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  On 2/13/2022 at 8:15 AM, Andra said:

Given the length of the first two books, and the fact that they both came out in the same year, I don't think the ending of the first can really be considered an ending (and no, that's not a play on "there are no endings to ...").  Think of it rather as the middle of a single longer book.


Jordan certainly didn't write it like he thought of it as the end of one story and the beginning of another.  It was more like just a trip to the kitchen during the commercial break, then right back into it.


yes and no.

Sure, RJ wanted to write more books. But he had no certainty that further books would be published; that depended on the success of the first So the first book had to be a kind of standalone with some kind of resolution, in order to be published. that is common for every book that begins a trilogy or saga. For movies too; the first always have to be a standalone. think also star wars, where the first movie is a standalone, while later movies can't.

And the tv show also has to make S1 as a standalone. sure, you always hope that it gets renewed, but you are not guaranteed

Posted (edited)
  On 2/13/2022 at 5:33 PM, king of nowhere said:

yes and no.

Sure, RJ wanted to write more books. But he had no certainty that further books would be published; that depended on the success of the first So the first book had to be a kind of standalone with some kind of resolution, in order to be published. that is common for every book that begins a trilogy or saga. For movies too; the first always have to be a standalone. think also star wars, where the first movie is a standalone, while later movies can't.

And the tv show also has to make S1 as a standalone. sure, you always hope that it gets renewed, but you are not guaranteed


I'm not saying that wasn't the case, just that Jordan didn't write it that way.  He wrote it more the way Tolkien wrote LotR - as a single story that was split into separate books after being written, but before being published.


The timing of their releases pretty much guarantees that The Great Hunt had already been almost completely written by the time Eye of the World was published.  It certainly had its plot finalized by the time he wrote the ending of EotW.

Edited by Andra
  On 2/13/2022 at 5:33 PM, king of nowhere said:

yes and no.

Sure, RJ wanted to write more books. But he had no certainty that further books would be published; that depended on the success of the first So the first book had to be a kind of standalone with some kind of resolution, in order to be published. that is common for every book that begins a trilogy or saga. For movies too; the first always have to be a standalone. think also star wars, where the first movie is a standalone, while later movies can't.

And the tv show also has to make S1 as a standalone. sure, you always hope that it gets renewed, but you are not guaranteed


I believe before the first book was written or published, he came to tor with a proposal for 3 books but Tor knew he could never do it in 3 so they signed him to a 6 book contract. He was a well established writer with multiple pen names and had an existing working and fruitful relationship with Tor. I do not know when the contract or subsequent contracts, or addendum or what ever, expanded WoT beyond 6. But he did not write one or two or even three books that ended while also hoping to be picked up for more to then finish the rest of the story.


I was giving the show a fair shot until the last episode, which may be one of the worst episodes of TV I've ever seen. I will watch the first couple episodes of S2 to see if they can fix the mess they made, but if they don't I'm out and I suspect season 3, while having been greenlit, will be in question. Reacher is such a better show, LOTR show has enough hype that it will make people forget about WoT, they need a strong S2 to justify more seasons IMO. 

  On 2/17/2022 at 5:36 PM, GoldeneyesND said:

Reacher is such a better show,


I've read maybe ten Reacher books (or something along that line).  This series nailed it.  Great casting, great writing, great everything.  There are certainly differences from the particular book this season was based on but the tone was spot on.  Thoroughly enjoyable.  Two thumbs up from me.

  On 2/17/2022 at 5:36 PM, GoldeneyesND said:

I was giving the show a fair shot until the last episode, which may be one of the worst episodes of TV I've ever seen. I will watch the first couple episodes of S2 to see if they can fix the mess they made, but if they don't I'm out and I suspect season 3, while having been greenlit, will be in question. Reacher is such a better show, LOTR show has enough hype that it will make people forget about WoT, they need a strong S2 to justify more seasons IMO. 


