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Welcome ElanTheGood

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Welcome to the Band!


I'm Cairos and I'm the XO of the Band. I will send in the request for you to be added to the group and also send you the welcome PM. Hopefully you enjoy your time here at the Band. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

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have you lot chased him off already? impressive!



*stands ready to pounce on new person*


*eyes Recruit Killi while waiting*



*gets glean in eye eying Killi*




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Hello Elan!


Welcome to the Band!


Looking forward to seeing you around the stables after you obviously choose the best regiment to enter :wink:

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*half falls into the room, quite a bit more than half drunk*


Howdy there! Can I pop a squat next to ya? Got a few points of infor*hicc*mation ya might be finding useful.


*pours two flaming shots, and hands one to Elan*


Now you've probably noticed the others trying to point ya toward which regiment to go to, but really, in all honesty. The regiment chooses you!


Cheers mate! kick back and enjoy watching Zander dog latrines!


*toasts Elan and slams the shot back*

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Gday Elan.


Welcome to the Band.  Home of the Mighty Cavalry!!


Now  you might wonder who the Cavalry are...well their the BEST PART of the Band!!! Thats right!!  others will lie to you about Infantry this (spew) or Archers that (chokes)  but if you keep the fact that the Cav is the best in the forefront of your mind, then your time here will be a breeze!!!



Now the REALLY important questions


How many of the Wheel of time books have you read?


and which is your favorite book?


and ure fav character?

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