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I dont like Matrim Cauthon


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In Mat's current characteristics, his gambling would be the only thing to dislike him over.

In the beginning of the series, his doing pranks would be another thing to dislike him over.


Other than those, Mat seems a nice guy.



In Mat's current characteristics, his gambling would be the only thing to dislike him over.

In the beginning of the series, his doing pranks would be another thing to dislike him over.


Other than those, Mat seems a nice guy.



those were some of the reasons why i like mat... and the spanking that aes sedai that one time...


I also love the gambling, prankster side of Mat.  I mean, if he were a real person I would hate that he's a prankster, because pranks in real life annoy me, I have to admit.  I go crazy on Aprils Fool's Day, and not in a happy way :P  But it makes him such a fun character.  I've heard some people say they didn't like Mat until the third book or so, because of his being such a prankster in the first couple of books, but I loved him from the start, because he was always causing mischief.


And again, in real life I'd probably feel more negatively to his gambling, but as a character, it's something I love about him.  I guess because it's not just the gambling, but his whole "taking chances" outlook on life.  And besides, he usually wins, so it's not really a problem for him ;D


And the scene where he spanks Joline is priceless.


I should probably be posting this in the thread for what's great about Mat, but... :-\

In Mat's current characteristics, his gambling would be the only thing to dislike him over.

In the beginning of the series, his doing pranks would be another thing to dislike him over.


Other than those, Mat seems a nice guy.

There are other reasons to dislike him.

In Mat's current characteristics, his gambling would be the only thing to dislike him over.

In the beginning of the series, his doing pranks would be another thing to dislike him over.


Other than those, Mat seems a nice guy.

There are other reasons to dislike him.


I couldnt find any... And his pranks made him my favourite character right away. You have to DO pranks to appreciate them ;D

(not Dark One just *do* on caps)

In Mat's current characteristics, his gambling would be the only thing to dislike him over.

In the beginning of the series, his doing pranks would be another thing to dislike him over.


Other than those, Mat seems a nice guy.

There are other reasons to dislike him.

You mean his behavior towards women?  Most of the time he seems to treat them kindly.

His apparent not caring who gets hurt?  That could be a reason; though he seems to be a person who does his duty whether he is aware or not.


That is all I could think of at this time.



The reason he isn't one of my top favorites is because he attempted to abandon Rand so he could gambol and chase girls. Although the only reason he came back was to save the Pre-Band guys,(a noble thing yes) . I've never been able to forget that about Mat. Right when your childhood friends needs you most you attempt to bail on him for very selfish reasons. Sure he didn't succeed but he did try, that says alot about him. Sure he matures and becomes better in the later books but I don't think that can quite make up what he almost did, I just wanted to point out the reason why he is shy of being one of my top favorite characters.


Saying that Mat abandoned Rand seems too strong to me.  It's not like he snuck off without telling him.  He told Rand he was going, and Rand said he was perfectly okay with it.  Whether Rand needed him or not (which I would argue he really didn't, at the particular point in time), he told Mat that he could go. 


And I guess it's just hard for me to feel particularly sorry for Rand as far as his friends leaving him are concerned, since he himself admits to using his friends when he needs them, for his own purposes.


In fact, though this is going a little further afield, part of Mat leaving at the particular time was his being ta'veren.  He wanted to leave before they went into the Waste, but he didn't because he could feel that he needed to stay with Rand a little longer.  But when he does decide to leave in FoH, he doesn't feel that same thing holding him back anymore.  I read that as because the next step for him in the Pattern was to go out and start up the Band (which wouldn't have happened if he hadn't tried to leave).   


Pfft. It does seem like the gambler type to run out on his friends and start up a Band someplace strange.


Saying that Mat abandoned Rand seems too strong to me.  It's not like he snuck off without telling him.  He told Rand he was going, and Rand said he was perfectly okay with it.  Whether Rand needed him or not (which I would argue he really didn't, at the particular point in time), he told Mat that he could go. 


And I guess it's just hard for me to feel particularly sorry for Rand as far as his friends leaving him are concerned, since he himself admits to using his friends when he needs them, for his own purposes.


In fact, though this is going a little further afield, part of Mat leaving at the particular time was his being ta'veren.  He wanted to leave before they went into the Waste, but he didn't because he could feel that he needed to stay with Rand a little longer.  But when he does decide to leave in FoH, he doesn't feel that same thing holding him back anymore.  I read that as because the next step for him in the Pattern was to go out and start up the Band (which wouldn't have happened if he hadn't tried to leave).   

True, but what got me, was that he left so he could gambol and chase girls, didn't want to hang around Rand to make sure things were okay,(you had forsaken in who knows how many places and plenty of Shadio Rand had fight in Cairhen) he is after all your friend and the dragon reborn and your entire exsitence rest on his success. I know Mat had doubts about Rand being the Dragon but by FOH he was just acting blind and stuburn, he is the dragon you have Min's viewing, Callandor, and forsaken walking around. And how exactly was Rand going to find Mat when he did need him,(the colors weren't around by then). And Mat didn't know about the Band thing when he walked off and that it was all to be.


Note that by the end of FOH-KOD I really like Mat. And perhaps it wasn't abandonment,( I forgot that he asked permission, I think a re-read of the series is something I got to do) but he did want to bail on Rand; most of the characters have thought about it one time or another but Mat is the only one to act on it.


I'm guessing 6+ pages for this thread.


And perhaps it wasn't abandonment,( I forgot that he asked permission, I think a re-read of the series is something I got to do) but he did want to bail on Rand,bmost of the characters have thought about one time or another but Mat is the only one to act on it.


It was part of the pattern that he left at that time.


