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New Instruments coming to Rock Band... or not...


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The Harp – Sure, it sounds fun. I mean, who wouldn’t want to play all the Joanna Newsom songs in her catalog? But the harp peripheral that comes with Rock Band is complete bunk. First, there are 175 buttons. So many, in fact, that the colors on the fretboard are nothing but very small shades of each other. If you’re color blind, forget it. Also, the thing weighs, like, 100 pounds. Plus, you need to buy an extra monitor to watch your fretboard, which doesn’t make you feel much like you’re part of the band. And there’s nothing that quite kills the “rock” vibe like Boston’s “Foreplay/Long Time” immediately followed by “Bridges and Balloons.”


Triangle: The Rock Band triangle peripheral is just too hard. In order to play this low self-esteem child's attempt at being part of an orchestra, you need to stand in the ready position for the entire song and count, out loud, every beat in the song in ascending order until the very end. Then you get to hit the triangle once. And if you get it wrong or miss it, your entire band fails immediately--and trust me, if you're playing the triangle, you will miss it. Don't even get me started on the boredom of the solo world tour mode.


Spoons: Last March when it was announced that the Spoon peripheral for Rock Band would be hitting store shelves by year’s end, I was amped. Finally, I'd be able to relive some of the memories of playing spoons in my high school grunge band. Then, when they were finally released, they had wires, long, unwieldy ones! What the hell? Of course, you could pay $150 for the wireless ones, but who wants to spend that kind of money? That’s not to mention the high failure rate. Apparently, slamming the spoons against each other and your outer  thigh really doesn't jibe well with the sterling silver (gold if you got the overly expensive, wireless ones) peripherals. Way to show a lack of foresight. Still, being able to play Soundgarden’s “Rusty Cage” and “Blow Up the Outside World” made it all worthwhile.


Rain Stick:  Every time my girlfriend wants to play Rock Band, she brings over her rain stick and it¹s a real drag on the proceedings. While adding nothing to the song but white noise, this peripheral still takes up one third of the screen and even on expert poses no kind of challenge, even for her. It's most annoying on songs that don't have rain stick in the original master recording. Suffragette City, Paranoid, and Run to the Hills were not meant to have a friggin' rain stick. Furthermore, this failed RB instrument is tearing us apart. In fact, I'm breaking up with my girlfriend tonight and inviting all my friends over to play Rock Band for real. Mike, you're not allowed to bring that stupid harp so don't even ask.



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Don't forget how SD abuses the trolls too, especially if they live under the bed. o.O


I actually did see a display for a fog and light show instrument for rock band.  If it's interactive, it would be the literal translation of Rock Band; The Roadie/Stage Hand Experience.  It was "coming soon" at gamestop.  yeesh.

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Alas, I was funny in my previous post, and as required of me, I must now post a paragraph explaining myself. First, how was I funny? Well, I made a joke about SinisterDeath's sexual preferences, and at the same time made a joke about how Cadsuane is little more than a sexual object (not true btw). Why did I do it? 1. It is generally expected of me, 2. It comes naturally to me, 3. I just couldn't resist. I was doomed from the moment I read SD's "NOOOOOOOOOO!" comment.


To Cadsuane I apologize for the rude joke, to Raena I apologize for failing at the task I am required to complete, and to everyone else I apologize for making you read this.

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  • Community Administrator

Alas, I was funny in my previous post, and as required of me, I must now post a paragraph explaining myself. First, how was I funny? Well, I made a joke about SinisterDeath's sexual preferences, and at the same time made a joke about how Cadsuane is little more than a sexual object (not true btw). Why did I do it? 1. It is generally expected of me, 2. It comes naturally to me, 3. I just couldn't resist. I was doomed from the moment I read SD's "NOOOOOOOOOO!" comment.


To Cadsuane I apologize for the rude joke, to Raena I apologize for failing at the task I am required to complete, and to everyone else I apologize for making you read this.


I don't see how me protesting the idea of making the guitar hero series 'gayer' leads you to question my sexuality.

Now, had I said I liked the Winsconsin, Fudge Packers, that would have been an entirely expected!


/goes off to eat some chili dogs

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Cosmic:  Some of us do not have the muscial talent it takes to play in a real band.  Not to mention that it would take years of practice to even be considered for a band.  With this game, we can play songs.. well... immediately with friends.  I am not saying that the game is better than real bands.... nor playing the game takes more skill than playing an instrument. 

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