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Wheel of Time Trivial Pursuit at the Black Tower

Ithillian Turambar

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It has begun ...




1. Wheel of Time Facts - Possibly well known, possibly obscure These questions are all about facts and figures in the Wheel of Time books. Will your Google-Fu be strong enough?


2. Wheel of Time Quotes - Who said what? When did they say it? What did they say? These questions all relate to quotes from the Wheel of Time Books


3. Cryptic Wheel of Time - Can you even work out the question, let alone the answer? The answers to all of these questions are single every day words that also commonly appear in the Wheel of Time books.


4. Wheel of Time Anagrams - This is what happens when you set monkeys to work with typewriters. Can you unscramble the letters to find the character and place names from the Wheel of Time Books?


5. Through the Gateway - Similar but different. These questions are all from other works of fantasy or science fiction


6. The Taint - Anything could happen. There is no pattern. These questions could be about anything - anything at all.



How to play and just a couple of rules


All the teams will be playing at the same time – how this works will become clear when the game starts. At the beginning of the game, a double dice roll will be made to decide which two categories you can choose your question from. Make your choice and you will get a question. Answer the question correctly and you will roll the dice again and be given another choice of question. Simple.


If you answer a standard question incorrectly, you can choose to keep trying again in the same category until you do answer one correctly, or - if you don't like the category - you can choose to buy a fresh roll of the dice - this will cost 5 game points.


Roll a Double and it counts as a Wedge. Answer a Wedge question correctly and it will be placed in your Wheel. If you answer a Wedge question incorrectly, the dice will be rolled again and you will revert to standard questions.



How do you win? The first team to fill their Wheel with all the Wedges will then have to answer one more question correctly to win, but the category will be chosen by the other teams.


Teams are encouraged to confer in the Game Thread - you might want to post in your Team Colour, so you can identify your other Team Members easily. We like busy Threads in the BT. You might want to nominate a Team Captain – you might not. When you have finished conferring, you will need to advise a Mod of the decision your team has reached. It’s probably best to choose one person to do this, because we will accept the first Final Answer, or Team Decision that is submitted.


To advise a Mod of which category you wish to choose, whether you want to buy a dice roll or you’re your Final Answer to a question, you have to post in Bold and your Team colours.


For Mobile Posters - Here are the colour codes:


[color="#FF0000"]Red[/color] ~ [color="#0000FF"]Blue[/color] ~ [color="#006400"]Green[/color]

[color="#A0522D"]Brown[/color] ~ [color="#4B0082"]Purple[/color] ~ [color="#008080"]Aqua[/color]


If you don’t do this, we will ignore any answers and stuff until you do it correctly. We will read everything though and if we see you ‘Posting with Style’ and it amuses us – we may decide to award you **Bonus Modly BT Points* :biggrin:


Game Points for Correct answers:


Standard Questions: 5 points

Wedge Questions: 10 points


BT Points for playing the game:


You must be or become a BT Member within 2 weeks of the game ending to claim these points


25 BT points for each member of the Team who completes the game first

20 BT points for each member of the team who has the most game points at the end of the game- unless they also completed the game first, in which case these points will go to the team who has the second most game points


10 BT points for every player who stays in throughout the whole game

5 BT points for those who start but drop out


plus a limited amount of Bonus Modly BT Points to be handed out to players for 'Posting with Style'


Finally – This is The Black Tower, we know you are going to use the internet to help you answer questions and we don’t care. You might find it’s not as useful as you were hoping it would be though :wink:

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The Teams


The Dragons - Red Team: TinaHel, BG, Turin, Amadine, Dicey, Kuduran


The Wolves - Blue Team: Cawstrife, Sakaea, Rekinu, Kate, Eddie, Despo


The Cthuluans - Green Team: Leyrann, Lenlo, Mawthtex, Ishy, EP, Myrelle Green


The Cerberusi - Brown Team: Meesh, Wombat, Talya, Locke, Nyanna


The Nightmares - Purple Team: Perfex, Reyoru, Song, Shomofo, Naeann


The Griffins - Aqua Team: Ledinna, Player, Smiley, Athena, Ayla, Kuka


Are you sitting comfortably? Then we shall begin





OFFICIAL MOD GAME POST - Includes current Game Points Totals


Red Team: You rolled a 5 'Through the Gateway' and a 2 'Wheel of Time Quotes' Please choose a category. (0 Points)


Blue Team: You rolled a 2 'Wheel of Time Quotes' and a 5 'Through the Gateway' Please choose a category. (0 Points)


Green Team: You rolled a 1 'Wheel of Time Facts' and a 2 'Wheel of Time Quotes' Please choose a category. (0 Points)


Brown Team: You rolled a DOUBLE 3 and now have the opportunity to win the 'Cryptic Wheel of Time' Wedge. Question: An entrance or an exit? For me, but not my shadow. Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (0 Points)


Purple Team: You rolled a 5 'Through the Gateway' and a 4 'Wheel of Time Anagrams' Please choose a category. (0 Points)


Aqua Team: You rolled a 3 'Cryptic Wheel of Time' and a 4 'Wheel of Time Anagrams' Please choose a category. (0 Points)



***Please do not quote this Post as it will cause confusion to us Mods, and we may miss some of your answers or requests***





You may now post in this Thread. Let the Lord of Chaos Rule!



