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Harry Potter Week - Dumbledore's Army Mafia Game Thread [GAME OVER-MAFIA WINS]


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Pretty sure there is at least 1 scum in both groups.

Sorry if I'm being slow, but are these lists you cooked up yourself or did they come from Devil as your Neighbor? If you cooked them up yourself, why are some of us on there but not others?


in any case, since Turin asked, here goes:


Turin- v. agressive play style, clearly experienced, comfortable with multiple posts, which explains why he's head and shoulders above us all in post count. Still feels town to me, but I'll agree there's a strong possibility he's white knighting

Lessa-Scattered play style. Felt random to me at first, but idk, I'm beginning to come to Rhea's side here.

Elgee- I don't know. I think its possible she's a mafia lurker, but kind of unlikely.

Rhea- I'd feel more sure if Dar's action had gone through, that's disappointing, but again, I see no evidence for her being mafia

Devil- hasn't posted enough and isn't reading thoroughly enough, as he's getting confused. Still, doesn't seem entirely Town to me for some reason.

Verbal- I'd like to hear more from him today

LZM- At the risk of playing into LZM/Charis trains, this is my strongest feel about scum. He's played a lot of games, I believe and been soundly wrong on this one so far. Unless he's been right and leading us astray.

DarJen- if she's mafia, she's doing an ADMIRABLE job of being the lurker mafioso. I think it is much more likely that she's exactly what she seems: a brand new vanilla townie.

Charis- TTT


People I'd be willing as of this moment, to lynch:





People I could get talked into lynching:




IRT to the bolded.


How have I been "soundly wrong"? For two days I tried to push a lynch on Daruya. Yes she was town.


But soundly? Nah. Not in comparison to you Lessa and Turin. All 3 of you have mislynched 2 days in a row.

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If someone is thinking I'm scum cuz I pushed to lynch Daruya, might I suggest looking at those who were on both the mislynch trains....


Turin, Lessa and Charis were all three on both the Darthe mislynch and the Ed mislynch. Neither of my votes D1 or D2 counted.

So if you think I'm negligible for gunning on Daruya, think again. Those three are far more responsible for scums huge lead right now than I am.


I'll guarantee one of them is scum.

bold: bad argument. Intent is the thing. Your using the argument that "officer I'm innocent because although I tried to rob the safe, I couldn't figure out the combination."


I certainly led the Ed lynch because I believed Dar was town and I didn't want to lynch a townie. Especially one with an item. I stated my purpose and reasoning at the time. There was enough support to make it happen. I have no regrets on that. Similar situation on D1. It was either Dar or Darthe IMO. I thought Dar town. Darthe I was uncertain of and I wasn't gonna let a character claim level me in this game. I made that pretty clear early.


As far as your responsibility I would contend that the opening of the slytherin door also led to the mafia advantage. D1 is the worst day to have to shoot. (It is my contention that the chests were linked to the houses not just to the order they were opened. I could well be wrong about that but I doubt it)


It is also the methods you have used to push your cases. The misrep and the shifting goal posts. Using my actions from a town game I played to accuse me of being mafia now. It's all false.

First bold. If I'm held accountable by my intent then so are you. You have led us astray for two days. Your smooth tongue and disarming nature are the same tools Lucifer used to trick Eve into eating the apple. If you are town, you've doubly harmed us, and that is just as bad as my funneling on Daruya. So, pot, still insist on calling the kettle black?

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Turin- He has obviously played this game before and often, and is more experienced in what to look for. There is a possibility of "White Knighting". Can provide insight.

Lessa- Do not have a good feel for.

Elgee- Do not have a good feel for.

Rhea- Has helped to progress the "story" side of things and has helped to recap points.

Devil- limited posts, and as has been pointed out has been confused in those posts.

Verbal- Obviously has experience in playing the game and so can provide insight.

LZM- Another played with experience. May have caused confusion in the beginning by design or by accident, or simply seen that way. Can also possibly provide insight.

Charis- Limited interaction, but has provided insight.


The ones with the most obvious experience are the ones I am most concerned about being mafia because they have the experience to know how to redirect and lay suspicion elsewhere. I am probably most suspicious of Turin because of the Daruya defense. He could have suspected she was town and was consistently trying to defend a fellow town member, or he suspected her of being town and wanted to establish close ties with her early on in an attempt to shield himself with her "towness". Oh I am sure that is not a legitimate mafia term, and I am trying to learn how all this works.


