic thing but I can't find the answer. (work in progress at Watcher of the Seals (WIP) if anyone is interested in doing the artistic equivalent of fact-checking before I outline it in ink)


Also curious to know (unrelated):

1. Who of the main characters that are NOT currently traveling with Mat know that he's married to Fortuona (I find it strange that Elayne now knows he's married but not to whom ... )

2. If any of the Two Rivers folk (esp. Tam and Mat's various family members) actually know what he has been up to since leaving the Two Rivers?


Thanks in advance!

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During the Seanchan raid on the White Tower, Egwene tells Adelorna that Elaida knew Traveling. Who told Egwene?
Siuan learned that Elaida had it and figured out that it had to have been Beonin that told. She likely passed on the info.
Egwene tells that she just learned it; Siuan was on her way to rescue Egwene at that time.
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In response to Peregrine, the BWB pictures the WT as rectangular but with vines/ivy to round off the sharpness of the edges...The Guide is quite understandably known to have bad pictures, but I hope that answers your question.

Edited by From the Isle of Madmen
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During the Seanchan raid on the White Tower, Egwene tells Adelorna that Elaida knew Traveling. Who told Egwene?
Siuan learned that Elaida had it and figured out that it had to have been Beonin that told. She likely passed on the info.
Egwene tells that she just learned it; Siuan was on her way to rescue Egwene at that time.


The I suppose she learned it from Beonin herself since she Egwene figured out she was the mole and was using her at that point.

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In response to Peregrine, the BWB pictures the WT as rectangular but with vines/ivy to round off the sharpness of the edges...The Guide is quite understandably known to have bad pictures, but I hope that answers your question.


Thanks. For lack of a better source I'll assume that's canon. I would be surprised if the Aes Sedai let ivy grow, though. That stuff destroys buildings ...

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I'm working on a painting and need to know if the White Tower is round or rectangular. It seems like such a basic thing but I can't find the answer. (work in progress at http://Alsdale.devia...s-WIP-289297180, if anyone is interested in doing the artistic equivalent of fact-checking before I outline it in ink)


the white tower was made by ogier done masons with the aid of the OP. I picture it as huge at its cylindrical base tapering off to a sharp spire. The reason is because it seems ogier used natural flowing lines to create something that looked like it could have naturally formed. 90 degree angles generally aren't a naturally occurring thing.

I could be out of line here and someone may have a quote that proves me outright wrong.

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I'm working on a painting and need to know if the White Tower is round or rectangular. It seems like such a basic thing but I can't find the answer. (work in progress at http://Alsdale.devia...s-WIP-289297180, if anyone is interested in doing the artistic equivalent of fact-checking before I outline it in ink)


the white tower was made by ogier done masons with the aid of the OP. I picture it as huge at its cylindrical base tapering off to a sharp spire. The reason is because it seems ogier used natural flowing lines to create something that looked like it could have naturally formed. 90 degree angles generally aren't a naturally occurring thing.

I could be out of line here and someone may have a quote that proves me outright wrong.

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I'm working on a painting and need to know if the White Tower is round or rectangular. It seems like such a basic thing but I can't find the answer. (work in progress at http://Alsdale.devia...s-WIP-289297180, if anyone is interested in doing the artistic equivalent of fact-checking before I outline it in ink)


the white tower was made by ogier done masons with the aid of the OP. I picture it as huge at its cylindrical base tapering off to a sharp spire. The reason is because it seems ogier used natural flowing lines to create something that looked like it could have naturally formed. 90 degree angles generally aren't a naturally occurring thing.

I could be out of line here and someone may have a quote that proves me outright wrong.


This occurred to me. I've seen it painted both ways, but being an Ogier construction it does seem like it ought to be round. Was hoping it is mentioned in the series but apparently not! Thanks for the input :)

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I'm working on a painting and need to know if the White Tower is round or rectangular. It seems like such a basic thing but I can't find the answer. (work in progress at http://Alsdale.devia...s-WIP-289297180, if anyone is interested in doing the artistic equivalent of fact-checking before I outline it in ink)


the white tower was made by ogier done masons with the aid of the OP. I picture it as huge at its cylindrical base tapering off to a sharp spire. The reason is because it seems ogier used natural flowing lines to create something that looked like it could have naturally formed. 90 degree angles generally aren't a naturally occurring thing.

I could be out of line here and someone may have a quote that proves me outright wrong.

in my head I painted it as a seven sided building, with two wings on the bottom.


I just always went with 7 sided due to the ajahs, and everyone knows the ogier vs AS. Bossy women would win

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I'm working on a painting and need to know if the White Tower is round or rectangular. It seems like such a basic thing but I can't find the answer. (work in progress at http://Alsdale.devia...s-WIP-289297180, if anyone is interested in doing the artistic equivalent of fact-checking before I outline it in ink)


the white tower was made by ogier done masons with the aid of the OP. I picture it as huge at its cylindrical base tapering off to a sharp spire. The reason is because it seems ogier used natural flowing lines to create something that looked like it could have naturally formed. 90 degree angles generally aren't a naturally occurring thing.

I could be out of line here and someone may have a quote that proves me outright wrong.


Excellent work btw Horseman. I'm really impressed, would love to see more!

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To Peregrine: I humbly apologize to you. I tried to pull a quote from your post about your painting. in my post it appears that I'm saying its me who is painting the picture. I'm sorry about that. For the record the link is to a work in progress painting that Peregrine is working on.


Again sorry



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I'm working on a painting and need to know if the White Tower is round or rectangular. It seems like such a basic thing but I can't find the answer. (work in progress at http://Alsdale.devia...s-WIP-289297180, if anyone is interested in doing the artistic equivalent of fact-checking before I outline it in ink)


the white tower was made by ogier done masons with the aid of the OP. I picture it as huge at its cylindrical base tapering off to a sharp spire. The reason is because it seems ogier used natural flowing lines to create something that looked like it could have naturally formed. 90 degree angles generally aren't a naturally occurring thing.

I could be out of line here and someone may have a quote that proves me outright wrong.


Excellent work btw Horseman. I'm really impressed, would love to see more!



I messed up. That's peregrine's painting

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To peregrine:


The vines are also a creation of the Ogier stonemasons, meaning that the vines are stone-made not actually ivy.

Being stone, the angles of said ivy are slight and hint at roundness and are hardly very fine = gradual due to the WT's sheer size.


Is there any location to legally post this - I could always photocopy it...?

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I am part way through my reread of the The Shadow Rising.


Is there a Dreamspike in Rhuidean?


Wiseones can't dream there. Matt sees some spike looking ter'angreal. But If I recall correctly later in the book, Asmodean travels (skims) there and Rand follows.


And if it is not a dreamspike what keeps the Wiseones from accessing Rhuidean in Tel'Aran'Rhiod?

Edited by AMD44
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I am part way through my reread of the The Shadow Rising.


Is there a Dreamspike in Rhuidean?


Wiseones can't dream there. Matt sees some spike looking ter'angreal. But If I recall correctly later in the book, Asmodean travels (skims) there and Rand follows.


And if it is not a dreamspike what keeps the Wiseones from accessing Rhuidean in Tel'Aran'Rhiod?


I don't think or remember off hand if it's ever been proven whether it was an actual device doing it or a weave/Ward.

Either way, it functioned differently than a Dreamspike.

Unlike the DS dome, the "shroud" around Rhuidean was a solid wall in TAR, refereed to as an actual barrier.

Rand also notes upon entering the mists while chasing Asmo, that he found it harder to channel. That is obviously not the case at the BT and was not the case with Perrin's channelers inside the dome.

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