Is S3 greenlit? I thought the original  article published a retraction a week later, they said they got their source muddled up with S2.


Most articles I saw referenced that initial article or one based on that article.

  On 2/17/2022 at 7:34 PM, Raal Gurniss said:

Is S3 greenlit? I thought the original  article published a retraction a week later, they said they got their source muddled up with S2.


Most articles I saw referenced that initial article or one based on that article.


Yeah, aside from rumors S3 had been greenlit as far back as November, the only thing new that people jumped on was Henney's appearance on the Criminal Minds revival being impacted by contractual obligations to Amazon. 

That was taken to mean the scheduling conflict was confirmed, when all it really meant was that IF the third season happened, they WOULD have to accommodate it.


As of today, nothing is officially confirmed.

Posted (edited)
  On 2/17/2022 at 6:49 PM, Deviations said:

I've read maybe ten Reacher books (or something along that line).  This series nailed it.  Great casting, great writing, great everything.  There are certainly differences from the particular book this season was based on but the tone was spot on.  Thoroughly enjoyable.  Two thumbs up from me.


Some of it felt okay but there where far too many plot coincidences that broke it apart, and the final episode really was very poor. The final shoot out just felt like the bad guys basically lined up to be taken out by there opposite number.


I have not read the books but i talked to a reader and they said the series was very accurate to Killing Floor and that they considered his early books to be the weakest in the series. So hope remains.

Edited by Mailman

The books had a 'sameness' after a while which is why I stopped after a while.  Similar to William Kent Krueger's Cork O'Conner series.  The first were very interesting because of the setting Minnesota/Ontario border wilderness and the Ojibwe flavor, but after a while each books follows the same general pattern.


My thinking on the Reacher TV series was it was a very very good adaptation.

  • 3 months later...

Hello all,

Fairly new to the forums and a long time WoT book fan.


Ok so having watched Season 1 these are the things I found difficult to bear:


Racial Variety in the Two Rivers makes no sense.
So the Two Rivers has a notably diverse cast: with a variety of people looking like a modern urban city population. I found this really disconnecting because a major plot point in the novel is that Rand stood out from everybody else. There is (in the novel) a clear distinction between the nations - however if the Two Rivers (a village isolated for thousands of years and full of the old Manatheren bloodlines) is so diverse then surely the other nations will also be. I feel this is going to mean that the distinct "flavours" between the nations are going to be lessened, the Cairheinan, the Ara Domani, the Seafolk, The Seanchan - all of these are distinctly different from each other. Its clearly stated that Rand is much more pale than the rest of the Two Rivers folk, along with being a lot taller and also ginger, so I always imagined the Two Rivers folk to be similar to either Nynaeve or Egwene in the show - with Rand being an obvious standout. The changing of Padan Fains race makes complete sense because he is a travelling peddler. This isnt a complaint on any particular race being represented, just that they should all be the same with the exception of Rand, Nynaeve and probably Padan Fain (because the village has been isolated pretty much for over a thousand Years). Theres also plenty of variety to come if they show the nations of Randland without needing to turn Emonds Fields into what looked like a Starbucks in any urban and modern western city. 

Casting Choices - Good and Bad
Rand - I think they did a great job with Rand, he looks how I imagined and also how he is depicted in the cover art.

Lan - I like the casting choice for Lan, he looks brooding and has the Asian aesthetic complete with Hidori that I really like. The only thing for me is they give him too many lines and not enough places to just be menacing.

Morraine - Great casting choice because Rosamund Pike is a great actress - would be better if she was a little bit smaller and of course an "ageless" face is difficult to find but I think she is a great choice.

Matt - I think they did a great job with Matt so I hope his replacement is also good, he captured Matts rogueish charm and anti hero elements well.

Perrin - Ok so Perrin should be bigger, much bigger. I really don't like the casting choice here, nothing against the actor he just doesn't fit my view on Perrin, he is nowhere near big enough. Perrin is an absolute beast of a man in the novels, this guy is just reasonably big.