I hope that some of this makes at least a little sense. I wish I had more time to devote to the game. I do intend to play more games as I suppose only experience will provide proper insight of game play.

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First off, I'm aware I was a part of the mislynches and the killing of Ben and I regret them greatly but unfortunately it happens.


Second, as I did my reread, there was one other person who voted Dar D1 that we all missed by accident or on purpose, Elgee. Both LZM and Elgee are alive of those who voted Dar D1, and again, I regret my own contribution to that. LZM has been very vocal about his choices but Elgee has not. Whether that is inactivity or lurking, I'm not entirely sure.


Rhea - As I previously stated, I had not intended to start a train on Darthe D1, just to get him to answer what had been asked of him. Each person who voted for him afterward gave the same reason to vote him, not answering why he liked the Dar vote, so why are you singling me out? I didn't encourage anyone else to vote him, so why was I alone in the "opportunistic" vote reason that you've given?


DJ - It may be due to being a newer player or it could be coaching from her teammates to say that she's "rereading and will give thoughts later." Every vote has been last minute and I'm not alone in noticing that and I don't like it. Darthe may have been onto something before he was lynched.


Elgee - acting how she listed how she looks for mafia (staying off the radar). Either inactivity due to rl or lurking. She is on a lot of people's suspicion lists


Devil - not a strong read but feels off. not a lot of posts to fully evaluate


Those are the 4 I feel strongest for possible mafia. I do feel like I'm being set up due to my role in Darthe's and Ben's deaths and that the mafia is using that to pull attention away from themselves. I completely accept the fact that I'll be lynched today and when I am, look into these 4.


That being said Vote:Elgee as we all seem to feel something is up with Elgee

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Twice. You've done this twice.


You'd make a good weatherman. Only occupation you can be wrong the majority of the time and still keep your job.



I was wrong once. About Darthe. That is the nature of this internet guessing game. I stated my reasoning when I made my vote. To my knowledge only Verb has questioned my reasoning and that was only in that Darthe claimed a major character. It is my belief that there is a "major" character in the fakeclaims mafia were given. Therefore our names mean literally nothing.


Ed is a different story. I wanted to lynch you. I didn't want to lynch Dar because I thought she was town. (Turned out I was right there. I think that makes one more time than you) At its core mafia is a simple game. You try to lynch mafia and try to make sure you don't lynch town. I was not gonna sit on the side and let someone I thought was town get lynched without trying to do something about it. There were only a few people here at deadline so the choices were limited. I couldn't get enough support to lynch you. Nor my second choice of Charis. Ed was merely a random option that had done NOTHING to show he was town. In my mind better to lynch him than someone I think town.

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First off, I'm aware I was a part of the mislynches and the killing of Ben and I regret them greatly but unfortunately it happens.


Second, as I did my reread, there was one other person who voted Dar D1 that we all missed by accident or on purpose, Elgee. Both LZM and Elgee are alive of those who voted Dar D1, and again, I regret my own contribution to that. LZM has been very vocal about his choices but Elgee has not. Whether that is inactivity or lurking, I'm not entirely sure.


Rhea - As I previously stated, I had not intended to start a train on Darthe D1, just to get him to answer what had been asked of him. Each person who voted for him afterward gave the same reason to vote him, not answering why he liked the Dar vote, so why are you singling me out? I didn't encourage anyone else to vote him, so why was I alone in the "opportunistic" vote reason that you've given?


DJ - It may be due to being a newer player or it could be coaching from her teammates to say that she's "rereading and will give thoughts later." Every vote has been last minute and I'm not alone in noticing that and I don't like it. Darthe may have been onto something before he was lynched.


Elgee - acting how she listed how she looks for mafia (staying off the radar). Either inactivity due to rl or lurking. She is on a lot of people's suspicion lists


Devil - not a strong read but feels off. not a lot of posts to fully evaluate


Those are the 4 I feel strongest for possible mafia. I do feel like I'm being set up due to my role in Darthe's and Ben's deaths and that the mafia is using that to pull attention away from themselves. I completely accept the fact that I'll be lynched today and when I am, look into these 4.


That being said Vote:Elgee as we all seem to feel something is up with Elgee


I was wondering when someone was going to notice that! I wasn't going to stick my hand in the air and say "hellloo there you missed me I look suspicious too!", though :P


The fact that Lessa is brave enough to stick her neck out on that makes me lean towards believing her to be Town.


I'll give my thoughts on everyone next.

