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Happy Birthday to some very special people!

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First and foremost, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARUYA!. My lovely and wonderful minty is getting another year younger!  ;) I hope you have an awesome day! *snuggles* You deserve it!


And secondly, Happy Birthday to Harry Potter  ;) I just wish I had the same birthday as him *grins*

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Thanks, Nia! 


Hubby woke me up at 4 a.m. to wish me happy birthday.  Yes, he's still alive but that's because I was too tired to do anything about it . . .  ;D

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Happy Birthday my wonderful Mentor!!!!


I hope you have a special day and recover from being woken up so early. He sounds like my hubby. They think they are being cute when they do stuff like that. He forgot my birthday twice so he doesn't take any chances now.

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