Egwene - Ok so Egwene really grew on me in the show, the actress did a fantastic job, however she is not as attractive as Egwene is described in the books, but beauty is subjective and as the actress is doing a great job I think this is a good cast.

Nynaeve - Absolutely great casting choice, she has fire in her belly just like Nynaeve.

Min - Again a really good choice, exactly what I imagined.

Trollocs - I love what they did with the Trollocs, they look absolutely savage and bestial.

Plot Points
Male or Female Dragon - This struck me as a really stupid plot point, the Dragon was always going to be male, it didnt even make real sense that the dragon might be female otherwise what is the point of the Red Ajah? Seems like it was put here for other reasons than story.


Healing Tears and no block - This is not how the One Power works and was completely ridiculous imo. The One Power isnt "magic" in the traditional sense. There are rules - or at least there should be. 

Suian and Morraine lesbian relationship - This is really out of context here, its hinted in New Spring that Siuan and Morraine were once lovers or "pillow friends" but at this point this just makes things really confusing and doesn't sit properly with the motivations. Again I feel this was put here for reasons other than the sake of the story.


Tam being just an old man - We really needed to see Tams skills here, to make the Heron Mark worth something, he should have sliced and diced that single Trolloc, not as expertly as Lan (although I would argue more expertly than an unnamed Warder because he was a Bladesmaster and even some Warders are not that skilled (even though the Bonding gives them other innate abilities).

New Warders - I really liked the introduction of the New Warders and their relationship, completely made sense with what we know about Warders, this was an addition that I think benefitted the story - although I wasn't impressed with the show of emotion from Lan. Lan does not cry in front of people, in fact one of the interesting juxtapositions in the story is how we know what he is feeling though Morraines bonding, but he shows nothing of it.

Loial Dead - Ok so they faked his death, not sure why it seemed pretty stupid.

Shadar Logoth - Where is Mordeth?

Eye of the World - Where is the Nyn and where is the bowl of untainted Saidin?

Anyway I am happy to discuss this with other book fans, I hold some particular views but I will always be respectful of differing opinions. 

The wheel weaves as the wheel wills. 

  On 5/25/2022 at 12:47 PM, SilentRoamer said:

Hello all,

Fairly new to the forums and a long time WoT book fan.


Ok so having watched Season 1 these are the things I found difficult to bear:


Racial Variety in the Two Rivers makes no sense.
So the Two Rivers has a notably diverse cast: with a variety of people looking like a modern urban city population. I found this really disconnecting because a major plot point in the novel is that Rand stood out from everybody else. There is (in the novel) a clear distinction between the nations - however if the Two Rivers (a village isolated for thousands of years and full of the old Manatheren bloodlines) is so diverse then surely the other nations will also be. I feel this is going to mean that the distinct "flavours" between the nations are going to be lessened, the Cairheinan, the Ara Domani, the Seafolk, The Seanchan - all of these are distinctly different from each other. Its clearly stated that Rand is much more pale than the rest of the Two Rivers folk, along with being a lot taller and also ginger, so I always imagined the Two Rivers folk to be similar to either Nynaeve or Egwene in the show - with Rand being an obvious standout. The changing of Padan Fains race makes complete sense because he is a travelling peddler. This isnt a complaint on any particular race being represented, just that they should all be the same with the exception of Rand, Nynaeve and probably Padan Fain (because the village has been isolated pretty much for over a thousand Years). Theres also plenty of variety to come if they show the nations of Randland without needing to turn Emonds Fields into what looked like a Starbucks in any urban and modern western city. 

Casting Choices - Good and Bad
Rand - I think they did a great job with Rand, he looks how I imagined and also how he is depicted in the cover art.

Lan - I like the casting choice for Lan, he looks brooding and has the Asian aesthetic complete with Hidori that I really like. The only thing for me is they give him too many lines and not enough places to just be menacing.

