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Star Trek Marathon: The Next Generation


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I just wanted to brag about my recent purchase of àll 7 seasons of ST:TNG which translates to 42 dvd's. Needless to say, I been getting an overdose of this series since Saturday and I'm not yet at all ready to stop  :P


They all look so cute in their younger years!! lol

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Funny you mention TNG....I was just watching an episode of Without a Trace the other day, and Marina Sirtis was playing some kid's mother.  I looked at the screen and yelled:  "Hey, it's councilor Deanna Troi!!!"  ;D

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I just wanted to brag about my recent purchase of àll 7 seasons of ST:TNG which translates to 42 dvd's. Needless to say, I been getting an overdose of this series since Saturday and I'm not yet at all ready to stop  :P


They all look so cute in their younger years!! lol


You lucky devil icon_twisted.gif


Won't this cut into your DM time, though?  :o


Oh, well...enjoyment is enjoyment is enjoyment!  Congrats on your purchase.

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you're all geeks!



and lets see:

The Next Generation - has Data who was so cool

Voyager - Seven of Nine, 'nuff said

Depp Space Nine - has the best battle scenes out of all the others (hmm, Voyager might take this award as well)


this is excluding Enterprise cause i haven't seen many of those episodes

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you're all geeks!



and lets see:

The Next Generation - has Data who was so cool

Voyager - Seven of Nine, 'nuff said

Depp Space Nine - has the best battle scenes out of all the others (hmm, Voyager might take this award as well)


this is excluding Enterprise cause i haven't seen many of those episodes


Voyager's endgame battle scene (last episode battle) was amazing, if only because 'we' know just how powerful the borg are.

"zomg, over powered, BOOM HEAD SHOT" action. :P

(They freakin one-shot a borg ship!!)

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see, that's why I bought them. In Belgium they show these shows for a while, start somewhere in the middle, then stop, then start with re-runs, then stop, then start supposedly with 'new' seasons only to start somewhere in the middle again, then stop, the retake previous seasons, etc. You're never sure you see all of the episodes, let alone see them in the right order. I followed Voyager too, but I can't recall the last battle. When the price goes down on that series, I'll be buying that one too. I loved Voyager.


It took me a looooooooooooooooooooooong time to accept TNG after the original series, but it grew on me. It took me a loooooooooooooooooong time to accept DS9 which I never really got around to, because it clashed with TNG by using characters from the Enterprise, which I felt was improper. Voyager was completely different and didn't clash at all. It was just another ship in Starfleet, which existance had no effect on the existance of the Enterprise. Was a totally different story line so there was no competition, replacement or such. I think that's why I finally came to fully accept TNG too, because it was a new timeline and such. DS9 was usurping TNG spot in my mind, which was unacceptable.


I just started on Season 4 now, with the 'Best of two worlds' concluding. I'll continue to watch them all in sequence first before I start to jump to episodes :p


Oh, and I have no wish to learn Klingon lol I'm not that much of a nerd  ::)

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We should start a "You know you're a True Trekker if..." line. ;D

Myst has shown us that she's a True Trekker by buying all 42 DVDs of TNG.


Here's mine:

You know you're a True Trekker if you dressed up as one of the characters for Halloween. (I was Mr. Spock - no surprise there. It went with my Beatle-style haircut. *shudders* It took days for the green to fade from my face. He looked green on TV, and no one knew then he was supposed to be yellow.)  ::)

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Hmm, with a mention of Star Trek: Voyager, did anyone ever see the episode where they found out they weren't real and they all died by the end of the episode?


It was horribly sad. I cried.


But TNG is still my favorite. Ryker is hot! For that matter, so is Picard. He's so charismatic. And I love everything with Patrick Stewart.


Heh, sorry, fan girl moment.


Aslo reminds me: me and my mother sat down for every new episode of Voyager. We never missed one. And then, right before the last three episodes of the last season aired, the network cut it off! I'm not kidding you. I never got to see the ending episode.

