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A Memory of Light Speculation


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Major developments:


Fields of Merilor - I foresee this linking to "The Dragons Peace" and Rand going the Fortuona to beseech her help.

- likely linked to saving Lan in Tarwins Gap

- Rand finding out Elayne is pregnant and he is a father will make for an interesting read.


Reuniting - Rand reuniting with Mat (maybe linked to Seanchan alliance) and more importantly Moiraine.


Lanfear arc - I think Lanfears 3 demands from the Flinns revolve around Lews Therins love or on revenge on him. We know that she is now in his dreams and he may pity her or try and save her. "No one has been in the shadow so long as they cannot return to the light"


Black Tower - There is the lead up to the fight in the Black Tower. Finally figure out if Taim is evil and what happened to Logain. Logain will probably reappear and be the protagonist for this arc.


The Last Battle - open to speculation, but I imagine Rand will not be the major aggressor he will protect everyone from the Dark One.


Here's my prediction: AMOL will be a 2-Part book. There's way too much stuff that needs to happen still, so unless it's going to be more rushed than ToM, it's going to be a 2-part release. That, or way thicker than ToM. I mean...the last battle...so yah, a 2-part. Otherwise the Last Battle will be something brief like Lan's POV or the ToG rescue.


*Borderlander Army needs to move

*The Gathered Forces on the Field need to move

*Figuring Callandor out

*Kandor Fight

*Arafel Fight

*Tarwin's Gap Fight

*Caemlyn Fight

*Caemlyn recovery

*Cairhein with new Queen (My money is on Moiraine for the expected twist on matters)

*Sheinar POV with Tarwin's Gap

*Making sense of the Caemlyn stash of Ter'angreal

*Enter scene: Ter'Angreal, Angreal, Sa'Angreal stash from Docks of Cairhein

*Elayne's birthing her babes

*Avhienda's return

*Matt's return to his Band of the Red Hand

*Some tidbits on Thom and Moiraine

*Cadsuane still has some tinkering to do

*Min's revalation about seals/bore/Callandor

*The White Tower

*The Black Tower

*Logain's Awesomeness

*More fighting and battles to lead up to the Last Battle

*Forsaken and Shadow POV's

*The whole Moridin/Rand thing

*Graendal might be "Responsible" by her "Actions" but the POV of how and where Asmo was killed. (It would suck if he stepped into the storeroom only to be sliced by a gateway, and see Graendal step out of himself. The sudden sight of Graendal appearing, the realization of being bisected by a gateway leading out of TAR. Graendal brushing him through as he dies...oops...oh well, he was a traitor anyways.)

*Upon the Rocks of Shayol Ghul...

*Sealing the Bore

*Comforting Epilogue

*The Fandom Army we voted for appearing to put some foot to...well, you know. ;)

*We're not done with the Aiel

*We're not done with the Seafolk

*We're not done with the Kin

*And yes, the Seanchan too.


Even devoting an unrealistic 1 Chapter to each of these and those obvious ones I forgot along the way, that's a high-paced book. We have several arcs coming together, Matt, Rand, Perrin, Moiraine, Thom, Nyn, Elayne, Eg, Avi, so on, so forth.


Thing is, I doubt that too many will mind even though it does push the series back likely another 12-18 months. Seems to be the latest trend in books/movies. Everything major from Harry Potter to Twilight Saga.


Now I know you are itching to, so rip this apart, tear it to shreds, deny it as vehemently as a Darkfriend does common sense. Go!




-MoL begins with final preparation for the Seanchan attack on the White Tower, Fain is traveling north of the Blight, Caemlyn is burning, the Black Tower conflict is laid out, peasants are arriving at the fields Merrilor.


-The Black Tower plotline is the first resolved, in something of an anti-climax, and Logain becomes the new Black Tower leader.


-Meanwhile, Mat, Thom and Moiraine go to Caemlyn; things are looking bad until Logain and the Asha'man show up and clear a path. The dragons are rescued, Mat sends Logain and the Band ahead to the fields of Merrilor.


