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Tainted Minds - A Black Tower Mafia Game: Game over - Town wins


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Why is there such a strong push on Dice? What stood out so definitely as scum?


Cory, your villager list is wrong by at least one because I'm not scum. But of course, scum would likely say that as much as town.


So, Soon, are you linking Cory and Clov together as scum mates? There does seem to be a great deal of conversation between them, but what sticks out as scummy?

Are you talking to me? 


Also Cory's list is at least wrong by 3 scum reads, because there are only two more scums left.


Can we get back to this?


What are you referring to with your last line there, DJ?

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also worth nothing: dice has interacted with BFG (who was d1's most vocal player by a fair margin) more than anyone else and yet has not made a single read on her. BFG is someone dice typically attempts to read. He treats her like a villager in the sense that he's responsive to her questions and tries to give reasonable answers - except when she approves dice votes.


As much as BFG is a pretty consensus villager overall, dice not even bothering to say something about her slot is problematic. Village!dice doesn't give a damn about what is or isn't consensus, he wants to "get there" by himself. Seems more like she removed herself from the mislynch pool through her play early and so he's basically ignored any interaction with her that isn't an effort to improve how he looks to her.

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Are you asking if I think it's possible LZM is an insane seer and you were framed N0?




If it's not that I don't know you're asking LOL


Nevermind then.


What's your opinion, lynch Dice now or wait until closer to deadline?



If people want to take their time, I have no problem with it, but I'm ready to see his flip.

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Nolder: Dead

BFG: Solid town. Has had a good game in my opinion, not really anything that stood out as wrong to me.

Marsh: I like his play late D1, leaning town.

DJ: Hasn't done a whole lot, which is understandable from a new player, but seems genuine, so leaning town.

LZM: I believe his claim, so town.

Nini: Leaning town. I like her game.

Leyrann: Me.

Cory: Was leaning scum early on, but imo he's proven himself much since then, so now leaning town.

Clov: Would probably lean town due to the amount of content he's brought in, but with LZM's viewings I'm not sure, though I think a framer is more likely, also because he'd be a logical target to frame, if Nolder already got killed.

SK: Still got no idea. At all.

Sooh: Unsure, but very slight town lean.

Ben: Dead.

Dice: Leaning scum. Day 1 he didn't stand out to me, but with Cory's reasoning for his train and his play Day 2 I feel like I'm watching his scum game.


Conclusion, for me personally, I cleared too many or cleared too easily. Bottom reads would probably be Dice, SK, Clov and Sooh, in that order, but I think I need a reread to get a clearer view of things.

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I'm gonna give Dice one more day to defend himself, which means that if he isn't convincing I'm voting him tomorrow morning my time. Just not voting now because I like the time and because I don't believe that, if he is scum, he can talk himself out of it.

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DJ - I realize the question wasn't to me, but I think MOST people would agree Dice is a decent option not because he's been sjper scummy but because he hasn't been townie.


There are a lot of reasons to think several people are town. We know its 9-2. If someone's town, and they have 6 confident reads, that's four names fpr two slots.

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Sooh, my question had been in regards to Cory and Clov being up early and you made referrence to scum. May have been just a joke, but just curious.

Can you quote where I alluded to either of them being scum?

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After my initial mafia read on Marsh he came back and posted a lot even though he didn´t have the time. I can understand why he is annoyed by SK twisting his words.


Marsh: You think Cory looks good because of how Ben treated him. Is it any different from how he treated SK?


Your reads right now if I get it are: BFG, Clov and BFG are town. SK is mafia. You are voting Dice because you trust Cory? (Because you didn´t think his case was good enough for a vote.)


What about the rest of the players?




I get a genuine feeling from Marsh but I guess he would be annoyed by SK as mafia as well. Feeling a lot better about him now though.

I admit that Ben's behavior make a town SK more viable, but that doesn't outweigh SK's own behavior for me. Cory has acted towny on his own. SK has not.


Yeah, I'm basically trusting Cory. He acts like he has some info the rest of us don't, and I'm comfortable sheeping him.


I posted a read list yesterday, but I'll make a new one later today when I have a spare minute

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Of course they are up early! We have two scumbags to lynch!



Ok, so figured out how to quote using my phone. Excited about that.


I think it was mostly a joke, but just wanted to make sure.


No, but Cory and Chris were part of the "we" that have two scumbags to lynch. 

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DJ - I realize the question wasn't to me, but I think MOST people would agree Dice is a decent option not because he's been sjper scummy but because he hasn't been townie.


There are a lot of reasons to think several people are town. We know its 9-2. If someone's town, and they have 6 confident reads, that's four names fpr two slots.


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