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Basel Gill

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Not sure how it is bad for town to be completely fair.


I do see how I make myself a much less valuable target to the mafia. This gives me a better chance of sticking around to help the town out?


It also gives everyone else a worse chance of sticking around.  Including the power roles.  The mafia is going to kill someone.  Would you rather have them kill a player with a power or a vanilla townie?  Claiming vanilla townie is almost always anti-town.


This is your first game, so I don't fault you at all; just something to keep in mind for future games.

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Ahhh thank you wombat. That makes a lot of sense. However, had I said  this with say 5 people left, I think that would have been much more harmful to town than with 22 players remaining. That being said, I do understand that and sorry to my fellow townies. A tad selfish of me, but at least you know I walk in the light!

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Ahhh thank you wombat. That makes a lot of sense. However, had I said  this with say 5 people left, I think that would have been much more harmful to town than with 22 players remaining. That being said, I do understand that and sorry to my fellow townies. A tad selfish of me, but at least you know I walk in the light!


True; it is not as harmful now, especially since the mafia already know who the cop is >.<

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Darthe is a coin. Spin, spin, spin.


Also, since I didn't get a chance to post more earlier, very nice play there Womby.


Also that Mistborn game was totally awesome. I got to be this wierd super-powered serial killer. Died because of a random cop viewing. Made me sad.

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Darthe is a coin. Spin, spin, spin.


Also, since I didn't get a chance to post more earlier, very nice play there Womby.


Also that Mistborn game was totally awesome. I got to be this wierd super-powered serial killer. Died because of a random cop viewing. Made me sad.


But is it the Lord or the Lady who looks on us now?

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Darthe (11): Ithi, Len, Turin, Womby, Darthe, Tina, Maw, RTE, Thorum, Ley, Rand, Snow

Ley (3): BB, Chuckles, Starry

Tina (1): Random

Thorum (1): Des


Not voting (5): Falcon, Time, Tress, Kaylee


With 23 alive it takes 12 to lynch.


Deadline is Friday, Dec. 7th at 9 PM EST.




That's a lynch! Many of you seemed to assume that the 11th vote was actually the hammer. I kept reading through all this quasi-twilight for the real hammer.

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North Africa:


Darthe had worked hard during the fighting in Ethiopia, but the country was liberated now. He heard that they wanted to send him to Iraq next.. But there were some in London who doubted his loyalty. It was difficult convincing them. So he came out of his headquarters one evening to find several military police waiting for him. "You are really with the enemy," the senior officer told him. "You are under arrest."


Darthe, William Joseph Slim, Allied Rubber Tongue, has been lynched.


It is now Night 1. Since it's a weekend, deadline for all night actions will be Monday, Dec. 10th at 7 PM EST.



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Not sure how it is bad for town to be completely fair.


I do see how I make myself a much less valuable target to the mafia. This gives me a better chance of sticking around to help the town out?


Before my scene, it is bad for the town because you sticking around is irrelevant compared to the cop sticking around and your claim of vanilla assures that mafia can cross you off their list.  Remember, they are hunting the LD, Cop, Doc etc.  Hence my entire play.  AKA, don't claim vanilla as it helps the mafia.

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Not sure how it is bad for town to be completely fair.


I do see how I make myself a much less valuable target to the mafia. This gives me a better chance of sticking around to help the town out?


Before my scene, it is bad for the town because you sticking around is irrelevant compared to the cop sticking around and your claim of vanilla assures that mafia can cross you off their list.  Remember, they are hunting the LD, Cop, Doc etc.  Hence my entire play.  AKA, don't claim vanilla as it helps the mafia.

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Sometimes roles are made by mods. For example, the Super Smash Bros game had the 'Lightning Bolt' role that nullified all NA's. I don't think there's a role like that on most wikis. I'm sure we'll get the full explanation at the end of the game(unless the mod decides to tell us now).

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Because silvertongue means you can lie about what you say, and because rubber tongue sounds like something that would make someone seem like they're lying, I believe Darthe.  Plus, he was town, so why should we doubt him?

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