Morraine - Great casting choice because Rosamund Pike is a great actress - would be better if she was a little bit smaller and of course an "ageless" face is difficult to find but I think she is a great choice.

Matt - I think they did a great job with Matt so I hope his replacement is also good, he captured Matts rogueish charm and anti hero elements well.

Perrin - Ok so Perrin should be bigger, much bigger. I really don't like the casting choice here, nothing against the actor he just doesn't fit my view on Perrin, he is nowhere near big enough. Perrin is an absolute beast of a man in the novels, this guy is just reasonably big.

Egwene - Ok so Egwene really grew on me in the show, the actress did a fantastic job, however she is not as attractive as Egwene is described in the books, but beauty is subjective and as the actress is doing a great job I think this is a good cast.

Nynaeve - Absolutely great casting choice, she has fire in her belly just like Nynaeve.

Min - Again a really good choice, exactly what I imagined.

Trollocs - I love what they did with the Trollocs, they look absolutely savage and bestial.

Plot Points
Male or Female Dragon - This struck me as a really stupid plot point, the Dragon was always going to be male, it didnt even make real sense that the dragon might be female otherwise what is the point of the Red Ajah? Seems like it was put here for other reasons than story.


Healing Tears and no block - This is not how the One Power works and was completely ridiculous imo. The One Power isnt "magic" in the traditional sense. There are rules - or at least there should be. 

Suian and Morraine lesbian relationship - This is really out of context here, its hinted in New Spring that Siuan and Morraine were once lovers or "pillow friends" but at this point this just makes things really confusing and doesn't sit properly with the motivations. Again I feel this was put here for reasons other than the sake of the story.


Tam being just an old man - We really needed to see Tams skills here, to make the Heron Mark worth something, he should have sliced and diced that single Trolloc, not as expertly as Lan (although I would argue more expertly than an unnamed Warder because he was a Bladesmaster and even some Warders are not that skilled (even though the Bonding gives them other innate abilities).

New Warders - I really liked the introduction of the New Warders and their relationship, completely made sense with what we know about Warders, this was an addition that I think benefitted the story - although I wasn't impressed with the show of emotion from Lan. Lan does not cry in front of people, in fact one of the interesting juxtapositions in the story is how we know what he is feeling though Morraines bonding, but he shows nothing of it.

Loial Dead - Ok so they faked his death, not sure why it seemed pretty stupid.

Shadar Logoth - Where is Mordeth?

Eye of the World - Where is the Nyn and where is the bowl of untainted Saidin?

Anyway I am happy to discuss this with other book fans, I hold some particular views but I will always be respectful of differing opinions. 

The wheel weaves as the wheel wills. 



Welcome to the forums, great first couple of posts.  There is a lot you brought up i would love to respond to but I am currently at work and don't have the time for a lengthy response.  Just want to touch on the topic of Marcus not being big enough for Perrin.


Here is a recent photo of the cast at an event.  Marcus is a big big man, he really towers over Josha and Daniel.  Not just in height but the width of his chest/shoulders.  The show has not really shown that yet but it is there for when it does.





  • 9 months later...
  On 1/17/2022 at 4:43 PM, EduardoEnriqueGonzalez said:

20 years ago if we had anyone in an RP write about Healing near-death with the Power Of Crying Really Hard, the RP simply would not have been approved. We'd have had people politely but firmly steer that person towards writing less cringy stuff. And we were all a bunch of amateur kids in our teens and 20s. 


Now the show finally arrives, done by "professionals" and gives us that scene twice in the first season. 


I like the movie Tangled, but I think it would be better without the cry healing at the end.  Much better with Flynn dying.

Posted (edited)
  On 1/21/2022 at 7:53 PM, Andra said:


Just one example is something that most book fans really loved - the Blood Snow scene.  A lot of details were included that book fans will recognize on sight, or which were excluded but readers will know without them being shown, but non-readers won't have a clue about.

Her spears.

Her veil...