-Mat arranges to visit the White Tower, and is retrieving the Horn when the Seanchan start opening gateways in to invade. Mat demands to see Tuon, convinces her to slow down and go to the fields of Merrilor.


-The book catches up completely with Towers of Midnight (bar Lan's epilogue); there's a meeting where Rand, Min, Perrin, Nynaeve, Elayne, Faile, Galad (maybe), and Gawyn (maybe) are joined by the arriving Mat, Thom, Moiraine, and Aviendha. We see the start of this scene at the end of Towers of Midnight. Egwene is absent.


-The meeting occurs. Rand kneels before Tuon and says that he'll serve the Crystal Throne... because his purpose is to be the Servant of All, not just the Crystal Throne but everyone who is, was or who will be.


-Egwene and Rand Sedai have a war of words, and Egwene loses. Everyone supports Rand, including the Hall of the Tower. Egwene loses it a little and gets really angry, Nynaeve delves Egwene and discovers that Aran'gar put compulsion on her to drive a spike between her and Rand. Nynaeve heals Egwene, but Egwene is still waffling when Nynaeve senses that Lan is riding into battle.


-Rand essentially says that Egwene needs to make a decision, to join the Dragon Peace or stay out of the way. Nynaeve throws away her Great Serpent ring and says she's with Lan first, Aes Sedai second, and that she'll go alone if she has to. Egwene decides to throw in with the rest of the good guys. The stress of everything causes Elayne to go into labor, and she gives birth.


-Mat takes command of the combined army of Light with Rand's blessing, and they travel to the Gap; Rand will embark on a mission to rescue Lanfear. Lanfear will reveal how to heal the Bore, through Ogier and Aiel singing. Then she'll be forced by Moridin to attack Rand, and Rand will need to retreat.


-The good guys win and save the army Lan gathered, but Lan dies in Nynaeve's arms due to injuries from shadow forged weapons, injuries too great for even her to heal. Lan's death will shake the will and resolve of everyone in the army of Light.


-Rand will come, and bring Lan back from the dead. One final war conference will occur, and the plan will essentially be Mat leading the combined forces of Light in a massive distraction battle, where he'll blow the Horn and keep the main army of Shadowspawn off of Rand's back, while Perrin provides support for the actual assault itself. We'll see Nynaeve vs. Moghedien, Logain vs Demandred, Egwene, Elayne and Aviendha tag-teaming Lanfear and Graendal, and finally Rand squaring off against Moridin while Fain lurks nearby. Gawyn and Lan battle Shaidar Haran, Gawyn using the Seanchan rings to give himself a massive power boost. After dispatching Moghedien, Nynaeve helps Lan; after being separated from the battle with Lanfear and Graendal, Egwene helps as well.


-On the battlefield, Mat is holding his own, barely. A breakthrough of Shadowspawn puts Mat on the front lines; Tuon instinctively uses the One Power to burn away the Shadowspawn attacking Mat, saving his life.


-Perrin ends up taking the battle into the Dream World, slipping into it physically due to the weakness of the Pattern near the Pit of Doom. First he's fighting back Slayer, and then aiding the Ogier and the Aiel by forging a new Seal in the Bore in Tel'aran'rhiod. He's defended by the spirits of the wolves of the world.


-Loial, the Aiel and the Ogier will succeed in their song, and the Pattern will start to heal. The Dark One will reach out, and the healing will slow - as long as the Dark One is still reaching through, they can't seal the Bore, and something needs to push it back. Rand will see it as his destiny, and go to be the Seal himself with Callandor (linked to Moiraine and Alivia). Pain will take his chance, and stab Rand while Moridin strikes at Rand.


-In the fragile reality around the Pit of Doom, Elayne, Aviendha and Min are combined to become one person. She looks mostly like Elayne, but she's every bit as much Min and Aviendha. Lanfear recognizes their combined nature as Ilyena, which makes Lanfear sad. Ilyena finishes off Lanfear, and goes to the Pit of Doom itself to back up Rand.


