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*grins, hugs and smooches everyone, and cuddles up on her Pirate's Lap, tickling his ear*


THANK YOU SO MUCH!  LOL  I LOVE all these SOCKS!  Lor..is that your class all showing off thier socks?  On my goodness I love that!..


*giggles* and all those sock pictures!  Where in the world do you find them you guys?  mystiekiss..not sure why the shawl picture but it is BEAUTIFUL!  What amazing work that is!  *grins*  I bet you look lovely in it too!  Definitly your color..and definitly NOT pink!


*chuckles*  so do we cut that amazing cake Sistermine..or unravel it?


*smiles and leans against Manny*


Thank you all...this thread and all of your wishes and love were the best part of my actual birthday!  I ended up spending the day in the emergency room and then in bed when I got home!  My home health nurse came to change my dressing, and when doing my vitals..my blood pressure was only 76 over 56.  VERY low.  I didn't know it, but when your BP drops below 90, your kidneys start to shutdown, and your brain kind of goes into a reserve power mode to sustain the body.  The lower it gets, well the less you can think basically.  Anyway..the poor nurse was panicked, and when it is under the 90 point HAS to call the patient's doctor.  She did, and mine sent me to the ER for evaluation.  However, when I got there, it had gone up to 119 over 68 or something like that, so they didn't do anything, but watch me for a couple three hours, checking all my vitals and asking if I felt sick and stuff like that, checking back with my doctor, who finally let me go home and I have to see her later this week for an evaluation.


Of course Bill wasn't home to take me, and the home nurse couldn't take me because of liability rules with her job, my daddy in law was gone, so I had to call my SIL, who was home thank goodness, but her reaction was, do you have to go?  and then I'll be there when I can..and then had to give her twenty bucks for gas and she never did remember it was my birthday!  When I got home, I just gave up on the day and went to bed! :)


BUT...:) as I fell asleep I kept seeing a cake that looked like a big ball of yarn, lots of feet in fantastic socks!  and felt all your good wishes in my heart!  So thank you!




And Bill made up for it the next day!  LOL  I got to have a "Princess Naya Day"!  We went shopping and he got me a new blouse, my very own blood pressure moniter, new jammies and NEW SOCKS!  very fuzzy, warm, red and pretty! LOL  He also took me to the mall and I got my hair cut, some Godiva truffles and then dinner at the Olive Garden!  My darling puppy gave me a Sealing Wax set of christian themed stamps and several sticks of wax!

*smiles*  So all in all it turned out to be a GOOD birthday this year!  Not the least of it being all of you!  I love you all!  Thank you!


OH..and taie those are incredible quilled flowers!  Lor, Tay, Jade..think you guys could make those?  Not sure I could!  Thank you sweets!

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*laughs* I always say "start with the icing and work inwards." So I'm all for unraveling it, love. Go ahead and give it a tug. ;)



And no, that's not my class. I googled. *hangs her head*


As for the flowers... *smirks* I make no promises. I did make you "My Hero" on my All About Me poster for school, though. I have to do one as an example, so they can see how to do it, and there's an article space in there to talk about a person who's had a good influence on your life. I picked my Twinny! I even found a pic you sent me, so your face will be in my hallway outside my door and I used my quilled flowers to make a frame for the article. I think you'd be impressed with it, once you got past the blush, anyway. *smiles and hugs* Love you, sistermine!

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*sniffles* Aww that made me cry Lor, your so right about how special she is to all of us. *snuggles on Twinny*  I am sorry to hear you had to go there on your bday sweetie but it does sound like the next day made up for it. Dang I wish I was closer I would so take you to the hospital and be with you on your bday. *nods* As for the flowers I might be able to, it seems to be simple rolls but they are layered and arranged to be 3-D.

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*blushes bright red*


OH you....*giggles*  I am impressed with YOU!  And this is much better than flowers!  *hugs tight*  It's like a Lor flower!  But you really prolly could make those quilled ones too!


Poor kids having to see me to find thier class room though...hope the absence rate doesn't go up...


I hope you take a pic of it...please!?!?  *is still blushing and grinning and teary* 


Jade you are exactly right and you could do it too!  its just instead of glueing them flat putting them in 3d!

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Thank you!  I did see it..lol weird and wonderful as it was!


*grins*  Lor actually made me speechless with this, which as most of you know doesn't happen to very often!  *grins*


You know, I think we really are twins in so many ways!  *smiles*  Just when I am at one of my most frustrated and having a worthless feeling...she comes up with this and I remembered how blessed I am and special and loved!  Thank you sisterlove!

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