As a fan of the book, I still hate this scene. No pregnant woman in the world could ever fight off 3 soldiers--it is stupid and makes it hard to suspend disbelief.


Did the book describe a 9 month pregnant spear maiden kill 3 soldiers?  I remember the description in book 4 or 5 that a pregnant Maiden of the Spear had an exemption from fighting or something.


I hate the uber soldier trope in many ways, but I am ok with the superior soldier idea.  I have been rereading the series through book 6 so far.  The Band of the Red Hand which are Cairhienin and Tearin veterens handling the Aiel (though with supreme leadership in Mat).  But if random preggers maiden can kill 3 trained soldiers than she could have killed 10 without being pregnant.


As another example is in Dune (book)--the Fremen wipe out the Sardaukar with ease.  The vaunted Sardaukar, who should be like Navy Seals or Saumurai.  Then small Jessica and Paul can outfight the bad ass Fremen.  Meh.

Edited by Cipher
  • Community Administrator
  On 3/7/2023 at 9:45 PM, Cipher said:

As a fan of the book, I still hate this scene. No pregnant woman in the world could ever fight off 3 soldiers--it is stupid and makes it hard to suspend disbelief.


Did the book describe a 9 month pregnant spear maiden kill 3 soldiers?  I remember the description in book 4 or 5 that a pregnant Maiden of the Spear had an exemption from fighting or something.


In the books, who was Rand's Mother? How did she die? 


  On 3/7/2023 at 9:45 PM, Cipher said:

I hate the uber soldier trope in many ways, but I am ok with the superior soldier idea.  I have been rereading the series through book 6 so far.  The Band of the Red Hand which are Cairhienin and Tearin veterens handling the Aiel (though with supreme leadership in Mat).  But if random preggers maiden can kill 3 trained soldiers than she could have killed 10 without being pregnant.


That's basically what Aiel in the books are though. Aiel didn't outnumber wetland forces, but their KDR certainly would make you think they did.



As another example is in Dune (book)--the Fremen wipe out the Sardaukar with ease.  The vaunted Sardaukar, who should be like Navy Seals or Saumurai.  Then small Jessica and Paul can outfight the bad ass Fremen.  Meh.


Yes, but even the Fremen respected Duncan Idaho who helped train Paul.
Jessica has the weirding way, which isn't something a regular run of the mill Fremen is going to expect from "small little Jessica", and Paul is a Mentat (human computer) and bene gesserit, that like the Fremen has been trained to fight since he was a child. 

Love or hate it, these are the tropes these two books/shows use.

Posted (edited)
  On 3/7/2023 at 10:50 PM, SinisterDeath said:

In the books, who was Rand's Mother? How did she die?


Tigraine.  She was Andoran and not even Aiel.  Sure she worked hard to become a maiden, but she would not be to the level of a typical Aiel maiden who has been training for many years. She was not a super warrior while pregnant. But the show has to be girl power to the extreme. How did she die? Giving birth, happened all the time before modern medicine in our turning of the wheel.


Dumb scene, IMO. But I like that she is dressed like Aiel and has the red hair.  There is a big disconnect from typical gingers in our world who many times have type A skin and the Aiel who have green or blue eyes with "sun darkened skin."


Sure the maidens are good fighters and some random wetlander women are too.  But Nynaeve, Egwene, And Elayne are awesome characters in the books (IMO) and don't have to be strong like men.  This makes their characters better than say current gen 4 Marvel heroines.


Edited by Cipher
  • Community Administrator
  On 3/8/2023 at 3:43 AM, Cipher said:

Tigraine.  She was Andoran and not even Aiel.  Sure she worked hard to become a maiden, but she would not be to the level of a typical Aiel maiden who has been training for many years. She was not a super warrior while pregnant. But the show has to be girl power to the extreme. How did she die? Giving birth, happened all the time before modern medicine in our turning of the wheel.


Which is why she killed 3 and not 10.