-Pain falls into the Pit of Doom, and the taint on him counteracts the Dark One's taint, causing the Dark One to recoil and gives the Pattern the freedom to heal; Rand holds on long enough to seal it with Callandor. The connection between Rand and Moridin leads to their body swap as Moridin strikes at Rand with massive flows of spirit. Rand, in Moridins body, escapes; Alivia sees what's happened, and helps Rand "die" by not telling anyone what she realizes. Moridin, in Rand's body, dies of Rand's wounds. Ilyena, having Min's powers, realizes what happened.


-The good guys regroup and get out. Egwene says the eulogy for all those who died. Rand's funeral leads to a gathering of all the main characters in the series, and we have minor characters from throughout the series say their goodbyes to the man who saved them all.


-Mat and Tuon finally sleep together, and Tuon finally recognizes that the existing Seanchan system might need to change. She and Mat return to the Seanchan controlled territories to start making changes.


-Nynaeve and Lan travel to Malkier, where the Blight is receding. Lan will rebuild his country, and Nynaeve will be with him.


-Perrin returns to the Two Rivers, and we have a chance to see what it's become. He tells Tam about what happened. Faile announces she's pregnant.


-Moiraine and Thom get married.


-Ilyena asks Egwene if she can bury Rand's body on the Dragonmount, and Egwene agrees. She takes a boat across the river to the Dragonmount, and flowers and trees bloom at her passing. She buries Rand's body, and Rand shows up in Moridin's body. The series ends with Rand/Lews/Ilyena/Min/Aviendha/Elayne finally being reunited, to face the future together without fear of the past.




That's my best guess.


Dragonmount Explodes in a flurry of forum posting about how cool AMoL was to read and how sad/happy people are that it's all done.


The Dragon is Destroyed from atop a wall in Caemlyn during a battle there. Fortunately bellfounders made several others.


Mat Almost Dies laughing when Artur Hawkwing makes fun of Seanchan hairstyles after the Horn of Valere is sounded again.


Taim is Moridin's right hand man and has been for years.


Mah'alleinir Breaks open Shaidar Haran's head.


The Seanchan Empire Takes Over half the casualties of the war amongst the Light's forces.


All Male Channelers go Mad trying to negotiate an understanding with Egwene and the White Tower after the last battle.


I really can't see singing being involved. Singing was a method to make crops grow better, and it required the Nym to work. I don't see how that relates to the Last Battle at all.


black tower and white tower merged together under logain and egwene.

rand al thor loses the ability to channel whilst sealing the bore from the DO. gets to live the rest of his days with his harem in peace.

all forsaken dead and buried.

fain dead possibly gets killed by perrin.

mat and tuon go back to seanchan lands.

perrin becomes king.


lan and nynaeve become the first of malkieris to rule malkier.


game over

  On 11/18/2010 at 4:19 PM, Hopefire said:

-In the fragile reality around the Pit of Doom, Elayne, Aviendha and Min are combined to become one person. She looks mostly like Elayne, but she's every bit as much Min and Aviendha. Lanfear recognizes their combined nature as Ilyena, which makes Lanfear sad. Ilyena finishes off Lanfear, and goes to the Pit of Doom itself to back up Rand.


Oh, Goddess, I hope not. Leaving aside the creepiness of this, I'll be really annoyed if WoT goes to such lengths to negate one of the rare prominent examples of non-monogamy in popular fiction and force all the characters into perfect little pairs.


Logain gets rescued by the loyal asha’man. Instead of running off to Rand, Logain decides this time they ought to fix things for themselves. Contacts the sisters outside the tower and chases out the evil asha’men. Kills Taim who is a Darkfriend/male Alviarin.