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Let me start off by saying that since I don't play Mafia, I don't know for sure who the experienced Mafia players in this group are, except for Verb. I believe Turin is too, and I think someone mentioned that so is LZM.


Next, my thoughts and decisions are based off perceptions, as I have a shockingly bad memory and don't have the time to keep rereading all the posts here. Some things stick in my mind, and then I run with that.


To recap shortly what my perception has been so far: LZM picked the Slytherin door, and immediately got jumped on by Dar & Turin, who accused him of being Mafia because of that. That just seemed so incredibly prejudiced to me, which is not something Dar usually is, that it led me to believe they are Mafia. I turned out to be completely wrong about Dar. More later.


Lessa: I believe her to be Town, as her posts seem genuine to me.


Elgee: Town, but don't take my word for it :P


Rhea: hmmm ... for some reason she gives me a Mafia buzz. I honestly can't pin down why, but she and Charis both give me that feeling. It's like their posts are overly carefully thought out and written. On the other hand, neither are overly experienced players so that could just be them trying to play the game properly.


Devil: I don't know this person (hi!) but I don't think that they're Mafia - seems to be getting too many facts wrong!


LZM: I may be completely basing my belief on a knee-jerk reaction about the Slytherin/Mafia accusation, but I'll still go ahead and stick my neck out and say he's Town


Dar'Jen: completely inexperienced and judging from her behaviour as a Newbie WT member, she seems "genuine". I honestly don't think she would have the confidence (here) to pull off being Mafia - I think she's just posting as she is, because of who she genuinely is. Not sure if I'm expressing myself properly there? Basically she's too noob to act this innocent, if she wasn't.


Charis: same as I said about Rhea.


Verbal: Scum! lol ... as probably the most experience Mafia player here, along with Turin, I am most suspicious of him because he would be most adept at hiding it if he was Mafia.

Turin: basically what I said about Verbal above.


Verbal & Turin: as said above, I'm most suspicious of them. They're either both Mafia, and playing an excellent game of "lets make it look like we're fighting", or 1 of them is Mafia and the other Town. So either Turin is "whiteknighting", judging by his interplay with Dar, or he's Mafia. It's honestly totally 50/50 for me on the both of them, but if I had to go by my gut-feeling, I'd say Turin is Town and Verb is Mafia. By a sliver.


So, my picks for Mafia are Verbal, Rhea and Charis. Verb would be the most dangerous player by far, of those 3, so:


Vote: Verbal

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So as not to vote last minute, getting vote in now.


Vote: Devil[/]


My reasoning is I have the least read on this individual. What posting has been made has been contradictory, as pointed out by Turin. Though Turin may be "white knighting", he does have experience in the game. I might follow here to see if his feelings are validated or not.


I am still unsure of Verb and LZM, but again, they have experience and insight, and I'm willing to see what developed after tonight.


Hoping that something becomes blaringly obvious to indicate town or mafia, but learning the game is more about subtlety?

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You make a good point, LZM.


Trying to be more active, Verbal.


I suppose if anyone wants to use lack of participation as an indication of mafia, then I suppose I could throw Devil out there, thanks to Verbal's list. But I really don't think that participation or lack thereof is a good enough reason really to consider someone mafia.

In a vacuum, this logic is solid......but play enough games, and you'll be surprised at how often the bold actually proves to be false. People inherently prefer being a townie - it is "less stress". When people are scum, they are more cautious and afraid to post and give themselves (or their teammates) away. This naturally makes them post less and lurk.

So you decide to vote the post leader? Okaaaay :rolleyes:



Did you miss the part before when I said there is likely a mafia member playing "out in front"?  I'm guessing you did.

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Why me over say LZM?

he's put himself out there more with his you/Dar = scum claims.....just not a good idea for scum to play THAT far out in front.....initial gut read



Why isn't DJ in the lurker group?

more active than the others (I think?)



Verb, do you have any actual game related thoughts. Like actual things that people have done?

Those are game related.
No that is just using post count. Try doing some werk. Half her posts are checking in don't know what's going on. Which is not an indictment of her as she is new, but is a question of your commitment to solve.


It's D3, time for more than gut reads. He's spent two days trying to lynch two townies and has misrepped Dar on his first big reason, then when called on it, pivoted to the flipside argument.

(In case you missed it. LZM said Dar noticed Dice character claiming in his first post. She didn't. She noted him claiming town. When this was pointed out to him he switched it up to say that Dice hadn't actually claimed town but had only claimed not a death eater. Which by expected flavor he could be both not a death water and mafia)


I also doubt how Town! Verb could be thinking I'm anything but town.


