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Episode 7 Predictions

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Given the shift in location I think we might not see any Siuan or Liandrin stuff for the rest of Season 1.

BUT..  If we do, had a thought (Which might be worthless if we confirm Elaid casting).

There's been talk about Liandrin being combined with Elaida.  I initially didn't like the idea but as I thought about it..

Liandrin has very little confrontation with the heroes during her arc, it's mostly her trying to upstage her boss and losing.

What if we combine Liandrin with Elaida AND Alviarin.



Liandrin, instead of Elaida, overthrows Siuan and becomes the Amyrlin Seat.

To distract from some of the sketchiness of her move she orders some BA to commit their murders, steal of Ter'Angreal and flee.  Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne are getting close and maybe Liandrin herself sends them out of the tower after them to remove a problem (Fitting what Liandrin does in the books).  After that initial encounter I don't recall the Super Girls ever going against Liandrin directly, just the others.

Liandrin stays in the tower and sews discord, eventually getting under Messana's thumb and then out and being there to fight at the last battle.

Removes two casting rolls from budget, keeps the narrative largely intact and allows us to keep a very talented Actress and interesting character going for the whole 8 seasons.

Posted (edited)

Well now time for my foretelling, dreamwork, logic based predictions.  Congrats to those who predicted Min for this episode.   Just a couple of story points.  In the books Matt still has the dagger at the EOTW climax and afterwards.  You will recall that the major story arc splits where some of the team go chasing after a musical instrument which Fain steals.  he doesn't have the dagger.  it is still back in TV.   The rest go back to TV with the Amyrlin's team to begin training.    


As a clear stick to the story as much as possible person I am gonna predict hope that


Lan's backstory as the open


Get to Fal Dara via the ways,


Some scenes to establish Min's character and her credibility


Work through the conflict of battling the obvious trolloc/ fade threat at the Gap vs some Siuan dream of a threat of the EOTW.  The borderlanders explain that the Eye is never in the same place twice.  (in the books Mo already knows this)  That breaks out of the notion that they are going to Shayol Ghul with no power no nothing except Mo.    They certainly aren't sealing the bore.  That ends the story.  


They send a pigeon back to TV to have an Aes Sedai bring their horses which they realize they will need for the journey into the blight.  (I can't help myself).   


The journey into the blight is some sort of barrens with trollocs and fades and some off screen monsters.  Maybe we color some vegetation red.  We could even have a Draghkar.  Those are needed in several episodes to come so we might as well see them wheeling around now or attacking them at the camp.   


I think we do see the Green man.   I feel like his presence is a bit of light in an otherwise grim part of the story.  He appears again in the DR's vision of the end of the War of the Shadow.   He could be left out but the story will be poorer for it.   The episode ends with them escaping the blight into the Green man's happy bubble at the Eye. It may continue until we actually glimpse the structure holding the eye.


No dragon reveal although the signs start coming up ginger.  


Well that's my prediction.  More about my wants than actual foretelling at this point.




Edited by Spiritweaver1
Clean up typos and bad writing
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Frenata said:


Looks like a spearhead to me!

Screen Shot 2021-12-15 at 11.53.17 AM.png

I totally missed the baby bump on the Aiel.  The third companion running up is probably Tam, maybe he stabs her in the back and at the last moment sees she's pregnant.

Edited by Sabio
11 minutes ago, Sabio said:

I totally missed the baby bump on the Aiel.  The third companion running up is probably Tam, maybe he stabs her in the back and at the last moment sees she's pregnant.

 he better freaking not... if Tam kills Rand's mother I am done with this series, point blank the end. Perrin killing his wife and Tam killing Rand's mother will be too much BS for me.

4 minutes ago, flinn said:

 he better freaking not... if Tam kills Rand's mother I am done with this series, point blank the end. Perrin killing his wife and Tam killing Rand's mother will be too much BS for me.


What would be the problem with a soldier killing an enemy combatant in battle? 