Good luck everyone, and remember - it's just a game, so have fun :smile:



OFFICIAL MOD GAME POST - Includes current Game Points Totals


Red Team: You chose 'Wheel of Time Quotes' Question: 1. Who’s names have been removed from this quote? "And I knew a woman like you, once. _____ looked down her nose at men, too, and even had a poor fellow executed for coming on her by accident while she swam naked. She had never even been kissed, until ______ stole one from her. You'd have thought she had discovered men for the first time. She became so besotted, _____ had to go live on a mountain to escape her. Watch out for the first man to kiss you. One has to come along sooner or later." Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (0 Points)


Blue Team: You rolled a 2 'Wheel of Time Quotes' and a 5 'Through the Gateway' Please choose a category. (0 Points)


Green Team: You rolled a 1 'Wheel of Time Facts' and a 2 'Wheel of Time Quotes' Please choose a category. (0 Points)


Brown Team: You rolled a DOUBLE 3 and now have the opportunity to win the 'Cryptic Wheel of Time' Wedge. Question: An entrance or an exit? For me, but not my shadow. Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (0 Points)


Purple Team: You rolled a 5 'Through the Gateway' and a 4 'Wheel of Time Anagrams' Please choose a category. (0 Points)


Aqua Team: You rolled a 3 'Cryptic Wheel of Time' and a 4 'Wheel of Time Anagrams' Please choose a category. (0 Points)



***Please do not quote this Post as it will cause confusion to us Mods, and we may miss some of your answers or requests***



Athena lounges at her ease, on her back but rolled to the side and propped up on an elbow. She looks around to her fellow Griffins.


Guys, I suggest that before we decide which one to pick, we should see if anyone in the team is outstanding in either anagrams or cryptic.First of all, does anyone think they would be able to work out the Brown team's challenge? Because if so then chances are you'd be fantastic at cryptics. Now my strengths in this game will be quotes, facts and through the gateway. I'm not too good at anagrams but with time might be able to work them out.


Now, for team Captain I'd like to nominate Ledinna Sedai - she's had experience setting up challenges involving puzzles like the White Ajah Great Race so I think she'd be perfect.


Finally, I think it's very important for us to have some sort of team head-gear... *produces a handful of aqua feathers pulled from a WT peacock* so...


Athena proceeds to stick the feathers into the hair of each of her team-members, saving the two most pointy ones for herself, which she sticks on either side of her head, like griffin "ears". She then proceeds to imitate a griffin shriek, but chokes with laughter half-way through.



OFFICIAL MOD GAME POST - Includes current Game Points Totals


Red Team: Correct! +5 Points! New Roll - You rolled a 3 'Cryptic WoT' and a 5 'Through the Gateway' Please choose a category. (5 Points)


Blue Team: You rolled a 2 'Wheel of Time Quotes' and a 5 'Through the Gateway' Please choose a category. (0 Points)


Green Team: You rolled a 1 'Wheel of Time Facts' and a 2 'Wheel of Time Quotes' Please choose a category. (0 Points)


Brown Team: You rolled a DOUBLE 3 and now have the opportunity to win the 'Cryptic Wheel of Time' Wedge. Question: An entrance or an exit? For me, but not my shadow. Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (0 Points)


Purple Team: You rolled a 5 'Through the Gateway' and a 4 'Wheel of Time Anagrams' Please choose a category. (0 Points)


Aqua Team: You rolled a 3 'Cryptic Wheel of Time' and a 4 'Wheel of Time Anagrams' Please choose a category. (0 Points)



***Please do not quote this Post as it will cause confusion to us Mods, and we may miss some of your answers or requests***




OFFICIAL MOD GAME POST - Includes current Game Points Totals


Red Team: Correct! +5 Points! New Roll - You rolled a 3 'Cryptic WoT' and a 5 'Through the Gateway' Please choose a category. (5 Points)


Blue Team: You rolled a 2 'Wheel of Time Quotes' and a 5 'Through the Gateway' Please choose a category. (0 Points)


Green Team: You chose 'Wheel of Time Quotes'. Name the six Aea Sedai mentioned in this quote: "I will have sisters announce the truth to your soldiers tomorrow. Will six Aes Sedai who know of themselves be enough? ____, here, and _____. ______ and _____, _____ and _____." Those sisters would not like having to meet with the Wise Ones, but they would not be able to refuse her, either. Would not want to, really, to stop this tale spreading. Should not want to, at least. Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (0 Points)


Brown Team: You rolled a DOUBLE 3 and now have the opportunity to win the 'Cryptic Wheel of Time' Wedge. Question: An entrance or an exit? For me, but not my shadow. Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (0 Points)


Purple Team: You rolled a 5 'Through the Gateway' and a 4 'Wheel of Time Anagrams' Please choose a category. (0 Points)


Aqua Team: You rolled a 3 'Cryptic Wheel of Time' and a 4 'Wheel of Time Anagrams' Please choose a category. (0 Points)



***Please do not quote this Post as it will cause confusion to us Mods, and we may miss some of your answers or requests***



I got ya Ishy I have the quote as well


the way I understand it I can post just the names yes? Or would you rather me plug them in to the quote?


*wonders where Ithikins the MODKILLER is*


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