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Charmed mafia - Game over - congrats Charmed Ones, innocents, and Mottlee


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The night seemed to go by so fast! Morning came, and you look around, wondering if everyone survived.  Who is frozen today, you wonder? You count heads and realize that the only one missing is Jade. Did she survive? Is she just in another part of the house? You finally find a scorch mark, all that is left of Paige.



Jade, Paige Halliwell, Charmed One,  is dead


It is now Day. I won't put a time limit on it at this time. It should go quickly...




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Guest dragonsworn1991

[glow=red,2,300]min[/glow] I am suspicous of both cheris and nae is pinging my scumdar. So I would say alanna please select one and roleblock them and hope we atop the kill tonight

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Unless you have a godfather ability. Wouldn't that make things fun. If Alanna roleblocks you and there are no nightkills then that would be just as good as a finding

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True but the mafia could just as easily hold back the kill knowing you said that and make me look guilty.  The only 100 percent assurance I'm innocent is if you view me.


Alanna at this point it's probably best if he DOES reveal those he has already checked.  1. It narrows down the suspect list and 2. Without Jade he likely won't last long unless you find the right person to block.

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Unless you are the godfather then my viewins won't matter.


I have viewed boobsy wolfie min and Alanna. Alanna and myself are the only two confirmed innocents. Alanna please roleblock either nae or charis. I am leaning more toward nae but take your pick

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Do what you gotta do but relying on no nk to prove innocence or guilt is stupid because whoever is mafia has seen your little spiel about that proving the guilt of me or Charis.  That means whoever Alanna blocks will be targeted weather they are truly the mafia or not.


Don't forget she blocked Ellie the other night and there wasn't a kill. ;)

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First - [glow=red,2,300]Min[/glow]


Second - Alanna, pls dont waste a role-block on me as I have no night actions whatsoever. Seriously. I have no problem revealing if you'd like me to. I am simply a role-less townie. If you waste a blockage on me, the mafia would certainly win.

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I actually think anyone who hasn't revealed yet, at this point, should. It would help me out. And it's not like it would really put anyone in any more danger, because both Pete and I are already hugely at risk. It doesn't really matter, at this point.


So thanks for revealing, Charis.

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Anytime. I'm not sure why Pete keeps thinking I'm scum, but my leaning is on Ellianora and Naeann. I fell Mottlee is either too quiet b/c as a role-less townie there's not much to be responsible for, or it's a mafia tactic to keep him under wraps. Either way, the 2 sticking out are Elli and Nae.

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Vote Count:


Minuet (6) -  Naeann, Mottlee, Alanna, Dragon,  Charis,  Minuet


Not voting: Ellianora



The day seemed to fly by. You have to wonder, is time speeding up? Could that be the work of a demon?  :o Nearly everyone agreed that Minuet was indeed Barbas, the demon of fear.  Having spent the whole past day frozen in fear and unable to speak, Phoebe had a personal reason to want to kill this particular one. “Let me have him,” she smiled sweetly. Everyone else backed off, and gave her room. To start off, she sucker punched him in the nose “That’s for freezing me.” Everyone gasped as the glamour surrounding the demon slipped “And, this is for my sisters,” as she dropped kicked him.  Minuet flew backwards, and the glamour fell away, revealing Barbas’ true face and form.  At this point, the rest of the lynch mob could not hold back. Everyone grabbed a knife and advanced on Barbas. The crowd surrounded him, and soon all that was left of him was a flame or two, which soon winked out.


Minuet, Barbas, demon,  is dead



It is now night until Sunday at 10:00 PM MST, or until all night actions are in, whichever comes first.



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Guest dragonsworn1991

Character name please charis. And the way you and min played off each other reeked of scum and nae's over zealous plea for a viewing stinks of a godfather role. And if there is no nk tonight and we lynch an innocent tomorrow we have a better chance of lynching real scum the subsequint day. So if mafia do not kill tonight if they have the ability then the ploy is a losing gamble

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