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***TRAITORS IN THE BLACK TOWER*** Mafia game thread.


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im relatively new to this game, but im sure everyone would say something to throw people off their track


and the way Loki tries to defend himself makes it look like he is hiding something, so my vote stands

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quote]That was damn suspicious - the only way this early you could definately know they aren't finder is if you were one yourself (if there is another finder out there, please DONT REVEAL). As Nae said its just not done[\quote]


Actually, Nae is saying that you should never vote for a player that reveals as the finder until there is proff that they lied. If there is a true finder out there, it would be up to them  whether or not to reveal, but it is generally accepted that outing a mafia is worth revealing.


CRIPE people!! This place is mad.  You NEVER vote someone who did a role reveal until you have hard evidence that they are LYING LIARS WHO LIE!  *glares at Korin and LOTD*  Unvotes  I'm watching you two now.[\quote]




Last time - preview does not show quotes -


That was damn suspicious - the only way this early you could definately know they aren't finder is if you were one yourself (if there is another finder out there, please DONT REVEAL). As Nae said its just not done[\quote]


Actually, Nae is saying that you should never vote for a player that reveals as the finder until there is proff that they lied. If there is a true finder out there, it would be up to them  whether or not to reveal, but it is generally accepted that outing a mafia is worht it.


CRIPE people!! This place is mad.  You NEVER vote someone who did a role reveal until you have hard evidence that they are LYING LIARS WHO LIE!  *glares at Korin and LOTD*  Unvotes  I'm watching you two now.[\quote]


It looks like I'm letting my dog type my posts, I know -


I'm just rushing because I don't have much time. I'll slow down...... :p


Well im sorry Wes, naturally there is a huge difference between Nae saying "Don't vote unless you have proof" and me saying "The only way you could know they aren't mafia is by being the actual finder"


I'll just shut the hell up because obviously we should all leave it to you as i know nothing and my contribution is unneccessary


And i did say please don't reveal...




Loki (7): Clim, Tay, LotD, Jelly, Demi, Korin, Loki

Jelly (1): TMD

LotD (2): Loki, DPR, Eclispe

Korin (2): Vemy, Dae


With 14 players it takes 8 to lynch


I won't put a time limit on this....yet.


:-[ okay...thanks



Loki (7): Clim, Tay, LotD, Jelly, Demi, Korin, Loki

Jelly (1): TMD

LotD (2): DPR, Eclispe

Korin (2): Vemy, Dae


With 14 players it takes 8 to lynch


And he shouldn't be able to vote to lynch himself, that's just ludicrous, but considering the source, it's par for the course...


wes darling you slashing the wrong way its a / instead of \ :-*


and people people chillerise, its only mafia, your meant to have fun ;D


um well some people are going to have to change their vote or the two that arnt need to vote other wise the mafia are going to have a chance at two night kills




Why you ask? Because he voted for Loki after Loki claimed that he is the finder. I do be pretty sure that you not suppose to do that unless you have Brain problems.


No offense K man


I'm going with [glow=red,2,300]Lotd[/glow].  I dunno how experienced he is at the game but i know Korin is a newb to it.  It could very well have been a newbie mistake on his part.


The best game was when demi narrowed his eyes and said he looked like a killer then everyone voted for him and he died and was the protector lmao :)


Loki (7): Clim, Tay, LotD, Jelly, Demi, Loki, TMD

LotD (3): DPR, Eclipse, Nae

Korin (3): Vemy, Dae, Blig


With 14 players it takes 8 to lynch


Okay, I'm getting bored now, so you have until 9pm (BST or GMT+1) tonight to get a lynch...or else!


methinks crow wants his double night kill ;) 

you all better lynch someone - or talya is going to throw a hissy fit ;D ( :-* )


ok lets look at your options now


1)theres lynching me, which will either get you;


a fake claiming mafia and lieing liar who lies, and will make all the people still on me look a little less quilty, apart form accusations of kivam gambitry and the like


a not to shabby healer (even if i do say so for myself but i did get bonus points the last time i was healer so ner :P ) who can help find you the rest of the mafia- and will make all the people that voted me look mafia


2) a no lynch;

the mafia have a chance of a double kill, but you have more time to investigate my claim, and if its false then you lynch me to find me as mafia, or if its true, you have your finder still alive


3) a lynch on crow/laurel which will give you even more information, and the only thing your likely to lose is an innocent but you might get a mafia (this is recomended since lynching me might get you a mafia , but might get you a finder ..see the logic ..also with a no lynch  if the mafia get two NK's they have more likelyhood of hitting the healer, and two kills is always bad) , + the whole investigating my claim business (a la point 2) )


so anyway, i was hoping to teach you all that 'lynching a claimed finder is really really really stupid' but it seem (just about) that enough people know that since the other six voters  are sensible enough i think


so im going to go back to my original choice [glow=red,2,300]laurel (LotD)[/glow]


Loki (6): Clim, Tay, LotD, Jelly, Demi, TMD

LotD (5): DPR, Eclipse, Nae, Loki, Dae

Korin (2): Vemy, Blig


With 14 players it takes 8 to lynch


Day 1 ends 9pm (BST or GMT+1) tonight



So what's the deal? Clim, Tay, Demi, & LoTD have not even shown up yet?  Hmmmmm.


Jelly has shown up, but has left her vote on Loki. Hmmmmm.


TMD unvoted, but then put his vote back on Loki. Hmmmmm.


Where are Vemy and Blig?


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