In the show, she still died in childbirth. The wound she received might have been survivable if not for being pregnant.


The main point I was making is that even in the books, she was pregnant and fighting in the war. She crossed the dragonwall, and she likely had many engagments with the enemy, while pregnant.


As for "girl power to the extreme", who cares?

Galad is also her child, and he was also a Swordmaster like Rand. Their "gift(s)" came from her, not their fathers that no one cares about.



  On 3/8/2023 at 3:43 AM, Cipher said:

Tigraine.  She was Andoran and not even Aiel.  Sure she worked hard to become a maiden, but she would not be to the level of a typical Aiel maiden who has been training for many years. She was not a super warrior while pregnant. But the show has to be girl power to the extreme. How did she die? Giving birth, happened all the time before modern medicine in our turning of the wheel.


Tigraine obviously wasn't Aiel since birth.  But the fact that the Maidens accepted her into their society shows she was a warrior - an exceptional warrior.  They would not have accepted a wetlander if she was not capable - and probably good enough to surpass many Aiel Maidens.  Otherwise they would have just laughed and ignored her request to join them, and probably killed her if she became a nuisance.  So I would argue that she was at a higher skill level than a typical Aiel Maiden.


Not exactly apples to apples, but many modern-day athletes continue in their sports (or at least training) while pregnant so they don't lose their edge and can get back into competitive form quickly after giving birth.


Not saying the Blood Snow scene was hyper-realistic, but given the universe the Aiel are in it was realistic enough for me.  Aiel are peerless warriors.  One maiden against three Illanier soldiers seems to favor the maiden - all other things being equal.  Tigraine being at full term does push to the limits of believability, but I don't think beyond.  If anything it brings the odds to even.


The fact that they are merging books 2 and 3 into a single season makes me cringe at the level of cutting. They'll have to do to make that fit eight episodes.  Though though to be fair the great hunt is mostly just them walking.  

  On 3/8/2023 at 3:38 PM, Dagon Thyne said:

The fact that they are merging books 2 and 3 into a single season makes me cringe at the level of cutting. They'll have to do to make that fit eight episodes.  Though though to be fair the great hunt is mostly just them walking.  


2&3 are very similar in structure and pacing

  On 3/8/2023 at 7:20 PM, DaddyFinn said:

2&3 are very similar in structure and pacing


Sure, but there are bound to be major cuts.  If it is done well, it will be accepted.  We'll have favorites that were left out, but if the story told in the 8 episodes resonates we'll survive.  Just as we did with the changes in LotR.

  On 1/16/2022 at 5:17 PM, WhiteVeils said:

Like Clarity: Not introducing separate weird words for magic when you don't need them.


So, as someone who read the books because of the show and as a general interest is really long books series. I was sort of confused when first watching the show about how the taint worked. It ran through my brain as something is wrong when men channel and go insane and the taint, but why doesn’t it happen when women channel. It got cleared up eventually but that was just something that confused me. I personally think it would have been better if they did have the Saidar Saidin differences. 

just sort of my unwanted .02 cents.

  On 3/9/2023 at 1:12 AM, Some_random_novice said:

So, as someone who read the books because of the show and as a general interest is really long books series. I was sort of confused when first watching the show about how the taint worked. It ran through my brain as something is wrong when men channel and go insane and the taint, but why doesn’t it happen when women channel. It got cleared up eventually but that was just something that confused me. I personally think it would have been better if they did have the Saidar Saidin differences. 

just sort of my unwanted .02 cents.


Fair...though if they had done so, then it would have seemed, I would thing, just as complicated to explain that Saidar and Saidin were the same One Power.   It's the same complexity, just flipped.

Posted (edited)

After the disaster that was the first season I would be suprised if the 2nd season is any good.  A friend who is a Sanderson fan stopped watching after episode 3.  He may have lost interest in picking up the books, which he was contemplating.


I will watch because of my love for the source material and nostalgia.


