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Posts posted by DojoToad

  1. 4 hours ago, Torgolpuff said:

    DojoToad, Ok, I did ask for a challenge (note to self; always be careful what you ask for) 

    Keeping in theme I think you will need a Rand Al Thor, a Halwin Norry and possibly a Sebban Balwar to help with that one. 

    My wife and I run a small business here in NZ and are facing similar challenges, although sounds like on a smaller scale. Where we are people are looking for more Artisan / home grown locally made etc. 

    For you I imagine you've already looked at costs and checked out alt suppliers etc. I worked for a large company back in my corporate days that would come and do a green assessment of how you are running your business to save power cost etc., it got down to switching off computers at night and changing to LED bulbs. I don't know where you are the company was General Electric. Not sure if they still offer that service.

    Any way I wish you the best of luck resolving your challenges.

    You mentioned providing an example from the books.  I would add Min to your list.  But a group of characters is not an example/analogy...


    Or maybe I misunderstood your challenge?

  2. 15 hours ago, DojoToad said:

    I manage a manufacturing plant.  Due to inflation and supply chain issues raw material costs have sky rocketed - when I can get them at all.  As a result, the company is in a cash-poor situation.  I need to keep inventory levels down but still supply customers.  I need inventory to supply customers, but inventory kills the bottom line.  Finding balance is difficult...

    @Torgolpuff - you asked for a challenge,,,

  3. 3 minutes ago, KakitaOCU said:


    It wouldn't, just like a trans individual's genetics don't change.  Trans people are what they are.  Trans men are men, Trans women are women.  In the imaginary world of WoT your One Power Connection doesn't change.

    Which even further allows a "Woman" dragon since it could be an AMAB individual.   Because 1000's year old prophecies are unreliable and prone to misunderstanding.

    Thank you for the response.  I appreciate the thoughtfulness rather than being attacked for not using the correct terminology while I learn.


    If I'm understanding you right - genetics stays the same, but gender (or gender identity) doesn't necessarily match AMAB/AFAB.  Correct?  But I wouldn't be surprised if I messed it up...


    Would be interested to see if the show decides to tackle it - especially in a channeler.

  4. 16 minutes ago, CaddySedai said:

    people do forget that SOME of the audience might not have read the books so there is an off possibility the reveal was shocking. Since they do lean so hard into the other characters 😛

    Some?  I imagine that MOST of the audience haven't read the books.  Who does that anymore?  And I think it was said that they were leaning into non-readers with how the show was written.  I would be curious to know how many non-readers were shocked by Rand's designation as the Dragon.


    Guess it would have been more shocking for us (readers) had someone other than Rand been named.



  5. 6 hours ago, Torgolpuff said:

    I think the casting was ok. I didn't like it when they changed the story line at all. IDK why poor Perrin had a wife let alone had to kill her by accident. Having that burden would massively change the development arc of a person and therefore the Leader he ultimately becomes in the book. Moiraine having a intimate relationship with the Amrylin? I mean really? did we actually need that? 

    Yes and no.  There is always a market for sexy time in TV, movies, and lit.


    Jordan never 'showed' Egwene and Rand's relationship as being carnal.  But it is not that big a leap to assume it was happening.  Fast forwarding Nynaeve and Lan's relationship, I think, was a bit too quick for the romantic in me based on what I 'knew' of the book characters.  Siuan and Moiraine was unexpected as their current relationship was not portrayed as physical at all in the books - but was not out of left field either considering their relationship as novices.


    I think all three of the relationships could have been handled better, but that is based on my own opinions/sensitivities.  Other folks probably think they should have gone further...

  6. I manage a manufacturing plant.  Due to inflation and supply chain issues raw material costs have sky rocketed - when I can get them at all.  As a result, the company is in a cash-poor situation.  I need to keep inventory levels down but still supply customers.  I need inventory to supply customers, but inventory kills the bottom line.  Finding balance is difficult...

  7. 1 hour ago, WhiteVeils said:

    Given how little information it is, it is much more likely a mental or physical illness for him or someone close to him, and privacy should be respected. It's probably not funny at all.

    Of course his privacy should be respected. I was trying to contrast him against all the big self promoters out there. I hope his leaving was not not caused by some tragedy. But I’m also still curious. Not keeping me up at night - we’ll find out someday or not…

  8. 53 minutes ago, holger said:

    AppleTV's adaptation is an extremely loose adaptation, to the point that it should probably not even be called an adaptation, but more of a "TV show inspired by ...". Other than the names of the main characters and places, and the overall concept of psychohistory, almost everything is different. Neither plots not character arcs were maintained from the original, and most of the show plots were invented for the show. 

