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2 hours ago, Cipher said:

I feel we are going to get portal stone flicker-flicker for him to get sword skills.  Feels cheap, but also in TGH no way should have Rand succeeded vs Turak without cheating.  I did not get a hint of him even subconsciously using the power to win that fight.


IMO there is no other way to do it at this point.  May be someone else will step in and fight Turak and Ishy.  

At this point Lan isn’t even a big deal.  Both Moiraine and Thom can kill fades with daggers—it ain’t no thing to use a sword vs fades. (I realize Thom used 2 daggers in book to at least fend off a fade. Did he kill it?)


So far the biggest deals in the show are Nynaeve, Tigraine, and Aviendha.  

Neither Moiraine kill a fade in the show.  We don't know the fate of the one fighting Thom but there were only 3 fades in the Fight with Moiraine and Lan.  We see Lan kill 2 and the 3rd is killed by Tomas and Verin.


Moiraine certainly gets in a solid surprise stab. And Thom replicates his book feat by keeping the fade off of Rand and Mat long enough for them to escape.


In fact the only Fade kills we have seen have been warder kills plus Rand lighting one up.

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1 hour ago, Skipp said:

Neither Moiraine kill a fade in the show.  We don't know the fate of the one fighting Thom but there were only 3 fades in the Fight with Moiraine and Lan.  We see Lan kill 2 and the 3rd is killed by Tomas and Verin.


Moiraine certainly gets in a solid surprise stab. And Thom replicates his book feat by keeping the fade off of Rand and Mat long enough for them to escape.


In fact the only Fade kills we have seen have been warder kills plus Rand lighting one up.

Moiraine stabs the one in the face and it falls to the ground.


The descriptive Audio even confirms this as a kill by saying "it's dead body crumples to the ground".


There were in fact 4.


Moiraine kills one.

Lan kills one right off the bat, then goes 1v2 killing 1, before Tomas kills the final one. 

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37 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

Moiraine stabs the one in the face and it falls to the ground.


The descriptive Audio even confirms this as a kill by saying "it's dead body crumples to the ground".


There were in fact 4.


Moiraine kills one.

Lan kills one right off the bat, then goes 1v2 killing 1, before Tomas kills the final one. 


Didn't Verin say there were 3? 🤔

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11 minutes ago, A Memory Of Why said:


Didn't Verin say there were 3? 🤔

She did.


3 were visible in the open field where Lan was fighting.


The 4th would have been obscured behind the stone where she couldn't have seen it.


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 Liandrin's son may have served his purpose for the story and we never see him again or have little reference to him... but I suspect he could channel. Liandrin severed him and then kept him locked up in Tar Valon (for his own safety of course) for decades and decades. Miserable and wanting to die but being preserved and guarded, like Logain is being done by Moiraine.

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14 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

She did.


3 were visible in the open field where Lan was fighting.


The 4th would have been obscured behind the stone where she couldn't have seen it.


I was going by what Verin said and even rewatching the scene there is no body there afterwards but that could be a continuity error.

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On 9/19/2023 at 9:54 PM, SinisterDeath said:

She did.


3 were visible in the open field where Lan was fighting.


The 4th would have been obscured behind the stone where she couldn't have seen it.



Well that's a bit handwavey, my handwayvey response is.. do you think the warders (a warder) didn't scout the area and notice a 4th dead fade?


To be clear, I'm insinuating a potential lie from Verin. 


On 9/20/2023 at 1:09 AM, Chivalry said:

We need a Monty Python version of the WoT.


Just imagine the Dark Friend/ Forsaken musical numbers (Always Look on the Bright Side of...the Shadow).


It's confirmed!


This season ends with modern day brittish police being summoned by the horn, storming the set yelling this is the last battle and we cannot continue due to the writer's strike 😙



What is your favourite Ajah?


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9 hours ago, Ralph said:

I suspect we are about to see Lan defeat two other warders

Indeed, the last trailer points there.

On one hand, the whole setup - them thinking lan is a darkfriend - feels completely wrong and will be hard to swallow.

On the other, we may actually see lan win a fight! For the first time in the whole show! Yay!


I hope he does not kill the other warders

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8 hours ago, Scarloc99 said:

I know, Verin telling a lie 🙂 

Seems like a stupid thing to risk lying about.  Strange.  I will just say she didn’t know Moiraine’s true power and it was incomprehensible to her that OP-less Moiraine could kill a fade with a dagger.


I need the writers to explain this seemingly wrong counting….may be @Skipp is right in a way that makes Sinister right too.

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17 minutes ago, Pandemonium said:



A snippet of episode 6.  all this drama is interesting but hopefully it is not detracting too much from the main plot


Technically, in this version or take of the story, Moraine is the main character, what she does is main plot and probably family drama will have consequences as other original parts of her story (e.g. her being stilled/shielded in end of S1 being one of the main plot points of S2).

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3 hours ago, fra85uk said:


Technically, in this version or take of the story, Moraine is the main character, what she does is main plot and probably family drama will have consequences as other original parts of her story (e.g. her being stilled/shielded in end of S1 being one of the main plot points of S2).

I think that's the part I have a problem with.  the sooner she is not the main character the better for the story.  At least her plot is merged with Rand again so it should be more central.  Hopefully Lan can be merged soon too, his storyline is really dragging 

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17 hours ago, Pandemonium said:

I think that's the part I have a problem with.  the sooner she is not the main character the better for the story.  At least her plot is merged with Rand again so it should be more central.  Hopefully Lan can be merged soon too, his storyline is really dragging 

she has started that process by telling Rand it was truly his choice. This is the start of him taking more control of his own actions and as we know will lead to him sidelining her for a while. 