The writers input too much non-book stuff they have to clean up:



-Moiraine's shield(?)


And then they have 2 books of material to put in one season?  Not possible.


Edited by Cipher
  • Community Administrator
  On 3/9/2023 at 4:26 PM, Cipher said:

The writers input toi much non-book stuff they have to clean up:




FYI - The actor that played Mat left the show. This caused a rewrite which unfortunately affected Loial and Uno.

On the plus side, this puts Mat in Tar Valon where he needs to be so we get one of the greatest mat scenes of all time.


  On 3/9/2023 at 4:26 PM, Cipher said:

-Moiraine's shield(?)


It's been discussed before, but Moiraine was barely in book 2. 
The majority of what she was doing was researching the dragon with some old ladies in a hut.

Meanwhile in Book 3, we barely see Rand except for a few slaughterings on the road, and the final chapters.


  On 3/9/2023 at 4:26 PM, Cipher said:

And then they have 2 books of material to put in one season?  Not possible.


This has also been discussed before through out this forum.
We have two main characters in two books that were largely not there for the majority of the book.

We have a LOT of bloated travel time.

The information we have, doesn't state that we're going to have all of book 2 and book 3 in Season 2. 

It said we're going to have stuff from Book 2 & Book 3 in Season 2. There is a difference.

Parts of book 3 included in season 2 could include a season finale where Rand, Mat, Perrin, Nynaeve, Elayne, Egwene, Min?, Aviendha, Faile, Lan, Moiraine, and Gaul, all arrive in Tear/The Stone around the same time, leaving us the following plotlines for season 3.

The girls getting kidnapped by the Black Ajah

Mat blowing a hole in the Stone.
Rand's fight in the Stone

Mat rescuing the girls from the Black Ajah

Rand, Mat, Eggs, Moiraine, Lan travelto the wastes with Aviendha and Gaul.

Perrin, Faile, Loial going back to the two rivers.

Elayne & Nynaeve go back to the Tower.
Rand & Mat in Rhuidien.
Perrin about to face off against a horde of Trollocs.

Amylin is deposed. 


Posted (edited)
  On 3/9/2023 at 4:54 PM, SinisterDeath said:


Parts of book 3 included in season 2 could include a season finale where Rand, Mat, Perrin, Nynaeve, Elayne, Egwene, Min?, Aviendha, Faile, Lan, Moiraine, and Gaul, all arrive in Tear/The Stone around the same time, leaving us the following plotlines for season 3.

The girls getting kidnapped by the Black Ajah

Mat blowing a hole in the Stone.
Rand's fight in the Stone

Mat rescuing the girls from the Black Ajah

Rand, Mat, Eggs, Moiraine, Lan travelto the wastes with Aviendha and Gaul.

Perrin, Faile, Loial going back to the two rivers.

Elayne & Nynaeve go back to the Tower.
Rand & Mat in Rhuidien.
Perrin about to face off against a horde of Trollocs.

Amylin is deposed. 



IIRC here are some important points:

-Elayne intro (Gawyn and Galad?) Omitted from first season.

-Nynaeve, Egwene, and Elayne have to get some pot cleaning and spankings done in the WT...er training.

-Mat removed from Falme? If he is at TV--I guess he can hitch a ride with the wonder girls when duped by Liandrin.  His journey post TV in TDR is good Mat character building, Is that gone, but that is where Bayle Domon(1st appearance for show) and Thom come back into the picture.

-Horn Chase

-Lord Rand and Sheinaran story line.

-Perrin trained by Elyas.


-Rand needs to be in Falme to best Turak and have his sky moment.

-Girls in Falme to have quality time with the Seanchan.

-Loial healed.

-Moiraine's shield removed.

-Intro if Avienda.

-Faile? Gaul and his girls?

-Omit Cairhien and Alludra. Omit Rand's reunion with Thom? Portal stones or back into the Ways?


That only touches a smidgen of book 3.

Seems like a tall order

Edited by Cipher

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