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Mafia - A Christmas Tale - Mafia Won


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Talya has me voting twice....lol. But, still, it came out with the right person.


Bro, I'm sorry. I didn't want to vote you.  :'( :'(


Talya, that was one gruesome death scene. You are one sick puppy! I love it!





Ah, another addict...welcome to our ranks! :D



Talya, my first thought at that death scene was pretty much the same as Lily's.  It was delightfully gruesome. ;D


Wombat, I was confused about what Talya said about your unvote, too, but maybe she meant to cross it out and forgot?  Or maybe the final vote count is just supposed to reflect all the votes that happened and only the people with zero votes have the voters' names crossed out... *shrugs* I don't get it any more than you do, but those are my thoughts. :D


Now, comments.


1) I don't think we gained too much info from Pete's death; but then again I think that wasn't really the reason we ended up lynching him.  Better to risk a self-proclaimed vanilla townie than a random modkill that could hit the finder or healer.  We DO know he wasn't scum, at least.


2) My scumdar is pinging heavily with the sudden inflation of "Meesh is pinging my radar" or "Meesh seems off" or "I'm suspicious of Meesh, like everyone else."  I went back and checked the votes on me, and Pete's was just a "Day 1" vote (no real reason behind it), Rey's was according to random.org, and only Lily's and Alanna's had anything to do with suspicion. 

I'm not suspicious of Lily, but I AM suspicious of Alanna, for jumping on this whole thing.  Lily said it herself, she was just trying to pick a fight with me, and after she said that I don't recall hearing anything about how I was one of her suspects.  Oh, I have no doubt that she's keeping her eye on me, but Alanna jumped on with "Meesh seems suspicious to me too, gut feeling surprisingly strong, yada yada" and hasn't let go of it.  My points being: A) Rey, the "others" who had said I seemed off, before your comments, were in reality just Alanna.  I'm also suspicious of you because of that.  B) Alanna's vote smacked of an easy bandwagon tactic, jumping on with the arguments and attacks Lily was making against me. But Lily was doing it just to get people to vote for her; I don't know her intention but it seems that she doesn't actually feel the way she was pretending to about me (at least not up till this point).


And now other people are going along with it--not the whole darn group, thank heaven, because then it would be impossible to use that alone to make a suspect list with, but I am mainly looking at Alanna, Rey, and Locke right now.  It seems like the mafia might be trying to prepare the town for an easy lynch toMorrow by encouraging suspicion of someone they know isn't scum.




So, either meesh is Mafia, or else ellianora and wombat are.


I hope I survive the night ;)

What do you mean by the italicized portion?  I'm simply curious here; I get why you would say "either Meesh is mafia or..." but I'm confused about your reasoning for Elli and Wombat.  I don't think you don't really have a reason, but you just didn't explain at all and so now I'm curious why you named those two as an "either/or" to balance me.

(also, I always get suspicious of people who say, "Oh, I hope I survive the night!" unless it fits their overall personality to say such things.  Smacks too much of scum trying to prove their innocence by saying things that would only make sense coming from an innocent.  There's no real reason to say you hope you survive the night if you're innocent; part of life as a townie is risking death every time night falls.  Hoping to survive is pretty much a given.)


OH, congrats on your 100th post, Al Jenn.  As someone who is kind of infatuated with post count, I actually find it exciting that you've reached this milestone. :D


Anyway, that's all I've got for now.

  • Club Leader

I hope I survive the night  :P


Sorry, Meesh, couldn't resist. I actually do have a reason to be worried about it.  ;)


That was an interesting post. Either you're mafia and building a nice smokescreen or yeah, I agree with you about Alanna.







  • Club Leader

I like that everyone is voicing their suspicions. It makes my job easier. I'd forgotten about Chrono. I'd forgotten that he's even playing. lol



Guest dragonsworn1991

Bah Humbug!!!!


1) I don't think we gained too much info from Pete's death; but then again I think that wasn't really the reason we ended up lynching him.  Better to risk a self-proclaimed vanilla townie than a random modkill that could hit the finder or healer.  We DO know he wasn't scum, at least.




Sounds a lot like my logic.


And I loved my death scene Talya


*Turns into the ghost of lynches past*


*Haunts everybody*


If I was mafia, why on earth wouldn't I have just jumped on Dragon's lynch? It's not because I wasn't here, because I was. I actively decided not to change my vote to him, unless at the very last minute, we still needed a vote to lynch (because I wouldn't have wanted no lynch). Also, sure, I admitted to having this strong gut feeling which is different for me, but I hardly think I would have actually pointed that out if I was mafia. If I was mafia, I wouldn't have wanted to draw attention to myself.


As for jumping on what Lily said, well, I always get accused of doing that, because I tend to like to hear what other people have to say before I say anything. For that very reason, to see if anyone else is thinking what I'm thinking.


I might have more to say but I have to go now.


To your very first question, Alanna, often mafia members split up their votes, so they aren't too easily associated with one another (as in, Mafia Joe votes for player A while Mafia Sally votes for player B).  I've played enough games as mafia to have experienced that many times.


