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~§~ A walk down memory lane ~§~

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A spotfine that is currently being done by one of our longstanding members got me thinking that it might be fun to reflect on some memories we all have from our time in the Band so far. I also thought that some of our newer members (and maybe even non-Banders) might find it fun to read up on some annecdotes, experiences, memories that have made their way into the Band and the Banders' minds.



So step right up, dig into your Band history and share with us some of your most treasured, fond, funny, embarrassing, weird, rare, mysterious, etc memories of your time in the Band of the Red Hand.





A kind of "This is your life" or "True Hollywood Story"?  Maybe "Behind the Banders" interview?


Or maybe a top 10 spotfines of all time?


um not sure what you're exactly asking there Mynd. Basically it's any recollection of Band experiences Banders have had in their 'Band-life' that has stuck to their heads as 'fond, fun, weird, strange, etc... (see my original post) memories'. Sort of like a 'oh remember when.....' thing.


Well I have one for you. It's definitely one of my favourites as it involved all kinds of people.


Manny and his pirates "kidnapped" myself, Twin, Brid, Cads, Kris and Lani and "stole" us away to an island somewhere. :D Clues were left behind in odd places for Spacey, Ash, Kieran, Froix etc to find, work out and come rescue us. This was all in a role play format in the Cavalry board and it went on for ages. *laughs* Froix fell asleep as usual and almost got left behind in a sinking ship after a fight with Seanchan and I believe someone *angel* threatened Manny with their daggers. There was a lot of dancing round bonfires at the end and it was the start of Kris and Kie's banding. Much hilarity and really good times!! Nice to have people from each regiment involved too. *nods*


I was just having a rummage through my room for something else, and I stumbled across the origins of the Band! Yes, all my papers on the set up of the Band from when I first took over! I'm just having a look through now...it brings back happy memories!  :)


hmm...yes i thought at the time your idea to become an org leader right in the middle of the most important exams of your life was a mad idea. stilll.....first year was alot of fun. most people wont remember...apart from corki. it was a time when everyone had a sense of fun and toleration and turned a blind eye if they didnt agree with something. for example people who didnt like pranks just ignored them and didnt complain. then mallett created the redarms and gave out the best spot fines of all time - again, all in the name of fun. none of the spot fines since have matched them.



I remember the last interreg Joust DJ ran.  I signed up expecting to get clobbered.  And who would I get paired up against, but the last two champions, Dicetosser and Kara.  I held water against Dice long enough to make it to the tiebreaker question.  Unfortunately he was forced to withdraw then....but that advanced me to Kara who finally got me on her third and final question.  I hope there will be another one soon, and maybe I'll get off my keister and get a interreg Carnival event going. 


You're supposed to be making those awards and things for that interreg Carnival I suggested Sam. :P


And I'd enjoy taking part in an interreg joust, if they get one going again. :)


I have to think of this years Bel-Tine festival. The Turkey Shoot with me and Snin which was absolutely insane. I would like to apologize to the game mods for that. But it was like we had to be one ahead of the other.  :P


I remember that Sis!  That was awesome.


I have two that I can remember off the top of my head.


First, when Tay ran off from a certain regiment when she was an RR and pretended to be a guy.  That was great.


Second, when I was a RR with the Archies and I was to help Shadowhelm put on a Talent show.  He was going to take over the Archer regiment with Cad's ill begotten children, but I ratted him out and they were ready for him. 


Great times. 




Well, I have the spot fine to do this, so I figure, I'll put the ones that are done so far here.


Once upon a time there was an Infantry Banner Captain named Taymist. She later on became the Under Commander of the Band, but this story took place when she was just a wee bitty thing just coming out of her recruit days. Her English was so broken and fragmented with Scots that it was hard to understand the point that she was trying to get across. Many's the time I had to step in as translator and inform the other infants what she was saying. She was always nursing the sick infants that didn't want a brew, or helping the hung over ones have one more drink. And when a brawl would come around, no one threw the throwing steins better than she.


But as time went on and seasons changed, so did Little Taymist. She grew in wisdom and in the English language. Made friends and enemies... The friends she kept, the enemies she buried. And such is the tail of Taymist the Banner Captain turned Under Commander.


The next story I have for you is about a dear sweet lovable never duplicated often imitated exquisitely unique Banner Captain, Footman.


I first met Footy when he was the Recruitment Officer of the Band. It was pre office of the XO even... I think in fact, I had to change the badge to say XO while he was in office... When I first met him the infantry was a tiny place - several taverns, we did have a smithy, and another tavern...the barracks were one story high, and we didn't have an officer's quarters. Footy dressed solely in his pink loin cloth - which was a lot fresher looking back then - and strode around shoving recruits in latrines and told us we had to dig the pits by hand. It was a grueling and hard time with Footy as recruit dictator as we fondly called him.