9 minutes ago, flinn said:

 he better freaking not... if Tam kills Rand's mother I am done with this series, point blank the end. Perrin killing his wife and Tam killing Rand's mother will be too much BS for me.

The fact that she would most certainly kill him without a thought about it other than "I have gained some small honor in this victory" kind of takes away any real concern here.

2 hours ago, KakitaOCU said:

Given the shift in location I think we might not see any Siuan or Liandrin stuff for the rest of Season 1.

BUT..  If we do, had a thought (Which might be worthless if we confirm Elaid casting).

There's been talk about Liandrin being combined with Elaida.  I initially didn't like the idea but as I thought about it..

Liandrin has very little confrontation with the heroes during her arc, it's mostly her trying to upstage her boss and losing.

What if we combine Liandrin with Elaida AND Alviarin.


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Liandrin, instead of Elaida, overthrows Siuan and becomes the Amyrlin Seat.

To distract from some of the sketchiness of her move she orders some BA to commit their murders, steal of Ter'Angreal and flee.  Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne are getting close and maybe Liandrin herself sends them out of the tower after them to remove a problem (Fitting what Liandrin does in the books).  After that initial encounter I don't recall the Super Girls ever going against Liandrin directly, just the others.

Liandrin stays in the tower and sews discord, eventually getting under Messana's thumb and then out and being there to fight at the last battle.

Removes two casting rolls from budget, keeps the narrative largely intact and allows us to keep a very talented Actress and interesting character going for the whole 8 seasons.


Not joking, and with no disrespect...are you one of the showrunners or you have contact with them?

Because this is the kind of thing that I imagine that they could do.


However, I would have rather relegated Liandrin to the side-role  she had in the books (so, cut her completely from S1), have the boys in Caemlyin and properly introduce ELAIDA, who is a far superior villain, have Rand meet Elayne while he is still a country-boy, have Gareth Bryne comment on the sword...and so on. 


However, since this is the direction they are going, I guess having Liandrin, who is an already established antagonist, to overthrow Siuan would be easier  than having to establish another character (that should have been better established previously).  The only problem I see is that I don't see Liandrin having the charisma to take this big role. Don't get me wrong, the actress is fine but I don't see her as a major antagonist. 

3 hours ago, KakitaOCU said:

Given the shift in location I think we might not see any Siuan or Liandrin stuff for the rest of Season 1.

BUT..  If we do, had a thought (Which might be worthless if we confirm Elaid casting).

There's been talk about Liandrin being combined with Elaida.  I initially didn't like the idea but as I thought about it..

Liandrin has very little confrontation with the heroes during her arc, it's mostly her trying to upstage her boss and losing.

What if we combine Liandrin with Elaida AND Alviarin.


  Reveal hidden contents

Liandrin, instead of Elaida, overthrows Siuan and becomes the Amyrlin Seat.

To distract from some of the sketchiness of her move she orders some BA to commit their murders, steal of Ter'Angreal and flee.  Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne are getting close and maybe Liandrin herself sends them out of the tower after them to remove a problem (Fitting what Liandrin does in the books).  After that initial encounter I don't recall the Super Girls ever going against Liandrin directly, just the others.

Liandrin stays in the tower and sews discord, eventually getting under Messana's thumb and then out and being there to fight at the last battle.

Removes two casting rolls from budget, keeps the narrative largely intact and allows us to keep a very talented Actress and interesting character going for the whole 8 seasons.

It's a way they could go, but they would then need to introduce another Sister (Chesmal - tho, PETA - or Amico?) to be the threat in the field for the Wonder Girls.  Nyn and Elayne spend so much time outside the Tower they need a foil who isn't Forsaken. IIRC, Lin is already involved in Falme, Tear, Tanchico, and Ebou Dar, so she works for that. And with the "that woman is a snake" line, they've already set up a Nyn/ Lin dynamic


I really don't want them to lose Elaida, for the same reason I really don't want them to consolidate Valda and Carridin later on - I think it's really important for the world to have truly evil villains who aren't simply Darkfriends. It keeps it from becoming too simplistic (good or Darkfriend) or singular (Linadrin = all WT issues) in it's good versus evil arcs.