Talmanes gathers up the mercenaries outside Cam in a desperate defense of the city. Is assaulted by a forsaken/channeler and falls of his horse. Olver, who the channeler thought dead, rises up from the rubble wearing his foxhead medallion and stabs the evil channeler in the back. Logain and co enter the fray and save Cam, people start to like male channelers as Logain set them to rebuilding Cam and healing while he himself hurries off to the fields of Merrilor with an injured Talmanes.


Fields of merrilor. Enter Moraine. Reunion. Rand gives his ultimatum. He can only fight the dark one in the way he think best, if they don’t trust him to do so he won’t do it. Also, he won’t die for people who squabble over meaningless things, he wants some assurance. Dragons Peace = NATO


Enter Logain. He tells them he will no longer take orders form the Dragon. His men are free men, not weapons and if they want his help in the last battle he will gladly do so, but he wants his Asha’men to be recognized along the same lines as Aes Sedai. Kings agree to let him open minor offices is each mayor city.


Messenger comes running. The white tower is under attack from the Seanchen. Logain offers to help Egwene. Mat also comes along to grab the Horn of valere. Mat proclaims himself the Prince of Ravens in the lull of battle, snatches off his hat and yells at the generals on both side that if they don’t see reason he will paddle their hides.


Meeting between Mat, Rand, Egwene (maybe?) and Tuon. Rand jokingly kneels to Mat and hands over Hawkwings sword. Prophecy fulfilled.




Tuon Travels to the homeland and destroys the master a’dam that in turn prevents further creation of a’dams.


Meanwhile the Red Wolf and the boarderlanders join the Golden Crane in Tarwins Gap. More and more people fight shadowspawn. Different scenes from all over the world of people fighting. Asha’men along side Aes Seda etc. The Lion of Andor and the Eagle of Manetheren = Griffon Alliance.


The Seanchen enter the fray with the Mat in front under a banner of a Red Fox. Birgitte is summoned by the horn, which is weird.


Padain Fain, Moridin and Shaidar Haran die somehow. Maybe Mat, Rand and Perrin kill them respectively.


Rand realize that the Dark One is the True Power. He doesn’t try to bind the dark one in Shayol Ghul as it makes no sense to imprison him as if he were a person. Instead he draws on Saidin, Saidar and the True Power, weaves them together and somehow combine them into one new power source. The Dark one is no longer a jealous power outside the pattern.


There is no longer any difference between male and female channelers. The remaining a’dam can no longer hold damane.

  On 11/18/2010 at 8:03 PM, Haran said:

Rand realize that the Dark One is the True Power. He doesn’t try to bind the dark one in Shayol Ghul as it makes no sense to imprison him as if he were a person. Instead he draws on Saidin, Saidar and the True Power, weaves them together and somehow combine them into one new power source. The Dark one is no longer a jealous power outside the pattern.

There's no way the Dark One's power is going to be used here. For one thing, because the Dark One controls access to it. For another, because it's pure evil.


I agree with Exy. If the bore was sealed with the True Power, the dark one would be able to simply unravel it, + he would likely take away Rand's access to the TP if he saw the need. (Even if this meant denying Moridin access)


Maybe Moridin is about to do something really, really bad, Rand is using the TP to do something the DO really doesn't want to happen, the DO takes away Moridin's/Rand's access to the TP, Moridin, stunned by his loss, is killed by a relatively minor character. (Who needs a CMOA? Galad? Bashere? Logain?)


Neald (or what was his name) approaches the Black Tower and finds Logain imprisoned. He frees him and together with the loyal male channelers they attack Taim, his `turned´ companions and the fades and kill them all. Black Tower off to Tarmon Gai´don.


The band of the Red Hand fights in Caemlyn against the trollocs, succeeds with the help of several of Aludra´s dragons by firing them into the city. City destroyed, trollocs too. Red Hand off to Tarmon Gai´don.


Egeanin arrives at the White Tower, also Bethamin and Seta. Egwene sees her former sul´dam and gets madder than Nynaeve ever was. Egeanin sets her straight. White Tower off to Tarmon Gai´don.