    Sounds like they could have done that with another show as well...

  9. 4 hours ago, VooDooNut said:


    I agree, however, that Barney deserves his privacy. It seems to be a rare commodity these days.

    ... more rare based on technology and all the different ways people communicate.  But have to admit I'd like to know:

    • Artistic differences
    • Better offer
    • COVID
    • Just not interested anymore

    Not saying this applies to Barney, but always laugh when a celebrity is always putting themselves out their to promote themselves and their successes - and then ask for privacy when they or someone in their family/inner circle screws up.

  10. 15 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:


    Yeah, it's an unsubstantiated rumor. 

    One that was oft circulated by right-wing media outlets & groups attempting to push the narrative that the WoT Production was overly Woke, and forced out a brilliant actor over refusal to get vaccinated against Covid. You know, the vaccine a lot of those groups think is a hoax. 😉 

    Light I hate the stupid politics people make up.
    Back in my day, if we disliked a show, we changed the channel. 😄

    What right-wing media was defending Barney from our woke Overlords?

  11. 1 hour ago, Dagon Thyne said:

     They did know about the existence of the true power and that it was a tainted version of the one power is 1 power used by the dark .  This was the reason for their hesitation to use the one power to try to refill him.  They feared that it would be tainted in some way.  This was confirmed by Robert Jordan.  

    So they thought the true power was tainted but didn't consider that their use of the one power might taint it as well?  I'm not sure I'm following...

  12. 16 minutes ago, Dagon Thyne said:

     To be fair Barney leaving was related to covid he left because he did not want to get a vaccine which was mandatory for all cast and crew.   That's why they simply let him out of his contract it is contract they couldn't force him to take the vaccine against his will though they just said take it or go home.

    I understand that Barney leaving put them in a tough spot.


    My main point is that Rafe and company knew their budget and running time before they started shooting.


    COVID complicated life for everyone.

  13. On 8/30/2022 at 8:43 PM, MasterAblar said:

    I can barely muster up interest to start watching shows so I'm certainly not one to hesitate walking away from one. Which is weird because I'm the total opposite when it comes to books. WoT is probably the first series in a very long time that I've actually planned to watch before it came out.

    Right.  In fact, WoT was probably the only show that I have ever looked forward to before the premiere.  I was never one to study up on the next offerings for the new TV season.  But I may be forgetting something...


    In any case, it is definitely the only show I've ever promoted before the premiere.  Won't make that mistake again.  I had to do a lot of backtracking with folks I had been pumping up the show to.  Watch the show first before deciding to be a champion for it.

  14. On 9/9/2022 at 2:12 PM, WhiteVeils said:

    I admit I nearly dropped the series after Rahvin's death.  It was too much, all at once, and it just seemed to be ridiculous. It took me a while to pick the series up again. So you're right about everyone's camel having a different breaking point.

    Rahvin's death wasn't too much for me, but Perrin chasing Faile nearly was - seemed so out of character for him.  Not the chasing, but seemingly abandoning all his other responsibilities.


    Too be honest, it wouldn't have made me quit.  There was too much else I wanted to see how it would turn out.  But I hated most of the arc from both Perrin's and Faile's side.

  15. 1 hour ago, mogi68 said:

    I'm having a hard time overlooking all the issues with the timeline in this show. Isildur is alive and the rings haven't even been forged yet? What? In the text he's born like 1600 years after the One Ring is made.


    It's as much of a mess lore-wise as WOT season 1 was. Probably worse

    It has many of the same issues as WoT - but somehow it doesn't hurt as much.  I find myself overlooking  stuff that drove me crazy in WoT.  Don't think it is because RoP is doing anything better but distance from the source material and maybe having gone through all the frustration and breast-beating so recently, I just don't have the energy to fight another battle.  Or maybe I just learned a little something...

  16. I liked the weather-based knowledge they brought as well, but otherwise think this was underdeveloped in the books.  Maybe a bit more time on ships and less time with "Nothing matters but Faile" would have been refreshing.  Then again, leave them wanting more isn't a terrible thing...

  17. 8 minutes ago, Dagon Thyne said:

    If LOTR is a major success, it could mean that Amazon would be willing to be less restrictive in future seasons of the WOT.  Give them more episodes, more money, etc.  One of the reasons why they had to cut so much and rewrite the story so much is because they had limited time especially with numerous Covid-ralted rewrites.  

    I would think they were limited by both number of episodes and money before COVID was a factor.  Barney leaving and COVID required unexpected re-writes, but would bet that Rafe and company knew they only had 8 hours and 10 million per episode way before they shot the first episode.  Didn't like it, but they knew.

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