There was a time when the Tavern of the Red Hand first opened - only in its fourth rebuilding - that he had the tables and chairs made from heart stone so there would be no more breakage... cept I believe our dear Marshall General broke his hand on the table first off. Of course this was also when Crusader's Redemption was almost named "Daisy-Cutter" by none other than General Grawl. Such times these were.


The next is about my spotfine giving friend, Musty.


So, once upon a time there was a now Banner Capitan named Mystica. She was a willy nilly sort of a girl back in her recruit and early infantry days, always had to keep your eye on her. Just after her time as a recruit, after she chose the infantry as her home, she had to spar against me in order to obtain the rights to access into the Infantry private areas. At this time Mystica was new to the blade and her best friend was little Woodsy, her training sword. She squared up to spar against me and put on a very valid showing - even when woolhead came in with a sledgehammer knocking us both aside and tossing Mystica into a moat - something Mystica herself was often fond of doing to anyone that stood still long enough. She returned to the spar with a vengeance and learned that moment why fighting with a cool head was better than acting on temper. I then made a mistake of backing her up to the door of her lair, to which she escaped into and pulled out a fire hose and turned it on me and the audience that had come to watch her get her bottom handed to her. The spar dissolved into a mud wrestling match that I believe ended when K'Jar and Wilson came and stole fair Myst away.


The moral of this fair story is to remember that no matter what... Mystica will aways bring a fire hose to a sword fight.


We come now to the story of the Infantry's very own Rock Star. This Stella's guzzling Apollo has been here as long as I can remember. Many is the time that he and I have sat drinking a fine brew and discussing music, or the people in music that he knows. In fact, I believe I owe my first born to Andrea Corr... hmm wonder if I still have to make good on that. This lyric slinging, guitar playing, globe trotting rocker can often be seen dropping in to the Traveling and Music org when he can spare a moment or get an internet connection. He'll often regale us with a tale of concerts and road trips. Stories from bus trips have long been my favorite. He tends to split time between England and the USA... and all places in between.


One fond memory I have was during one of my stints as CG when the officer's quarters were first built. He sneaked into my office and installed a brew dispenser under the desk and made sure that all the fine bottles of Stella's were easily within my reach. Ahhh... such were the times. I still say a good Smithwicks and I'm a happy girl.


Of Hairless Archers and Channelling Cavalry


Once upon a time, in the days when Spotfines were a new idea, Regiments were called "Divisions," and the Archers and Cavalry were involved in an intensely heated rivalry, two friendly rivals sat at the helm of their respective Divisions. Leane Shariff and F Horn of Valere, or Leane and Horn, each served as Captain Generals for the Archers and Cavalry, respectively.


It all started on one glorious december day at Dragonmount. Marshal-General Corki was doing a special in the Band of the Red Hand, called the 12 Days of Christmas. Using an alias, he announced, in an unprecidented move, a Lawless Day in the Band.


Leane struck first, spilling brew all over the unsuspecting Horn, but Horn had a far more devious plan in mind. Horn jumped on the opportunity, for you see, Horn could channel. Leane and Horn's rivalry had infact started in the novice/algae quarters in the White Tower, but while Leane could channel saidar, Horn had also joined the Black Tower and was strong with saidin, and as a member of the Kin, he could channel saidar as well. Seizing the opportunity, and seizing saidin, Horn viciously forced a block on Leane to prevent her from embracing saidar. After tying it off, he added insult to injury by binding her with tight weaves of Air. Leane was his.


With Leane safely secured, Horn began his fun. It was payback time for all the messes she had put him in while they had fought in the White Tower. After devoting much thought to what he could possibly do to the Archer Captain General, Horn finally decided on striking something which Leane loved: her hair. Mercilessly, Horn laughed a cruel and hard cackle as he turned on his clippers. The buzzing was music to his ears as stroke by stroke long clumps of hair fell slowly to the ground. A helpless Leane could do nothing as she lost all of her hair.


As the end of the day neared, Horn pondered the idea of what he could do with his prize. The lawless day was near its end, and with it was its fun, but Horn quickly devised a perfect finishing touch. Horn proudly marched into the Infantry Division's own Tavern of the Red Hand, his prize in tow. Taking some rope, he tied her up before releasing the bounds of air, and with that same rope, hung her from the rafters. From that gift of the Archers Captain General spawned a new friendship between Horn and some of the Infantry. Horn soon left the Tavern, but as he left, he could hear the sound of laughter as the Infantry members saw what he had done.




But... as a footnote... I should add that Leane-supporters do have a happy ending... Sheli came by with some Hair-Grow potion to grow Leane's hair back, and soon after she helped Leane escape the Tavern. Shockingly, the incident also happened to be a key moment in the good friendship between Horn and Leane as the guided their Regiments on in a new era of fun cooperation.


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