He had to leave to meet Talmanes and start the band, kill Couladin, harry Rahvin's white lions, neet Olver, be a decoy for the Illian attack,  be diverted to Salidar to join the hunt for the Bowl of the Winds and to set the Salidar Aes Sedai moving. He found the Bowl, saved Elayne from the Golam, had a wall fall on him so he could meet Tuon, free some Aes Sedai, marry Tuon, carry her away, meet back up with Talmanes, killed thousands of Seanchan and set Tuon free so that she would marry him.


If you believe in the pattern, there really wasn't any choice at all.


And perhaps it wasn't abandonment,( I forgot that he asked permission, I think a re-read of the series is something I got to do) but he did want to bail on Rand,bmost of the characters have thought about one time or another but Mat is the only one to act on it.


It was part of the pattern that he left at that time.


He had to leave to meet Talmanes and start the band, kill Couladin, harry Rahvin's white lions, neet Olver, be a decoy for the Illian attack,  be diverted to Salidar to join the hunt for the Bowl of the Winds and to set the Salidar Aes Sedai moving. He found the Bowl, saved Elayne from the Golam, had a wall fall on him so he could meet Tuon, free some Aes Sedai, marry Tuon, carry her away, meet back up with Talmanes, killed thousands of Seanchan and set Tuon free so that she would marry him.


If you believe in the pattern, there really wasn't any choice at all.

I know, but just because he is destine to do something doesn't mean I have to like it. Just like I don't approve of things Rand and Perrin do even though it is the patterns descision. And Mat didn't have this kind of detailed foresight when he made the descision and neither did I or you when we read FOH.

Mat was just a douche bag and a whiner up until book three, after that though, he is the MAN.  When i do re-reads, I read up until the story of Manetheren being told in EotW and then skip to book three.


True, but what got me, was that he left so he could gambol and chase girls, didn't want to hang around Rand to make sure things were okay,(you had forsaken in who knows how many places and plenty of Shadio Rand had fight in Cairhen) he is after all your friend and the dragon reborn and your entire exsitence rest on his success.


You forget that as far as Mat knows at the time, Rand is also destined to go crazy and kill all his friends and loved ones (as LTT did). Moreover, being close to Rand seems to mean that the Forsaken, Shadowspawn and Darkfriends are always trying to kill not only Rand but those around him. Also Mat sees that Perrin was able to leave Rand's side. If Perrin why not Mat. Sure at this point Mat is still refusing to admit to himself that he himself has a special role to play, but he is growing and his aversion of being close to Rand is by all normal standards quite normal.


I can see Mat's side of wanting to get away from Rand.  He has a point, the guy is going to go crazy or is already as far as Mat can tell.  He has lots of people bowing to him and the Aiel protecting him.  It would be one thing if Rand wanted to confide in his friend and talked to him and spent time with him, but Rand by the time Mat actually decides to leave, Rand has no desire to confide in anyone.  So why would Mat think that Rand needed him around?  Darn it CUBAREY beat me to it...


Also in the first two books, we never see Mat through his own eyes.  We see him as his friends do, and they seem to judge him and expect him to screw up.  Granted he must have given them reason to see him this way, but they like him anyway, also for a reason.  Most of the things he says in the first two books are things that people think, it's just that Mat is one of those people who actually says it.  I think that the reason that he is easier to like later is that you get to see why he says and does what he does.  It's not that he is completely whiney, childish and irresponsible, it's that unlike Rand et al, he doesn't just accept whatever responsibility that people claim is his and go along with what they want.  He has to decide that it is his responsibility. 

In Mat's current characteristics, his gambling would be the only thing to dislike him over.

In the beginning of the series, his doing pranks would be another thing to dislike him over.


Other than those, Mat seems a nice guy.

There are other reasons to dislike him.
You mean his behavior towards women? Most of the time he seems to treat them kindly.His apparent not caring who gets hurt? That could be a reason; though he seems to be a person who does his duty whether he is aware or not.


That is all I could think of at this time.

How about his suicidal refusal to kill a woman, even at the expense of his own life? That sort of idiocy is rarely an endearing trait. Also, his refusal to accept responsibility, as evidenced by his continuing attempts to flee from his duty, is not exactly lovable.
Also, his refusal to accept responsibility, as evidenced by his continuing attempts to flee from his duty, is not exactly lovable.


Thats what I like about Matt though. He grumbles about what hes doing, saying he should quit or leave, but still he doesnt. I like how he hates being a Lord yet he still acts like one, and I like the fact that when Mat says "I am no bloody Lord!" at that precise time you can bet your left-and right, if you have one-testicle that he is, in fact, being a Lord.

Also, his refusal to accept responsibility, as evidenced by his continuing attempts to flee from his duty, is not exactly lovable.


He hasn't tried to flee from his duty as he saw it, ever.  Even Egwene and Nynaeve acknowledged that--if he saw something as his responsibility or swore an oath, nothing would stop him from it.


He tried to flee from Rand and be normal, but that's kind of understandable.  It was Rand that was the 'bloody Dragon reborn'.  Mat?  Mat is a guy from the Two Rivers who enjoyed stuff, but he wasn't anyone special.  Moiraine kept telling him he was ta'veren and wanted to manipulate him, but he didn't sign up for any of this.


Once he started realizing that he did have to do this, acknowledged his duty (transition is around The Fires of Heaven/Lord of Chaos), he faced it right sharp.


You can say he was trying to 'flee from his duty' before book 5 or so, but hey.  He doesn't have our omniscient viewpoint.  WE knew he was really important.  He was told this by people he had reasons to distrust.  Hell, the first thing he does when he leaves the tower is go save the Wonder Girls, because he felt he had a duty to them.


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