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22 hours ago, Cipher said:

Seems like a stupid thing to risk lying about.  Strange.  I will just say she didn’t know Moiraine’s true power and it was incomprehensible to her that OP-less Moiraine could kill a fade with a dagger.


I need the writers to explain this seemingly wrong counting….may be @Skipp is right in a way that makes Sinister right too.

Two possibilities exist.
Continuity error.

It was Dark and Verin didn't see the dead fade behind the stone where Moiraine was.

Continuity error is entirely plausible.
From a logistics POV, it's safer for everyone to remove the downed stunt actor(s) while Daniel and the other 2 are going at it. Definitely an oversight to not return the 4th body to the scene.. 


From a script POV that could be on purpose because, from Verin's POV she might only "see" 3, because of her positioning. Circle of stones, The one Moiraine was at, was facing Verin's position, and the Fade died in front of the stone, blocked from Verin's Line of Sight. 
Tomas could have yelled back "4", but....

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Scenes from the trailer we haven't seen yet as of E6:


  • 0:16 Rand standing in that open space in T'A'R (is it in the waste?) where he was chained to the wheel and met Lanfear. But this time he is in his fancy black coat
  • 1:04 The ruby hilted dagger sitting on a table, the camera pans up to Mat and he is clearly struggling/fighting
  • 1:22 whitecloaks galloping on horseback through sand/dust/fog
  • 1:27 Moiraine kissing Siuan
  • 1:49 Perrin striking a grey haired whitecloak with a weapon (how many grey haired whitecloaks have we seen? Only one that I can think of 😳 )
  • 1:52 Rand cloaked and in fancy black coat with sword on back approaching Turak/Seanchan in Falme
  • 2:00 Mat striking downwards with a spear/polearm (ashandarei?)
  • 2:01 Massive explosion blowing up the gate at a castle
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Watched the preview for Episode 7, comments in spoilers in case you don't want to know:



Woah, I'm hyped!


We'll definitely get something really close to the Siuan-Rand confrontation in the beginning of Great Hunt.

"Whatever comes, face it on your feet." -> confirmed.

Loved Rand's sword piruette. I've been sceptical, but someone has been teaching him something. 

I just hope Lan's part in this isn't stupid. I'm optimistic on the whole that they'll hit the right spots after E6, but Lan is... unpredictable at this point. 



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I hated Season 1 with a passion, but Season 2 has been much more enjoyable and shown a marked improvement in just about every way.

Except Lan. I have no idea what they are doing with him. His excessively stoic exterior is probably one of his most defining traits in the books. I get that this is not at all healthy in the context of modern psychology, but Lan is such an odd choice of character to rewrite into this soft and deeply vulnerable man. He was straight up on the verge of tears sharing that he wasn't considered equals by Moiraine and that was such a bizarre writing choice.

Still waters run deep, and it would have been so much more impactful to have him occasionally show deep emotion for people who he truly cares about when he is usually hard as stone, at least in the exterior. Every scene with Alanna and her himbos and/or a heartbroken Lan just did not make a whole lot of sense for me and really hindered each the episodes they were in. The latest one in Ep.6 where they accused of Lan of being a Darkfriend and going "but we were friends who always supported you!" was... odd.

Also, both the good major fight scenes across the two seasons we've seen so far are from Aiel. They suggest that Aviendha is a much more formidable fighter than Lan, who is supposed to be one of the most dangerous non-magic fighters across the whole dang genre. I get that's it's probably much harder to choreograph something high-octane that shows Lan's skill visually because he's been fighting monsters like Trollocs and Fades, but the show really needs to give Lan an incredible choreographed fight soon. The show makes the Warders look like they're mostly average soldiers with a sword. Hopefully Lan gets his mojo back when he stops being heartbroken.

The show really has gotten a lot better compared to Season 1, and is miles ahead of something like Rings of Power (even though that might seem an incredibly low bar). It still irks me that the consistently worst parts of the show across both seasons are the completely original stuff like Moiraine's interpersonal drama after getting stilled(?) and Warder drama. We are so short of episodes that many things have to be cut, so writing this extra stuff in and having this stuff turn out to be not particularly well done is such a bummer.

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On 9/21/2023 at 10:00 AM, SinisterDeath said:

Two possibilities exist.
Continuity error.

It was Dark and Verin didn't see the dead fade behind the stone where Moiraine was.

Continuity error is entirely plausible.
From a logistics POV, it's safer for everyone to remove the downed stunt actor(s) while Daniel and the other 2 are going at it. Definitely an oversight to not return the 4th body to the scene.. 


From a script POV that could be on purpose because, from Verin's POV she might only "see" 3, because of her positioning. Circle of stones, The one Moiraine was at, was facing Verin's position, and the Fade died in front of the stone, blocked from Verin's Line of Sight. 
Tomas could have yelled back "4", but....

 It is truly an issue that the writing has been subpar to the point that we have to debate whether it is a continuity issue from bad writing, or intentional.... You just cant defend that kind of issue.

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2 hours ago, Windigo said:

I am not convinced these are whitecloaks. 

  Reveal hidden contents

I took these to be the Hero's of the Horn riding in.



To me it looks like the lead horse has the same gear as the WC's from season 1




But you could be right. It's a pretty blurry shot and potato quality 🙂

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