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Gray Ajah Midsummer Event: Dinner in the Dark


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*snaps her fingers and a dim lighting fills the room. Some of the guests gasp as Adella's body is carried away by the waiters.*


*more staff comes out to refill drinks*


*snaps fingers again and the lights are snuffed out once more*


Some of you did quite well. Others, well close does not quite cut it but most of you tried. Though there were worse guesses, but random is random. *sighs* She did look lovely though this evening.


Moving on.


The first course was.




Spiced Pumpkin soup with roasted pumpkin seeds.



The next course will be served soon.

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Could have just as easily been me, I said pudding lol. Savoury wasn't the first thing that comes to mind for pumpkin soup, least not the few times I have had it.

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The second course is served.


*waiters with the glowing pins start to serve up the next dish*


The plate is chilled and the smell is slightly tangy. You find round objects and some other pieces. Some of the round bits have a pit in the middle and are pleasantly salty and savory. The other parts have a faintly bitter with a perhaps a slightly similar taste to asparagus. A very distinct flavor. The dish is somewhat oily and flavoring all works together. The side of this dish is also served with a warm type of bread that may be used with it.

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After my father's wedding, the family went to the Briarwood Inn in Golden, Colorado. We had a small room to ourselves, and it was the most luxurious dining experience I had ever had in my twenty-five years. I loved how in between each course they cleared the table and reset it fresh.


I was torn on what to order from the menu. On the one hand, I wanted a ribeye steak, knowing it would be delicious, but I had eated ribeyes before. On the other hand, I wanted to try the Ruby Trout. I knew it would be well prepared, so that anyone who enjoyed trout would say it was delicious. But I had never tried trout, and I was worried that I wouldn't enjoy it no matter how well it was prepared.


I plunged forward and ordered the trout. And it was delicious.

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Never been to a fancy eating party of any kind, dinner or otherwise. Most elaborate or ritualised it ever gets for me is at holidays with family, in which case you sit on the ground and you pass food around or drink from the same "cup" at times. Not what most other's think of as "posh" by any means lol.

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I have been to a few really fancy weddings and once my Mom and step dad took us to a crazy fancy restaurant in Florida. We stayed a couple days along the coast near Ft. Walton. It was quite the experience, which is probably why they splurged on it.


The best food is always at places you never expect anyway. Hole in the wall bbq joints or random dinners and street food stands in some countries. Lol

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*the lights come back on dimly and the body of James is dragged away*


This course some of you came close enough to the answer it counts. Others made some terrible guesses. Random is random though so James got olives but added cauliflower which was wrong.


*lights go out once more with a snap*


This course was an antipasto salad with olives, mozzarella and artichoke hearts.





The main course will be served very soon.

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Probably the most fancy dinner I've had was for my wedding. We had stuffed chicken breast with stuffing. It was so good and I wish I could have gotten more! Just thinking about it makes me hungry.


I was definitely wrong on that last one

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I had no clue what that last one was lol.


Only fancy dinner I have really had was when we went on a cruise just before my 18th birthday. They do a Captains Dinner each cruise, so everyone on the ship dresses up in formal attire and has a fancy dinner. My dress was even blue! I may go back and find a photo.

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(Sorry for lateness. Packing and moving everything into storage and getting ready for the trip got crazy.)


Now for the main course.


*waiters move silently around the chatting guests filling wine glasses and serving a hot plate of food.*


The meal in front of you is hot and fragrant. The aroma hints at slowly cooked meat with gravy. The meat is served still on the bone and is falling apart tender. The spices are less biting and more complex mix of cardamom and coriander. Underneath the meat is some type of rice with small pieces of soft cooked root vegetable and a few nuts and possibly dried fruit tid bits.



(One more course for desert after this)

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*the lights turn on with a finger snap and the wait staff are dragging Lessa away.*


Well we have now come to our final course of the meal. You have all been wonderful guests. Even those who who unfortunately had to exit the dinner early.


The main course was Lamb Tagine.





Now for the dessert!



*the lights go out as waiters start to go around serving small plates.*


The dish holds a round item. The edges are crusty and flakey. The center is filled with a creamy and quite tart filling. It is topped with a small berry. The top of the desert seems to be covered in a sweet powder.

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