Rand goes looking for Mat, finds him (of course) immediately. Gets a big shock from finding Moiraine alive, discusses the Seanchan problem with Mat. Rand and Mat kidnap Tuon and show her the field of Merrilor.


Rand brings Tuon before the hall of the White Tower. Tuon can barely keep her countenance in front of so many marath´damane. Egwene gives her a BIG piece of her mind. Tuon stays stubborn. Rand slaps an a´dam on her, giving the leash to Egwene. Tuon breaks down and swears to do everything, just to be free of the a´dam. Rand frees her, she swears fealty to him and agrees to hold the Dragon´s peace after Tarmon Gai´don. Tuon back to her palace, then off to Tarmon Gai´don with the whole Seanchan army.


Lan fights at Tarwin´s Gap, gets help from the Red Hand and some Asha´man and Logain.


The other armies get into big battles with trollocs, Bashere turns out to be Demandred and tries to betray the others (not sure how, perhaps trying to kill the generals). Fails, escapes, tries to kill Rand, fails, gets killed by Rand using balefire.


Rand, Mat, Perrin, Elayne, Aviendha, Min, Alivia, Logain, several Aes Sedai and Asha´man and a part of the army fight their way to Shayol Gul. Rand walks into the cave, talks to DO (?), gets attacked by Padan Fain, who is hiding there. Fain wounds him again with the Shadar Logoth knife, but gets killed by Rand.


Rand initiates the circle with Callandor, then breaks the last three seals. DO breaks free, darkness falls across the land. DO is still contained by the Callandor circle, but tries to get out. Big battle between darkness and Callandor circle, circle slowly failing. Then Rands renembers what Min told him about `Light is held before the maw of the infinite darkness...´, calls upon the Light as he did on top of Dragonmount. Light burns DO (there must be a reason for all the Randlanders always saying `Light burn me!´. DO gets contained, Rand builds new prison assisted by Egwene and seals it.


After that, Moridin turns up. He was busy directing the armies of trollocs, now he comes to challenge Rand. Moridin gets hold of Callandor, turns it black. Rand draws the sword Justice and fights Moridin. Rand gets nearly defeated because he has to fight with the wrong hand, Sheathes the sword and kills Moridin with the last attack. Rand dies.


Elayne, Aviendha and Min are standing with him, mourning him, then Nynaeve comes up. She goes to TAR, finds Rand and brings him back by using the same technique as used on Birgitte. Rand comes back fully healed, no wound in his side, both arms intact. They agree upon declaring him dead, his first (dead) body is used to deceive the people. The kings, queens and army leaders get to know the truth.


Rand declares the Dragon´s peace. Aviendha insists on including the Aiel. Rand tells her the Aiel need to find their own way... the way of the leaf. Their toh is gone, now they can go back to what they were before. Then he starts singing the song the Tuatha´an were searching for. It´s the seed song he first heard at Rhuidean, he also gets it from LTT´s memories.


Aviendha explains the whole thing, including her experience at Rhuidean to the wise ones and the clan chiefs. They first are completely shocked, then agree to go back to the way of the leaf.


Rand, Mat and Perrin return to the Two Rivers. Rand marries Min, occasionally visits Elayne and Aviendha, but insists on staying `dead´ for the world. He lives a peaceful live with Min in Emonds Field.


Epilogue: Rand shearing sheep, much like in the first chapter of ´Eye of the World´. Afterwards the children demand a story from him. He tells his own story without telling them it´s about him, and gives a vision (prophecy?)for his next incarnation.




Probably completely wrong and missing a lot. But it´s the best shot I can do.

  On 11/18/2010 at 9:40 PM, Cornelia said:




Probably completely wrong and missing a lot. But it´s the best shot I can do.


Nah. I like it. Good effort. Although we're probably both wrong, I've thought Demandred was Bashere for years now, so I'm biased in favor of your version. :biggrin:

  On 11/18/2010 at 9:40 PM, Cornelia said:

Rand, Mat and Perrin return to the Two Rivers. Rand marries Min, occasionally visits Elayne and Aviendha, but insists on staying `dead´ for the world. He lives a peaceful live with Min in Emonds Field.

