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Wheel of Time Trivial Pursuit at the Black Tower

Ithillian Turambar

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OFFICIAL MOD GAME POST - Includes current Game Points Totals


Red Team: Correct! +5 Points! New Roll - You rolled a 3 'Cryptic WoT' and a 5 'Through the Gateway' Please choose a category. (5 Points)


Blue Team: You rolled a 2 'Wheel of Time Quotes' and a 5 'Through the Gateway' Please choose a category. (0 Points)


Green Team: Correct! +5 Points! New Roll - You rolled a 3 'Cryptic WoT' and a 1 'WoT Facts' Please choose a category. (5 Points)


Brown Team: You rolled a DOUBLE 3 and now have the opportunity to win the 'Cryptic Wheel of Time' Wedge. Question: An entrance or an exit? For me, but not my shadow. Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (0 Points)


Purple Team: You chose 'Through the Gateway' In the film Legend, how did they get the sunlight down into Tim Burton’s underground chamber? Please provide a Final Answer when ready. (0 Points)


Aqua Team: You rolled a 3 'Cryptic Wheel of Time' and a 4 'Wheel of Time Anagrams' Please choose a category. (0 Points)



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*edited 'cos Rey decided to not to just pick a category at random.

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Awwww Maw - Ley is going to love that you are both posting in Green now.


This is not a Modkilling game EP. I'm too lazy to do stuff like that. The worst that could possibly happen is I could deduct points from your team, at which point they will probably kill you.



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OFFICIAL MOD GAME POST - Includes current Game Points Totals


Red Team: Correct! +5 Points! New Roll - You rolled a 3 'Cryptic WoT' and a 5 'Through the Gateway' Please choose a category. (5 Points)


Blue Team: You rolled a 2 'Wheel of Time Quotes' and a 5 'Through the Gateway' Please choose a category. (0 Points)


Green Team: Correct! +5 Points! New Roll - You rolled a 3 'Cryptic WoT' and a 1 'WoT Facts' Please choose a category. (5 Points)


Brown Team: You rolled a DOUBLE 3 and now have the opportunity to win the 'Cryptic Wheel of Time' Wedge. Question: An entrance or an exit? For me, but not my shadow. Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (0 Points)


Purple Team: Correct! +5 Points! New Roll - You rolled a 2 'WoT Quotes' and a 3 'Cryptic WoT' Please choose a category. (5 Points)


Aqua Team: You rolled a 3 'Cryptic Wheel of Time' and a 4 'Wheel of Time Anagrams' Please choose a category. (0 Points)



***Please do not quote this Post as it will cause confusion to us Mods, and we may miss some of your answers or requests***


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OFFICIAL MOD GAME POST - Includes current Game Points Totals


Red Team: Correct! +5 Points! New Roll - You rolled a 3 'Cryptic WoT' and a 5 'Through the Gateway' Please choose a category. (5 Points)


Blue Team: You rolled a 2 'Wheel of Time Quotes' and a 5 'Through the Gateway' Please choose a category. (0 Points)


Green Team: Correct! +5 Points! New Roll - You rolled a 3 'Cryptic WoT' and a 1 'WoT Facts' Please choose a category. (5 Points)


Brown Team: You rolled a DOUBLE 3 and now have the opportunity to win the 'Cryptic Wheel of Time' Wedge. Question: An entrance or an exit? For me, but not my shadow. Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (0 Points)


Purple Team: You chose 'Cryptic WoT': Trivial blonde – the blue touch paper beckons? Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (5 Points)


Aqua Team: You rolled a 3 'Cryptic Wheel of Time' and a 4 'Wheel of Time Anagrams' Please choose a category. (0 Points)



***Please do not quote this Post as it will cause confusion to us Mods, and we may miss some of your answers or requests***



Taking a break now as I have to clean the house and go buy presents :) Back soon.

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Is "Trivial blonde" a part of the cryptic clue?


Yes it is Rey.


For those of you who are attempting to choose a category, may I remind you that you also need to BOLD that part or I won't accept it.




Tidying done - now off out to buy presents and probably chocolate cake also :biggrin:


RheaMod might be about shortly ... I will do the question for the Blues then I need to sign off.

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OFFICIAL MOD GAME POST - Includes current Game Points Totals


Red Team: Correct! +5 Points! New Roll - You rolled a 3 'Cryptic WoT' and a 5 'Through the Gateway' Please choose a category. (5 Points)


Blue Team: You chose 'Through the Gateway' Identify the quotation: "...Must we drag on this stupid existence forever, So idle and weary,so full of remorse, While every one else takes his pleasure, and never Seems happy unless he is riding a horse?" Please give your Final Answer when Ready. (0 Points)


Green Team: Correct! +5 Points! New Roll - You rolled a 3 'Cryptic WoT' and a 1 'WoT Facts' Please choose a category. (5 Points)


Brown Team: You rolled a DOUBLE 3 and now have the opportunity to win the 'Cryptic Wheel of Time' Wedge. Question: An entrance or an exit? For me, but not my shadow. Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (0 Points)


Purple Team: You chose 'Cryptic WoT': Trivial blonde – the blue touch paper beckons? Please provide your Final Answer when ready. (5 Points)


Aqua Team: You rolled a 3 'Cryptic Wheel of Time' and a 4 'Wheel of Time Anagrams' Please choose a category. (0 Points)



***Please do not quote this Post as it will cause confusion to us Mods, and we may miss some of your answers or requests***



IthiMod signing off.

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