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What Do you Like to Write About (in RPs)?


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I think the topic is fairly self-explanatory ;)  What do you enjoy writing for your character?  Romance, parties, ferocious battle scene?  Politics, manipulation, betrayal?


Call this an idle curiosity, of sorts.  I've found that a lot of the topics that people tend to write about.. well.. bore me stiff, and I find it hard to find people to write with when no matter how much myself and someone else I'm friends with want to write together, we absolutely are unable to find a middle ground to write in.


So, I guess use this as a way to shout out what you like to write about.. and perhaps you guys and myself both can find someone new to write with who wishes to explore similar themes ;) 


For instance, I like things with a splash of comedy (and Tig, your twins *are* win there :D), character interaction on a non-romantic level (but not necessarily friendships, either!), things that give further insight to the characters being written while not necessarily codifying them one way or the other ('cause people aren't black and white - we're all shades of gray :D), and in general taking a low-key approach to the story.  I figure that we can't all be the big wigs in the world we're writing, so it's more fun to take a stepped-back approach instead of insisting on the limelight.


So yeah, hopefully that babble made a lick of sense :D


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Hmm... I don't know, it depends on my Muse.


Usually when making a post i recall her personality, what she's like, her history... Basically what i know about her. What she did in previous threads works as well. Then i look at the situation she's currently in, and get a 'feel' for what she'd be likely to do.


This is different from actual planning, since at times the answer is really unexpected. This is the part i love about RPing, since it makes my characters actual people rather than puppets.


So yeah... It depends too much on what they'd be likely to do. They could either fall in love, get into an argument or start a sparring match, and i really have no way of telling what's going to happen until the situation actually comes up (though usually i can get a pretty good indication of what they're likely to do ^^; )

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Well, most of the time I always tried my best to stick to the books, for some reason. Not the rules... the actual 'stigma' that comes with every character. An Aes Sedai needs to be fierce and stoney, An Aiel should be all strength and indifference, a CotL should be insane....  so my RPing was mostly serious like, if not casual. Lately, though, i've let the comedy sip in a bit more...and I think that makes RPing funner for me and also a better read for other people.


I do some drama RPs here and there, but I always really think them through so they're more likely to make someone sigh rather then roll his/her eyes and go "What a DRAMA queen."  LOL





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Yep... my RP persona is a perv. 


Ok not really...  but I know some of you were shaking your head in agreement.  That hurts...


I like a RP that has nice twist and turns.  That when people read it they get drawn into it.  That is when I am RPing for serious.  I am not about that anymore.  I think if I were to RP again, I would RP for comedy and to amuse myself.  I gotta find a division that will except my bios though as the WT hates me.  *shakes fist at them*  I hate you too now!!!

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I tend to like more true to life RP's with a little drama and toss in some humor. With most of my characters it tends to be a dry humor, or a personal little laugh.


There is something about writing an overly dramatic evil bitch that always tickles me as well.


I try to take it on an RP by RP basis and I am up for writing about anything, but those are my favorite.

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I'm still very much finding my feet here at DM, so I've tried to keep my RP low-key, more about the Novices I'm greeting than about "myself".  I say TRY ... it seems my character has other ideas.


The other site I rp at, where I'm the Red HoA, my char is a total drama queen ... i LOVE that! I get to flounce and slap men and throw things at them; I even got into a screaming match with another Red, until Momsy had to seperate us ... but somehow I'm guessing that won't go down well here at DM hehehe


Basically, there are 2 things I like: humour, and focussed "ready to go to war" mode.  Usually I try to temper it a bit for every day RP, so that my character is true to what I think would be WoT behaviour.


Question: does anyone else feel totally drained after writing an RP? I tend to pour my heart and soul into it, so much so that I can do only one, maybe two, a day.

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There are times when I would write with Eqwina that I could feel every emotion that she felt. As silly as it feels, even to me sometimes, I can't help myself. So worry not Elgee, you are not alone!

