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Wheel of Time Trivial Pursuit at the Black Tower

Ithillian Turambar

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I would say that Inns in the Rahad Quarter are only marked with blue doors since that is the only real identifying factor in the books, however IIRC all the inn keepers in Ebou Dar are also women (not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for so I will wait for a second from another greenie

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OFFICIAL MOD GAME POST - Includes current Game Points Totals


Red Team: Correct! +5 Points! New Roll - You rolled a 4 'WoT Anagrams' and a 5 'Through the Gateway' Please choose a category (10 Points)


Blue Team: Correct! +5 Points! New Roll - You rolled a 1 'WoT Facts' and a 3 'Cryptic WoT' Please choose a category. (5 Points)


Green Team: You chose'WoT Facts' If you were in the Rahad Quarter, how would you identify an inn? Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (5 Points)


Brown Team: You rolled a DOUBLE 3 and now have the opportunity to win the 'Cryptic Wheel of Time' Wedge. Question: An entrance or an exit? For me, but not my shadow. Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (0 Points)


Purple Team: You Chose Cryptic Wot: Blanche as it goes in at the end and loses you the game. Please provide your final answer when ready. (5 Points)


Aqua Team: Correct! +5 Points! New Roll - You rolled a 4 'WoT Anagrams' and a 3 'Cryptic WoT' Please choose a category. (5 Points)


***Please do not quote this Post as it will cause confusion to us Mods, and we may miss some of your answers or requests***


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Blanche as it goes in at the end and loses you the game.


Is the blanche referring to being afraid (going pale) as something "goes in at the end and loses you the game"?


What things change colour?


What goes in at the end? Does end mean the physical end? Or the end of the game?


Loses you the game.


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Rey - you are over thinking things ...


As this will help everyone I shall post this:


All cryptic clues have a definition and this definition is almost always at one end or another of the clue. Finding where it starts and finishes is part of the challenge.


A cryptic clue usually has a second part as well, called the subsidiary indication. This also leads you to the word but it does so using some devious wordplay. When reading the subsidiary indication words may mean the letters that make them up, other words that mean the same thing or they may refer to an operation that you do on the other words to spell out the answer.

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