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The same thing happened to me with both TNG and Voyager. They were dropped by my PC cable company, so they could put on more "family friendly" content. So I dropped them. Then we moved and RL stuff happened so I didn't get to see the end episodes of either one.  :(

I'm trying to catch reruns, but it's a hit-or-miss thing.


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The same thing happened to me with both TNG and Voyager. They were dropped by my PC cable company, so they could put on more "family friendly" content. So I dropped them. Then we moved and RL stuff happened so I didn't get to see the end episodes of either one.  :(

I'm trying to catch reruns, but it's a hit-or-miss thing.



They completely re-ran the entire voyager seasons on Spike TV in America...

However they were before 5pm so if you worked 9 to 5, you were screwed. unless you knew how to set your vhs to record it. >_>

you can probably catch the final 2-3 episodes on You-Tube if you look really hard.

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My mother actually downloaded the final episode(s) to Voyager, but I never watched them because it's been so long, I feel there's no point in watching it.


Say, anyone know of a 5th generation Star Trek series on the making?

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We should start a "You know you're a True Trekker if..." line. ;D

Myst has shown us that she's a True Trekker by buying all 42 DVDs of TNG.


Here's mine:

You know you're a True Trekker if you dressed up as one of the characters for Halloween. (I was Mr. Spock - no surprise there. It went with my Beatle-style haircut. *shudders* It took days for the green to fade from my face. He looked green on TV, and no one knew then he was supposed to be yellow.)  ::)



You know you're a trekkie when you drool over getting your hands on a Heisenberg compensator.


You know you're a trekkie when you know what "Qapla" means when translated from Klingon to English.


You know you're a trekkie when you know who the "Red Shirts" are.


You know you're a trekkie when you have spent hours debating with yourself how the personal communicators work. (ie what the person on the other end of "Riker to Picard" hears, and if anyone else not involved hears it.. considering the lack of time delay used.. yatta yatta)


You know you're a trekkie when an episode is referred to by name only and you know which one is being discussed.

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I know what Qapla means.....  :-\


Yeah, see! that's been bugging me every since the first Star Trek!! those communicators... !!! Those things are simply illogical! Sometimes they click them, sometimes they don't, but apparently no matter what happens 'only' the two talking to each other are supposed to hear that convo? Errrr...... right. Major bug in the system!


i don't go as far as to dress up... :look


You know you're a trekkie when you secretely hope that Q will come and show you all those weird and strange places


You know you're a trekkie when you start to analyse every conversation and formulate your responses as Data or JL Picard would do.


You know you're a trekkie when you find yourself thinking on a suitable holodek programme


um, ok I'll stop now..... *shuffles foot*




oh, one more thing: im on season 5!!

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you know your a trekky if you have the star trek memorabila auction on tape

you know your a treky if you have the modern marvles star trek tec on tape


one of my frieds had the enterprise a alarm clock. it would say beam me up scotty and then play the sound of the transporter beam relly relly loudly. we whent backpaking on day and he laft it on for the weekend and his sister destroyed it :(.  ive been looking for one ever since

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Argh! His sister should be flayed!

Well, maybe not flayed, but I hope he at least got to pull her hair...some...

naughty girl to ruin such a treasure...  :(


You know you're a trekkie when you have the shuttle craft Christmas ornament with Spock's voice on it.


You know you're a trekkie when you own a necklace with a model of Kirk's Enterprise on it (and you're too old to remember the ship's designator).lol

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You know you're a Trekker when, in spite of having more or less ignored the series for like ten years, you know everyone else in the thread is using the wrong term.  ;D


Also, I am continually shocked at seeing people who actually thought Voyager was a good show.


Oh, and regarding a new incarnation, J. J. Abrams and those losers that patched up the John Rogers screenplay for Transformers are working on a new film that basically reboots the whole thing. Beware.

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