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Yay twins!!!!!! ;D


Yeah, I like a splash of comedy in mine. A lot of my chars have some sort of inner conflict, so that's always fun. Some just have a natural humor! *yay Twins*


But mostly, I stick to writing in character, and they just write themselves. It just happens to be funny. ;D

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I hear that one a lot, Tig - that the characters write themselves.  I guess I understand on some level - I know that X character is unlikely to do Y thing, but some people I've chatted to in the past on the subject seem to think that their characters are totally destined to go a specific way... and that's something that I totally can't get.  Perhaps that's because I'm not a super-prolific writer, perhaps it's because I'm not as in touch with my characters as some other people (though inclined to disagree there - I think their base traits out very carefully before I even put a word into the bio! :D), or perhaps it's because I try to leave a fair amount of wiggle room to them all so they aren't 'stuck' doing something.  Dunnae :D

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I agree with Tig - especially my 2 Reds usually write themselves, more than I dictate to them.  I'll be staring at the screen, thinking up something, and the next minute it will just start to flow.  It's not so much that it's different from what I'd planned, but that I don't really plan it at all.


My novice I struggle with, though.

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Yeah, most of my characters write themselves, the ones that don't generally get sidetracked in favor of others though.


I can generally get a good impression writing a bio though. If i manage to write the entire thing in one single go, it's usually a good sign. If i can't for some reason... Well, i rethink the concept and try again ^^;

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Lots and lots of intrigue, I also like to write about battles. Battles when planned correctly totally get an adrenline rush for me. Although I have done my fair share of romance scenes, I think that's the least important of writing for me.

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Human interest and emotional for me, not necessarily dramatic or majorly important. The development of my char and how she interacts with the world and people around her are really at the core of my writing as well as keeping it as true to the Books as possible. My wolfkin pretty much writes herself and she reacts in ways I don't expect. My novice is too new to tell so far. The two Aes Sedai (Amyrlin and Green Sitter) that I play on another site are total opposites and again, they seem to just flow.



Like Jade I love battle scenes or combat. So my next bio is a Band one lol. ;D

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Actually Jeh, that's totally awesome, and I think I know what you mean.  I usually start with a nugget of an idea, and flesh it out.  I'm thinking of starting to keep a part of my Notebooks of Power™® set aside for scribbling out new bio ideas and fishing them out when applicable :D


I find I do have an easier time knowing what's going on in my newer character's heads than in Raeyn, who I've been writing on and off for seven years.  I mean, I know what's up there, but she's one of the old scary Sisters around the Tower, so it's difficult for me to figure out how to bring her back to interacting with more people.  Some ideas are in the works, though ;)

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I do like writing day to day stuff, as sometimes the ordinary shines when the extraordinary is commonplace.  I love writing things with twists and turns, and most of all I love comedy!  Dilora is a funny character, and quite sweet with it.  I love working funny songs into her posts.

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I just type and see what comes out. It's always the character's I've created on a whim that turn out to be the best to RP. Like my Red on another site *winks at Elgee* She was created merely so another character could have an argument with her. Now she's been sent off here, there and everywhere and her character development has taken off without my say in the matter...her posts almost write themselves. I do like to include friction and a bit of humour in my posts.

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Alas, there's no real overlap yet.  I mean, yes, I do have two White Tower characters, but unless you want to volunteer yourself to be a study subject for my White (Lillith), I'm not thinking up much possible interaction right now... and I am thinking that a one-on-one there would end up with quite a few trips to Lari *weg*

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lol, amongst my characters are a fiery Novice (knowing her OP scores, in more ways than one ;D), a confident Wolfkin (that knows nothing of wolves) and a deeply religious CotL trainee...


...Ironically, my Novice already is at Lari's with Lillith at the moment XD

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*grins*  I'm honored to be able to blame my grand master plan for my character on your Novice ICly ;)  Of course, I'm sure that it's going to drive her right batty, what with the crazy crop of new girls that appear to have arrived ;)

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Hee, I'm horrid at coming up with plotlines independently (and by that, I mean I have the VERY rare flash of awesome inspiration.. VERY rare).  BUT!  If you want to brainstorm an idea out, I'm willing to do that :)

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