I think Alviarin makes the cut as well, but not even to the same degree as Bronn or Missandei from GoT. Lots of screen time, but few lines.  She is part of the colour (oof) of the White Tower, along with Sheriam and the cook.


Posted (edited)
48 minutes ago, flinn said:

 he better freaking not... if Tam kills Rand's mother I am done with this series, point blank the end. Perrin killing his wife and Tam killing Rand's mother will be too much BS for me.

If it does happen I could see it as more of a he stabs at her back, she turns around and he's like ohh crap, then stays with her.  It causes him to leave the fighting and just go home to the Two Rivers.  Could be a random companion running at her but the way the show has been doing things it wouldn't surprise me if it's Tam.


Eladia might escort Elayne to the tower, it's starting to look like Falme might be where Elayne and Rand meet.

Edited by Sabio
5 hours ago, notpropaganda73 said:

Strange, the teaser on instagram includes another brief shot of a Trolloc in The Ways and what looks like Egwene channelling suddenly. It's just after Moiraine gives her "you will die at the Eye" speech and before Rand says "I can't lose anyone else":





I think Egwene channels in the Ways, after the Trolloc is shown.

22 minutes ago, fra85uk said:


Not joking, and with no disrespect...are you one of the showrunners or you have contact with them?

Because this is the kind of thing that I imagine that they could do.


Of course it is, it makes sense.  In a book you can introduce all the characters you want.  In a film or series it's harder.  Production experience taught me that.  



22 minutes ago, Jaysen Gore said:

It's a way they could go, but they would then need to introduce another Sister (Chesmal - tho, PETA - or Amico?) to be the threat in the field for the Wonder Girls.  Nyn and Elayne spend so much time outside the Tower they need a foil who isn't Forsaken. IIRC, Lin is already involved in Falme, Tear, Tanchico, and Ebou Dar, so she works for that. And with the "that woman is a snake" line, they've already set up a Nyn/ Lin dynamic


The Super Girls almost always face down other members of the BA that fled with Liandrin.  She almost never shows up against them directly after TGH.  Her interest in Nynaeve may give more weight to her actually being MORE involved in those plots.


22 minutes ago, Jaysen Gore said:

I really don't want them to lose Elaida, for the same reason I really don't want them to consolidate Valda and Carridin later on - I think it's really important for the world to have truly evil villains who aren't simply Darkfriends. It keeps it from becoming too simplistic (good or Darkfriend) or singular (Linadrin = all WT issues) in it's good versus evil arcs.


I'd agree from personal desire.  But the question is going to be...  Is what that brings worth what it costs to hire a completely new actress, sew those additional costumes, etc.  I don't know, but I could easily see it being a cost that makes sense to cut.


22 minutes ago, Jaysen Gore said:

I think Alviarin makes the cut as well, but not even to the same degree as Bronn or Missandei from GoT. Lots of screen time, but few lines.  She is part of the colour (oof) of the White Tower, along with Sheriam and the cook.


Again, how much is that worth, how much will a normal audience appreciate it versus the cost.


1 minute ago, KakitaOCU said:

Of course it is, it makes sense.  In a book you can introduce all the characters you want.  In a film or series it's harder.  Production experience taught me that.  



The Super Girls almost always face down other members of the BA that fled with Liandrin.  She almost never shows up against them directly after TGH.  Her interest in Nynaeve may give more weight to her actually being MORE involved in those plots.



I'd agree from personal desire.  But the question is going to be...  Is what that brings worth what it costs to hire a completely new actress, sew those additional costumes, etc.  I don't know, but I could easily see it being a cost that makes sense to cut.



Again, how much is that worth, how much will a normal audience appreciate it versus the cost.