I have a hard time seeing that. He was always pretty clear about wanting all three of them. I just don't imagine him settling down with one -- which likely means Min and Aviendha will have to live in Caemlyn with him.


I don't know that I see much possibility for a quiet, peaceful life with him, and I'm not sure he'd want it at this point. If he survives Tarmon Gai'don, the world may well need his leadership to create peace.


That's just my guess, though.


I think Callandor is a True Power sa'angreal, not by design but nevertheless. In his link with the girls, Rand will be a conduit for the Dark One, and basically 'channel his entire being' out of the Pattern through the Bore. Remember, Jordan said the One Power is not infinite, but replenishes, thus how Rand could cleanse all of Saidin like he did.


Basically he channels the Dark One out of the Pattern, and his and Mat and Perrin's presence reseals the bore.


Fields of Merrilor: The meeting is interrupted when a messenger arrives by gateway, saying that Caemlyn is under attack. Most of the forces decide that fighting is more important than squabbling, and Travels there to join the fun. Rand agrees to wait with smashing the seals, since he still does not have a clue what he is actually supposed to do once he does that.



Except Egwene, who is forbidden by the rest of the Aes Sedai to go, since in their minds, the Amyrlin can not be allowed to expose herself to danger. A furious Egwene is escorted back to the White Tower by a small group of Aes Sedai, and the rest of the sisters head to Caemlyn. Ironically, next time we see Egwene she is in a lot more danger than Caemlyn would have been, when the Seanchan attack begins. Egwene is saved by Egeanin, as per her dream. Mat, Moiraine and Thom arrives, and Mat gets the Horn of valere. much hilarity when he blows it, and the Seanchan collectively poop their pants when Arthur Hawkwing starts laying the smackdown on them.


The forces of the Light arrive in Caemlyn, but too late to save the city, which is mostly destroyed.


Logain arrives at the BT, and Pevara seeks him out to talk about what is going on. Taim decides that the game is over, and orders the attack on them, and everyone still loyal to Logain or Pevara. The WT delegation outside joins Logain, ending with both sides withdrawing with huge casualties.


Lan scrubs his knee when he kills his 800th trolloc of the day.







I suspect Fain will in some way be used to seal the bore. Think about it. Flinn uses the wound from the Shadar Logoth dagger to counteract the effects of the shadow inflicted wound, then Rand uses the evil of Shadar Logoth to cleanse the taint from Saidin. I'm guessing that's all just foreshadowing. I think somehow when the new seal is made, Rand will somehow seal Fain in with the Dark One and the two evils will be locked in combat together for eternity, unable to effect the outside world.


My theory is that Rand's proclamation to the whole world that he is going to break the seals is a ruse just to get them to unite for something, even if it against him, for the moment.


'He will break what must be broken" refers to Callandor and not the seals. He will break them at the right time, but it is in the breaking of Callandor that the Dark One will be defeated, perhaps when he himself indwells the sword through the flaw inside of it.


My hunch is that Callandor has a much bigger role to play than just a suped up sa'angrael at the Last Battle. The Dark One will guess that that is what Rand will try and will make himself present in the flaw within the sword, waiting for Rand and two of the most powerful women to use the sword, and then either take them captive, turn them to the dark, or destroy them. Likely one of the second two options. However, when the Dark One tries this, Rand will break Callandor and temporarily cast the Dark One from the pattern. This will set the stage for the seed-singing closure of the bore.

Guest rgvguplb

rand goes to shayol gul and tries to break the seals. as he is about to drop the seal into the lava, padan fain will show up and take the seals from him, biting his fingers off and possibly muttering "my precious". rand bleeds slowly to death so fulfills the prophecy of him dying. nynaeve and galad show up. nynaeve takes the cue from semirhage and perfoms a blood transfusion from galad to rand and saves him. which is why perrin had to bring galad to the last battle.


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