To your point about jumping on what Lily said and how you like to hear what other people have to say first and to see if other people are thinking the same thing as you, I already answered that in my last post--Lily was saying the things she was saying because she wanted to pick a fight so she would get voted for so she could reveal.  Not because they were her honest-to-goodness truthful serious opinions of what she thought was going on.  Half of what she said was utterly ridiculous, and I almost voted her for that.  If you agreed with everything she said....



To Eebs (locke), that's mafia for ya. ;)


I've often thought about the long kinds of rants I could go on, but decide to just keep things simple.  Few things you say can really be taken one way or another. 


LOL I've tried to imagine how I would play as mafia too, Locke. I want to know if I would be good at being mafia :P





[glow=red,2,300]Vote Meesh[/glow] Not sure why she's pinging my radar so early, but it's mildly pinging. Well, maybe vibrating would be a better word  :P Sorta like a cell phone on vibrate....


This is what Lily initially said, and this is what I agreed with, that you were pinging my radar too. I honestly didn't pay much attention to what else she said about you, I just waited to see if you were on anyone else's radar. She didn't say anything about picking a fight with you until after I voted for you. Up til then, she behaved as though her vote was serious (or at least, as serious as a Day 1 vote ever is ;)). When she did explain she was trying to pick a fight, I didn't change my vote because, well, I was being honest when I said you were pinging my radar. I wasn't just trying to jump on some kind of bandwagon, or blindly going along with Lily.



To your very first question, Alanna, often mafia members split up their votes, so they aren't too easily associated with one another (as in, Mafia Joe votes for player A while Mafia Sally votes for player B).  I've played enough games as mafia to have experienced that many times.


I guess that makes sense, but I've never played as mafia before. I suppose you only have my word for that though, so I'm not going to press the point.


Oh, and I'm not sure why I'm more suspicious than the other couple of people who jumped on what I said. My reason may have just been a gut feeling, but at least it's a reason.




Damn it.

I went back and reread the whole thing, and I've gotta say I'm quite intrigued. Meesh did seem off to me, as others have mentioned... She's pinging the radar, but I may be off. I don't think Al is Mafia, but then again he's new, don't know how he plays. So, either meesh is Mafia, or else ellianora and wombat are. These days I'm very wary of everything Lily says, and although she's made what I feel are ambiguious comments, the lack of a counter claim underlines her role - make sure the healer protects her tonight. Wombat is harder to read, he hasn't posted much at all, Wolfie seems to be lurking, and although her post exacerbating Pete counts in her favour, she may just be a mild gambit for distraction. That's all I've got for now.


I hope I survive the night ;)


So I just read this whole thread again and I'd like to know your reasoning behind the dichotomy you have there with either Meesh being mafia or Elli and I being mafia.  I myself am pretty much baffled as to who is mafia and am hoping day 2 illuminates things for me (and that we don't get a really crippling nk of course).


1) I don't think we gained too much info from Pete's death; but then again I think that wasn't really the reason we ended up lynching him.  Better to risk a self-proclaimed vanilla townie than a random modkill that could hit the finder or healer.  We DO know he wasn't scum, at least.


That is not a good enough reason. I see where you're coming from, but you went in to this game with the attitude that Pete was "bloodthristy" etc. You reasoning is quite sound however.





So, either meesh is Mafia, or else ellianora and wombat are.


I hope I survive the night ;)

What do you mean by the italicized portion?  I'm simply curious here; I get why you would say "either Meesh is mafia or..." but I'm confused about your reasoning for Elli and Wombat.  I don't think you don't really have a reason, but you just didn't explain at all and so now I'm curious why you named those two as an "either/or" to balance me.

(also, I always get suspicious of people who say, "Oh, I hope I survive the night!" unless it fits their overall personality to say such things.  Smacks too much of scum trying to prove their innocence by saying things that would only make sense coming from an innocent.  There's no real reason to say you hope you survive the night if you're innocent; part of life as a townie is risking death every time night falls.  Hoping to survive is pretty much a given.)


I don't really want to say to much, partly cause I can't remember (4 mafia games at once  ;D) and partly cause I want to keep my reasoning to myself until I have more solid evidence. I simply saw a pattern in the way Elli and Wombat posted - I may be wrong, and as I've already said I have no idea how Wombat plays.




Well the obvious pattern to me is that we both claimed to have randomed Dragon at around the same time.  I can see how that might look suspicious in retrospect but I honestly did get an 8 from random.org.  If I had to guess I would say Elli wasn't lying about randoming Dragon either because at the time I don't think Dragon actually had so many votes on him, but the only people I can be sure about are myself and Dragon.  I did unvote Dragon when So many people said their guts said he was innocent but by then people wanted to lynch someone to avoid a random modkill.  I haven't seen any random modkills this being my first online Mafia game so I don't know if this was the right call.  Things could have been better, we could have lynched some scum, but things could also have been a lot worse.  Feel free to investigate me if you are who you say you are Lily.


I have nothing to hide Ellianora, Im a vanila townie. I have said that I may be wrong about you two, but even digging in the wrong place can somethimes find you interesting things.


Oh, and I didn't mention why earlier because I'm quite busy and was rushing. A-levels do that to ya  :)


For those who said that lynching Dragon would be better than a random modkill, if they were mafia, of course they'd say that, because they knew he was innocent and lynching him WOULD be better for them than a random modkill.


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