Family time now. Back later.







maybe ask LZM? It was his reason to continue to push Dar.


Lemme ask you this, you said we should have backed off Darthe for his Harry Potter claim. Dar claimed an investigation role but you have no problem with the people that left votes there thru deadline? Including LZM? Explain that to me please.



Chests with items?  Didn't Daruya get one?  Not the same as a claim, so nice try.

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Dar claimed her ability which in this game is as close to a role as we are getting. Your strangely choosing to be doubtful about facts and trusting on feels. Yes she did get one. Did you never read the thread?


I didn't miss your post about one playing in front. But that person is generally redirecting attention away from mafia. Who other than Dar have I been moving attention from?

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[V] devil [/v]


Flip flop on his decision to vote LZM from yesterday. And his reading about me and Dar.


Also willing to vote LZM, verb.


Next level would be Charis, DJ, and Elgee.


Probably not voting Rhea or Lessa except for self preservation.


I'd be hesitant to lose my new neighbor, but I guess since he's on my list, I could be down for that if your train gains no traction.

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Dar claimed her ability which in this game is as close to a role as we are getting. Your strangely choosing to be doubtful about facts and trusting on feels. Yes she did get one. Did you never read the thread?


I didn't miss your post about one playing in front. But that person is generally redirecting attention away from mafia. Who other than Dar have I been moving attention from?


I thought she just claimed an ability she got from a chest, can you tell me roughly which page it was on?

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Why are you putting any faith in a character claim when you were TOLD BY THE MOD that mafia had safe fake claims?


The names we have seen so far indicate that there are quite a few minor/background characters in the game.


Because I've played probably dozens upon dozens of games with Darthe, and I know how he plays.  It was a gut read, I admit, but it was early game and I'm ok with that.

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Dar claimed her ability which in this game is as close to a role as we are getting. Your strangely choosing to be doubtful about facts and trusting on feels. Yes she did get one. Did you never read the thread?


I didn't miss your post about one playing in front. But that person is generally redirecting attention away from mafia. Who other than Dar have I been moving attention from?

I thought she just claimed an ability she got from a chest, can you tell me roughly which page it was on?

I'm on mobile but it was very close to EoD 2. So I would look back from there. There should be a link on the first page.


The ability was from a chest item as everyone in the game is vanilla/goon themselves.

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Dar claimed her ability which in this game is as close to a role as we are getting. Your strangely choosing to be doubtful about facts and trusting on feels. Yes she did get one. Did you never read the thread?


I didn't miss your post about one playing in front. But that person is generally redirecting attention away from mafia. Who other than Dar have I been moving attention from?

I thought she just claimed an ability she got from a chest, can you tell me roughly which page it was on?

I'm on mobile but it was very close to EoD 2. So I would look back from there. There should be a link on the first page.


The ability was from a chest item as everyone in the game is vanilla/goon themselves.



That was my point - Darthe claiming his character is different from Dar claiming what role she got from a chest.


I would imagine the scum team would get the same role a townie would from "chest #1"....so you're kind of being a hypocrite by bashing me for trusting Darthe's claim.

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False equivalence. The character claim is meaningless and can't be verified until that player dies.


The claim Dar made of a item that could help town was verifiable (unfortunately I misunderstood the dynamics of the role). Holding that vote on her in effect denying town that opportunity is anti town. To say otherwise is at best wrong and most likely mafia behavior.

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False equivalence. The character claim is meaningless and can't be verified until that player dies.


The claim Dar made of a item that could help town was verifiable (unfortunately I misunderstood the dynamics of the role). Holding that vote on her in effect denying town that opportunity is anti town. To say otherwise is at best wrong and most likely mafia behavior.


I think you totally missed my point.


Either way, this is a game with a handful of unknowns (i.e. we know people received roles, and we know who they are, and that changes how people normally play), and you jumped out front pretty strongly and defended Daruya without real evidence.  Enough people thought she could be scum - she had some "meh" posts that didn't sound right, and people (myself amongst them) called her out on it.  Yet you stood steadfast and resolute in her defense.  Don't you see how that looks like white knighting, especially in this type of game where there are potentially more moving parts?

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And on top of that, you're not shrugging it off - you're responding to every little poke at you with some annoyance.  In my experience, town get frustrated when they are being unjustly pushed - scum get annoyed.

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