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Welcome Cawstrife to the Black Tower!


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Always good to see a new member join in.


I'm Leyrann, the Logain, faction leader of the Light, which most certainly is the faction you should join.


Before that there's some other stuff though, most importantly, our homemade Tainted Brownies!




Now, please, tell us some more about yourself. Who is your favorite asha'man from the series? What other series do you like? How old are you? Where are you from?

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Which side has less people currently? Maybe ill join that side. But the light side having cheaper points is nice too, i guess we'll have to see, thats a ways away anyways isn't it?


I cannot remember most of the series so i couldnt give you an asha'man, and 20's, California.

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I think Shadow has less active people? Maybe our lady dragon Panchi could give us the most accurate estimate. 


Either way, Shadow is obvs the way to go. We are lazy, tainty, and spammy. Da best. 


(Although Ley is king of teh spamz)

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I think it's pretty close in activity between Light and Shadow. It also matters wheter you count everyone that signs in to the roll call or simply everyone that's around.


Not entirely sure what you mean with "cheaper points". If you're talking about the +2 strength for the Light Element, I'd argue it's a smaller bonus than being able to use the True Power. We do have more fun tasks though.


...Or will have when I come around to redesigning them this summer.

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nope, perhaps i just blend in instead. You might be remembering someone else


I thought Light points up to 20 cost 1 point less or something...? but yeah TP would be handy too. We'll see who has the coolest people first ; ^)

Shadow. That's where the kewl people hang.

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What in Shaitin's name is that

Thats a druid in aquatic form, i dont know why a druid symbol is my avatar but for now ill just leave it till i find something better.

You don't know?


*whispers* Was it the voices in your head?

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nope, perhaps i just blend in instead. You might be remembering someone else


I thought Light points up to 20 cost 1 point less or something...? but yeah TP would be handy too. We'll see who has the coolest people first ; ^)


Ranks in the One Power start out cheap (1 for a level, then 2 for a level, etc) but get more expensive up to the point where a rank costs something like 60 (when you're around level 20-25). The Light Faction gets 2 "free" ranks in one element, which means they get a +2 to their element level for free and additionally pay a little less points for leveling up (they pay as if they didn't have that +2 and it then gets applied again afterwards). The Shadow, on the other hand, has access to the True Power, of which the strength is equal to the weakest elemental strength (meaning it helps a lot for a Shadow member to have all ranks close to one another as you get the highest True Power rank from it). True Power weaves are unblockable by Light members, as they cannot see the weaves, but there is only a chance that the Dark One actually allows you to use the True Power, as you have to pray to him first. If he decides to not grant your prayer, you die, which costs you 1 strength in your highest level element (if I remember correctly). The chance you have to die depends on your Shadow rank, of which I do not know how it works, but it goes from 50% to 1%.

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They surely do. The cross board rank thing made it interesting for visits. It also meant I could battle as an Aes Sedai sometimes. Me and Turin would have mighty battles against other teams :)


We never really figured out how linking would work though.

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