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Gareth vs Hammar: Gareth wins!

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"Next!" Elgee called from her platform overlooking the field. Hammar and Gareth Bryne stepped up.


"Ah, one of the five great generals!" Hammar exclaimed. "Now lets see if your skills in single combat match you battle tactics.


"I hope to have an honorable duel, Hammar."


"Honorable, there is a word not often used between swordsman. Enough talk, let's let our swords do the talking."


The two exchanged blows, Hammar landed a minor hit to Gareth's side and Siuan snarled. "Now Siuan, that was a clean hit, don't take it out on him."


"You should be paying more attention to me and less to your Aes Sedai, Gareth," Hammar said then cursed as he had to fend off several well aimed blows. "You're good, Gareth, there is no arguing that, but you are blinded by your sense of honor." Hammar began to parry blows with his sheathe while advancing with his sword.


"I yield," an overwhelmed Gareth panted. "I look forward to the day we duel again, Hammar."


"As do I, Gareth."


(Prediction Hammer wins)

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Hmmm... I think Gareth. If Gawyn can beet Hammar then I think Gareth can. Yes I know Gawyn is good but cmon... its Gareth. Im assuming this is after he becomes a warder?

This is a warder cage match after all :P


I actually am going to vote Gareth as well

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Ok, Hammar vs Gareth, I'd say Gareth. Except Hammar died to that wet rag Gawyn, so he couldnt have been all that. Also, Gareth taught both Gawyn (who beat Hammar) and Galad. And did i mention Hammar actually somehow got himself killed by Gawyn? For that reason alone, Gareth.

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hrmm... except for the fact that Gareth was not a warder until well after Hammar's passing.


I started to go with Hammar. Until Fnorrll pointed out how easily he fell to Gawyn


Oh, and also, I'd like


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