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Where did my posts go? Where is the ______ board?


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:-[ (thats the embarrased one apparently) yeh i just saw it..so i was being dense after al ::)..not sure if i like that..hmm maybe it will grow on me. maybe.


and your red ferns are still not appropriately sized.


EDIT: Latest Member: SEX YNS


Wasn't this supposed to be impossible? :-X


  • Moderator

Someone mentioned that we're all labeled as "newbies" here with a shiny gold star.  That obviously won't be sticking around.


the newbie thing is just a post kinda thing i tink anyway , how log will it take for th usergroups 2 be up kath?

  • Moderator

I've forced everyone back onto the default SMF layout that came with the forum. Its ugly, but its readable.


That spammer registered on the phpBB, Thorum.  Also, these boards are not totally immune to spam. We have better tools for fighting here though.


Usergroups ARE up and working. They just aren't visible to everyone. Kevin's going to have to look at that one.


Hey kitty just want to say that you guys are fab for working so hard to bring us a better DM. I can live with the quirks and the errors etc for a while.


Get yourself a drink girl you deserve it!  :-*

  • Moderator

Thanks Lili! I took a break for a few hours because I was about to throw my laptop into the gully, but it's all good now.

  • Moderator

I'm not answering any questions via PM.  This way I don't answer the same goddamned question over and over.


I am throwing my support behind the additional subject line in every post being removed.... also is there a possibility of at some point making a "back to top" button?


hehe del i forgot about that  hugz





                                            when are we gonna


                                                                                                                                    [glow=red,2,300]get our usergroups[/glow]

Guest Far Dareis Mai

Do we really even need usergroups with the child boards around now? I mean, since the Org private boards are sort of all hidden and stuff? If that doesn't make sense I apologize in advance...I'm not sure what other functions the usergroups had other than keeping the Org private boards hidden...


Huggs* I luv my Lews but...


Will somebody turn that scrolling thing off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I am going to go back to bed now. `Night. :)


no 1 can join new usergroups i joined WT after the anncouncment and here i cant see any of the ajah boards or the warders guild thats wats usergroups are needed here

Guest Cadsuane

Lews, please be patient with the usergroups. Kathana is aware of a problem, and it will be fixed when it can.


Also, the private boards will not appear under the public board other the way they did before. If you are looking for WT private boards, go into the WT board, and the other boards should appear at the top of that page (at least, that is the way the Seanchan private boards show up). They are nested inside each other, not listed in a big long row the way they were in the old boards. ^_^


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