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*** A Breach Of Conduct *** - FINISHED


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Lordy, what's gone on here?




No, seriously....what happened?  I come back from a training mission to find several levels of Tower Initiates in a dungeon, I'm part of a....suggestive story....and "Light Kara, those buttons don't resow themselves you know?"



  • Club Leader

Sorry for the double post...


Torrie, I just found time to read your story. Every time I started it, someone was determined to distract or interrupt me. Then Sam just told me he was featured in it, but didn't tell me that I was. That was a bit of a surprise. I laughed so hard. It was great!




*Takes Lily's hand and places a light kiss uon it*


Alas M'lady....my favor does not stand high with the Red Head.  She no doubts would enjoy seeing me in there with you.  Perhaps I can win your freedom with the Green Leader.  :-*


**Breathes deeply as she is lead of of the cell.**


Awwww! Fresh air! Fresh air!



After I turned the story in, I had a bunch of ideas to changing it. lol  Making it longer and more detailed.


**Pokes Lily through the bars**


Maybe your turn to be released will come soon.




Wow Elgee! That was fast.




I'm just wondering what I did that got me demoted! LOL! 


Great story, Torrie!


Disclaimer: no keyboards were destroyed in the reading of the story . . . but it was a close call.  Fortunately, I finished my drink before I started the story! LOL!


Hey, even the head cook in the books (or shall we call her the Mistress of the Kitchens?) dreamed of being Aes Sedai!


From Blue Ajah Head to Head Cook . . . *sighs*  Well, better that than a scullery maid! LOL!  Just for that, I'll give you a delicious fruit tart on your next visit to my kitchen.  ;D

  • Club Leader

Sam, my darling, just your being here brightens my days. You don't need to do anything foolish and get yourself locked up, too, love. And, whatever you do, under no circumstances, tell anyone they are smart. That was my crime.  :'(



  • Club Leader

*looks around* Hey! There's no kids here, no dirty dishes here, Min and Sam come to visit me, lots of friends in neighboring cells. I may stay here forever! *lies back with a smile on her face...and thinks a complete thought from beginning to end with no interruption*




could you all hold off on posting till Kara has assessed Elgee's performance, please? Otherwise she may have to search too many pages trying to find it.



Kara, link to Elgee's answer: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,47353.msg1275585.html#msg1275585


If she hasn't gotten time to judge it by the time I get back from home tonight, I'll do it instead so we can move on.


Thanks Mysty! I'd missed that.



Elgee I have judged you and found you are to be set free!  :D *nods to the guards and watches as they unlock the door*  ;D


*drags Elgee off to the Blue Ajah quarters for some remedial etiquette lessons*


;D  ;)


Mystica and Kara sat watching Elgee gather up her belongings and leave the dungeons, all the while muttering over daylight and the injustice of it all. The two Heads looked at each other, their bond communicating perfectly what each thought and then they turned to the remaining inhabitants of the Dungeon.


A quick glance on the list of names and Myst called out the next victom, um lucky candidate.



[glow=red,2,300]Mirshann[/glow], your quest is to build up a shopping street and reach the goals set for each city.

To win this challenge you must win 12 levels, which will make you the Shopping Mall Queen of 3 cities.

You will post a printscreen of your result here for judgement.

Your deadline is thursday night, so two full days.


Good luck!




Note: please refrain from posting here till Mirsh has seen and acknowledged her challenge so she doesn't miss it.


There once was a room for Mystica

although it was made with a twystica

the conspirators winked

for all had been pinked

which went and made Mystica pystica'd


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