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Basel Gill

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Mawthtex" data-cid="2704843" data-time="1355544062"><p>

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Basel Gill" data-cid="2704777" data-time="1355538491"><p><blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Mawthtex" data-cid="2704767" data-time="1355537576"><p>OPPA GANGNAM STYLE<br />

<br />

I would like to submit that anyone who hates that song MUST be antitown</p></blockquote>

<br />

The mod hates this song.</p></blockquote>

THE MOD IS A NAZI</p></blockquote>

This make me lolz! :laugh:

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Los Alamos, New Mexico:


Ley knew that somehow, the enemy nations had figured out who was heading the Manhattan Project. It wasn't a good time for classified secrets to get out. A Cabinet Secretary had been assassinated, Pearl Harbor was bombed, the Russians had lost two of their best generals in one bombing, and Stalingrad had fallen soon after that. But no matter how depressing the news got, he had to keep going. Victory might depend on his efforts. The latest plutonium experiment was due to finish any minute, he decided to go check on it. He left his office, locked it, and headed to another building in the top secret complex. He got to his destination and walked into an empty room. Where was everyone? He looked around, and began opening desk drawers. The third one he opened contained several sticks of dynamite wired to an alarm clock... which began to sound its bell. "How ironic. Killed by a bomb," he muttered before the explosion hit him.


Ley, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Allied Inventor, has been killed.


It is now Day 3. Deadline is Wednesday, Dec. 19th at 9 PM EST. With 18 alive, it takes 10 to lynch.



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Smiley, what do you think of Time?


sorry, lost a massive post filled with cat pictures... nevermind


IIRC she put an "Ally" in her claim as opposed to just Town, Despo pointed it out I think, and I lean towards agreeing with him that it adds to her Town cred because it seems a deeper level of thought than just a simple "I am Town" post. Further than that, she does fall under the larger banner of people I'd like to have a larger look at, including Tress, Kaylee, Starrik, Maw, Turin etc.

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The list in order of voting snd my thoughts on each


Turin (Don't know about him, he got onto Ley real quick and stuck on him, the stood hard on schevingen and I think his activity has dropped off since then)

Despo (confirmed Town)

Wombat (pretty sure he's Town)

Darthe (confirmed Town)

BG (not sure about him, he puts in the occasional post, but not particularly active, but I don't have any alarm bells ringing)

Rand (Mason)

Bard Babe (Claimed cop - haven't seen much of her so I don't have a read)

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Yikes... well, Ley was honest. 


Considering this was a N2 kill, and mafia had a bit more time to feel out the game before this, I'd like to go back and see who was on Ley's case a bit D1. 


How is that gonna help?  Ley was probably killed because he had a good roleclaim.

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Yikes... well, Ley was honest. 


Considering this was a N2 kill, and mafia had a bit more time to feel out the game before this, I'd like to go back and see who was on Ley's case a bit D1. 


How is that gonna help?  Ley was probably killed because he had a good roleclaim.


I hope Ley was just WIFOMing when he said that he wouldn't use give anyone an invention...

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Hello, apologies for my christmas party intruding a little last night lol


I'm glad Ley really was Town, with his saying he was blocked on Night one and the conversation about not gifting last night - plus the chit chat between him and Wombat I was begining to worry I was being led down the garden path.


I see that Marsh is hoping someone will start the votes going for Turin. obviously people have their suspicions and he is a tricksy one at the best of time, but seeing as how he has already explained that he has a long out of state truck journey - 8 DAYS!! to be precise - all the way from South California to North Carolina - during which he cannot reply whilst driving, and I know that he is sleeping now, I feel that Marsh desperately wants to make sure the attention does not come back onto him.


Oh well, I guess I'm just going to have to Vote Marsh and ruin that plan :biggrin:


and now I have a Clue game to win, so if you will excuse me ...

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