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Favorite TV Character and Why

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This is a hard one I think there are some real standouts Thom was great (his line about nothing being more dangerous than a man that knows the past is one of my favorites of the show and that song was great), Siuan because she seemed to play 3 different characters but still keep the same common thread through all of them, Valda was amazing, Logain was great and I really liked Ishamael I thought he was also a really effective change from the books. People also really hate on Steppin but I thought the actor did a great job going from jovial to suicidal and keeping a common believable thread throughout similar to Siuan. I think I have to go with Siuan just for the range she played I really appreciated seeing that and the subtle differences and similarities in each role she played and you really do have to have range to play that character so I thought they really knocked that casting out of the park.


Honorable mention to Valda for his chilling matter of fact speech to Egwene while carving up Perrin, kind of like the dark friend he gave a more coherent ethos of the whitecloaks in a few minutes than I felt like I really got from the books and every scene he was in he just radiated casual menace he was stunning in the role. More I think about this it’s really hard for me to chose between Valda and Siuan I think Siuan showed more range but Valda had such a dominating performance they were both perfect really. I think his speech here, Illa’s speech about the way of the leaf and Dana the dark friends speech were also great highlights, extremely well done effective  and focused sharing their points of view. Here’s hoping we get an epic Ingtar speech because he had a really interesting point of view as well.

Edited by Gary Again
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/12/2023 at 10:08 AM, DreadLord31 said:

Why? What about TvTam or TvLan did you particularly like?

Hmmm…good question. I didn’t actually think too much about the “why” at the time. Without thinking about it and providing the first thing that comes to mind in the moment, I’d say that for Lan it might be due to his character on screen showing more depth of character and humanity than the earlier portrayal of book lan that I interpreted initially. Early on in the books he seemed cold and impenetrable and almost robotic to me and only over time did I see him show more complexity. Also I just kind of liked the casting because it wasn’t what I imagined as lan but I actually liked that version better for some reason. In general, I tend to enjoy having my perspective, experience or understanding of something expanded upon in a way that shifts my current view in a way I would have otherwise never considered on my own. For Tam it might just be that he was a familiar face (from GOT) but the good guy this time. His character in books is one of my most beloved and maybe I was simply relieved to realize that I could accept that actor as the one to do the job. I’m not sure if these are the reasons but it was what I came up with on the spot. 

Edited by Lightfriendsocialmistress
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On 6/16/2023 at 1:04 AM, Lightfriendsocialmistress said:

Yes, he’s another one who didn’t look like “my Thom” in any way but I liked his portrayal on screen. It also helps me understand how he attracts younger ladies 😂 


The whole Thom/Elayne thing in the books... Creeeeeepy. 

RJ wasn't that great at romance writing. WoTTv definitely can improve things in that department. 

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8 hours ago, DreadLord31 said:


The whole Thom/Elayne thing in the books... Creeeeeepy. 

RJ wasn't that great at romance writing. WoTTv definitely can improve things in that department. 

I agree with you 100%, that scenario was unsettling for me. Dad/romantic interest? Yikes. I was relieved when Elayne knocked that ridiculous flirting phase off. Romance is one area that the show can’t help but improve upon. 

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1 hour ago, ForsakenPotato said:

I think Moiraine, Suian, and Logain are the strongest actors on the show. But my top pick is probably Egwene even though she's less experienced (for example, her real accent slips through sometimes) because the balance of warmth and stubbornness the she brings is just perfect for how I imagined her while reading.

I think Madaleine or Zoe have best chance in series to really embody the roles and get more attention as actors.  

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2 hours ago, Guire said:

I think Madaleine or Zoe have best chance in series to really embody the roles and get more attention as actors.  

Agreed. Watching those characters embodied by those actors helped me to “fill in some gaps” in terms of how I responded to them purely on the page. I’m really curious if the same will happen for me with Elayne. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/28/2023 at 2:40 AM, DreadLord31 said:

For me, I'd say my favorite character from S1 was Thom. 


He was definitely a change from the books... Darker, grittier ... But that made way more sense and was so much more believable that he'd take on a Fade. His scenes were really good. 

Thom from season 1 was closer to how RJ changed Thom in the books. I always feel that all the characters in EOTW are caricatures of what they become later on, this is in part because he needed book one to read like LOTR, Shannara, Dragonlance etc, the big selling fantasy books of the time, so the gleeman is the Bard of traditional fantasy tropes. RJ uses 2 events to change Thom, the fight with the fade and then the death of his love. This then gives him a far more interesting character to write.  

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I dunno, first impressions stick with you & I always pictured the mustached, bard, grandfatherly, jovial character; 

but I bet if I reread again with your lens there I could see that; he does get pretty dark after what’s her name dies in Cairhein. 

I just really, really liked TvThom. I thought he was the best part of S1. 

this right here: 


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2 hours ago, Elglin said:

The only standout character for me was Logain. He was well-written and well-acted - especially given that we know nothing of Logain pre-gentling.

I do like that we’re getting more of Logain and also Isha’mael; and everything I’ve heard interview wise, all the cast feels that season 2 is better tv than season 1. So that excites me. 
But I think there is still gonna be hard changes for book fans. 

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7 hours ago, DreadLord31 said:

I do like that we’re getting more of Logain and also Isha’mael; and everything I’ve heard interview wise, all the cast feels that season 2 is better tv than season 1. So that excites me. 
But I think there is still gonna be hard changes for book fans. 

I can deal with changes.  I might not like them all, but a good show is what matters.

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7 hours ago, DreadLord31 said:

I do like that we’re getting more of Logain and also Isha’mael; and everything I’ve heard interview wise, all the cast feels that season 2 is better tv than season 1. So that excites me. 
But I think there is still gonna be hard changes for book fans. 

They've put out a small scene from S2 featuring Rand and Logain. If one wants to be nitpicky, Logain in the books wasn't that larger than life as Alvaro Morte is portraying him. However, for all the extra ham, Alvaro completely steals the scene.

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3 hours ago, Elglin said:

They've put out a small scene from S2 featuring Rand and Logain. If one wants to be nitpicky, Logain in the books wasn't that larger than life as Alvaro Morte is portraying him. However, for all the extra ham, Alvaro completely steals the scene.

Logain in the books was a broken man long after stilling by the time we spend real time with him. Who knows how he was in the immediate aftermath or before. When he goes back to Rand after being healed he makes a big deal out of not acknowledging what Rand achieved in cleansing the taint, he actually frustrates Rand a little with his refusal to truly bow to him fully. 

When you consider the journey we know Logain will go on that larger then life persona is key in then showing the change post the attempt to turn him, followed by his final true redemption at the closing stages of the last battle. 

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