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Gareth vs Hammar: Gareth wins!

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Ok on this one, Hammar has been training warders for years from what it seems, Gawyn wasn't great when he got there, at the time of the deposing Gawyn had been training there for a long time I want to say it had been atleast a year. Gawyn had natural talent for the sword but none of that focuses on the fact Gareth has not had the training that warders recieve and I'd assume this training is alot more rough than the training a soldier would recieve. The warder mentality is 2 against Shayol Ghul if need be 2 being themself and their Aes Sedai Warders will take on anything to protect their Aes Sedai, most soldiers only worry about the enemy infront of them Yes Gareth was a great general, but I doubt he had even used his sword in some time before the bond. I vote Hammar

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