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September Check In!


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Ok it's that time of year...when all kinds of new movies come out, and all the networks go nuts building up thier new shows for the season! So tell us what you're looking forward too,anticipating..the time slot that we can expect to NOT see you here this fall!!!


Will you be Dancing with the Stars?  Getting tips from The Nanny? Checking on those Desperate Housewives? or maybe one of those initial shows like BSG? Lost? or in New York with the detectives and lawyers that keep us on track in the library of Law and Orders?


here's the remote!

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*grabs the remote*


Ok you'll lose me on Monday and Tuesdays for sure..lol!  I'll be Dancing with the Stars and wishing I could dance!  I'm also fascinated by Boston Legal and totally addicted to House! LOL


There are tons of movies coming out too!  i really want to see The Women, and the Spike Lee one ..think it's called The miracle of St Anna?


*tosses remote to next poster*

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Ah, thanks to being a mother, I went from not watching much TV to becoming a junkie. *laughs*


Ghost Hunters started about two weeks ago (almost 3), so that's where I am on Wednesdays. True Blood started last weekend, so that's where I am on Sundays. Dancing with the Stars starts on the 27th, so that's where I'll be on Mondays and Tuesdays...


*laughs* Throw in my RL stuff, like the class i'm taking on Monday's 'til 8, BUNCO on Tuesdays once a month and dancing on Thursdays... damn, I'm busy...


As for movies... I don't get to see them in the theaters, since my DH is horrible for saying "It'll be on HBO next month," so, while I may watch a preview and say "wow, looks cool!" I'm not really looking forward to anything in the theater at the moment.

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Ursula....I know.  I was so mad when they canceled New Amsterdam. 


I only have 1 hour of awake, not eating/sleeping time a day with my family, so I watch TV online at work.  <<..>>


I'll probably check out Dancing this season.  Watching Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles, and Til Death. 

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Just peeking in . . .


I’m not much of a TV watcher.  Evenings are spent helping my boys with homework, and doing laundry, dishes, etc.  When I do watch TV, it’s typically stuff like Mystery Diagnosis, Trauma - Life in the E.R., Medical Incredible, Animal Cops, etc.


This reminds me . . . I must remember to post an LOA for next week.  I’ll be TDY and the quarters on base do not have internet access.  Gah!  No internet?  Waaaaaaah . . .  *runs off, wailing*


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I watch so little TV on TV.  Except for football.  All day Sunday and Monday evenings, it's football for me.  And when I'm feeling particularly in the need for a fix, I'll watch College football, which seems to be on all the freaking time.  But I can see the TV from my computer desk (even if I have to turn around for it) so a lot of the time I'm watching football I can still be online as well.


I am curious about the Dancing With The Stars this year.  Warren Sapp, who was with my Tampa Bay Buccaneers the year we won the Superbowl, is apparently one of the stars.  I will probably fail miserably at actually sitting down to watch it, because I can't do routines, like ever, but I may make an effort to.


You'll most likely lose me to watching subtitled anime on the computer with the husband or playing Civ 4.  Mmm, I love me some Civ.

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Warren was AWESOME last week, Quis! I'm thoroughly impressed that a man his size can move like that!


I can't decide who I'm rooting for this season. I just love watching them dance. *eyes Dana and sighs* I love dancing...

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I don't really watch more or less depending on the season, but mostly depending on how I feel. And lately I've not felt much motivated to come on the boards, so I'm watching more tv as a result.


I like House, the CSI's, lost (though im completely lost myself, not having seen the 2nd or 3rd season), movies, criminal minds, stargate, ummm... whatever is on actually when I feel like glaring at the tv screen. :look



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*nods at Lor*


I am amazed at Warren too!  But there isn't really any stand outs this season for spectacular dancing!  Chloris needs to go though!  Lovely and funny as hell..she can't dance!  and folks that really are trying to dance are getting kicked off...*grumbles kindof*


i am finding I like House more and more...and boston leagal..and saw the new Knight Rider last night...it was kind of fun!

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I've actually been doing very well at avoiding watching TV the last couple of weeks, and I've really noticed improvement in my ability to focus and concentrate. I think always having the TV on in the background at home was causing some sort of brain rot for me. :-[


Strangely, I've noticed the improvement despite the fact that I'm still getting TV shows to watch on DVD via Netflix. I wonder if it's the omnipresent commercials that were causing my brain drain, or the fact that I would have shows playing that I wasn't really interested in, just so I always had background noise going.


At any rate, I'm really enjoying watching Highlander (from the 90's), in DVD quality and sans commercials! ;D

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