I understand what you're saying. But my working premise is each character arc and setting needs a certain amount of recurring actors in order to make it seem like a concrete world, and not just a rotating door of random people, or villain of the week. 


Here's my math:

Each EF5 (Egwene)

+ 1 love interest (Gawyn)

+ 3 recurring supporting characters (Romanda / Lelaine / Silviana, or Wise Ones)

+ 1 Forsaken Villain (Mesaana)

+ 1 Main human level antagonist (Elaida)

+ 3 recurring underlings (Faolain, Alviarin, TBD)

= 10 people

x 5 EF5

= 50 actors, give or take.  As a comparison, GOT had 60ish.


So they can add another 10 or so recurring characters (Siuan, Leane, Alannah, Verin, Loial, Bayle, Egeanin, Birgitte, Logain, more Forsaken) to add richness, and still have a comparable sized cast to GOT, while personalizing the conflict at different power levels for each member of the EF5. It's not precise, but it's a start to figure out what's likely in, and what's out.


As characters change settings, their 2-3 recurring support characters can change (like Eggy's from the Wise Ones to Romanda / Lelaine), but you're never really asking the audience to remember more than 50 or so characters at once.


What that does do is really put as risk the B plot characters and arcs that get introduced midway that give a lot of colour to the world, but only marginally touch on the A plot. Morgase, Camelyn, The Kin, the Black Tower, the BA Hunters. All are likely at risk in an 8 season show.


But, WAFO...


We are wandering off topic a bit but since you started it her is my guess.


Morgase, Alliandre, Basel Gill, Langwin, the whole little gang Morgase gathers for her escape are plucked from the pattern.  Rahvin kills her or she dies in the raid on Caemlyn.  Rahvin and Sammael may be combined.


We get Bain Chiad and Gaul if they want to keep some of the humor about the behavior of the different sexes.


I am not sure about the whole Tanchico part but it could be considerably trimmed down to Nyn's battle with the Spider and the gathering of the trinkets there.  Everybody knows you have to gather magic trinkets.


The whole journey in the Menagerie gets really trimmed to a few scenes. s


Gareth Bryne Chases S&L&L into Salidar


We get several of the main Aes Sedai characters at Salidar.   Halima too later 


Lets not forget Matt and the Aiel Clan chiefs we are gonna need a few Rhuarc and ???.  Gonna need some maidens.  If there is curveball and Eg gets the dragon nod with Moraine taking over as Amyrlin in the book arc for Eg after Suian's demotion then you will need some Aiel men's society  This assumes the events at the river in Cairhen don't take place or end differently so we can keep seeing Ms Pike.  An arc like this will really cause me to channel Uno.  


Probably will need a couple of Seafolks and Seanchan including Tuan.  Hopefully we will see Egeanin  although if they truly axed Bayle they will ax her.  Gotta fix the weather at somepoiint


No Cadsuane no joy!!!!  


Let's not forget Hopper he better show up. and Slayer.


Absolutely need Mazrim Tain and some of the Black Tower lads.  


Well this could go on forever but there are a lot of key secondary characters.  We will need them if the pattern is going to remotely resemble Randland. 


Well anyway these are my favorite characters and key arcs that we should see.  We need Lord Bashere and Faile of course there are a bunch that would come to mind if only my mind was already coming undone due to all the threads the show team has already plucked from the pattern,.


3 hours ago, KakitaOCU said:

The fact that she would most certainly kill him without a thought about it other than "I have gained some small honor in this victory" kind of takes away any real concern here.

Except Far Derais Mai are definitively non-combatants during a pregnancy (Aiel standards) - Shaiel was pushing it even remaining west of the dragonwall.  If this is supposed to be her fighting it is just wrong.

4 hours ago, Ralph said:


What would be the problem with a soldier killing an enemy combatant in battle? 

Go tell your adoptive son that you were the one who killed his mother and see how he takes it...


 Let's not be ridiculous. 10's of thousands of people could have killed his mother, it does not have to be Tam.


 I seriously wonder about the morals of some of the people who post here.

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