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Posts posted by DojoToad

  1. 1 hour ago, notpropaganda73 said:

    Teaser looked great and I'm excited other than the confusion around Nynaeve's sword scene... even if it's not what some are afraid of (and it's barely a second long so we're definitely extrapolating!), so much would depend on the context of the scene for it not to take away from Mat vs the brothers. I can already hear the complaints of Nyn being invincible

    Agreed - that the sword scene is likely not a replacement for Mat's staff scene, but the chance is not zero.  But why does she have a sword scene at all?  WAFO I guess...


    Of course you can hear the complaints of  Nynaeve's apparent invincibility - look at S1.

  2. 17 hours ago, expat said:

    Agree that we all have our own definitions, but the underlying problem remains.  If you cut material for time/budget purposes, you have to account for inconsistencies you introduce.  The only way to fix them is to introduce new material.


    A good example for me is the Sea Folks.  I think they are a pale reflection of the Aiel Wise Ones (group of channelers not controlled by the White Tower with their own prophecies of the Dragon) and can be completely cut to save time and budget.  They don't really do much, but there are still some loose ends that need fixing.  For one, how do the wondergirls get to Tanchio (leading to their time with the circus, capture of Moggy and trying to find Salidar through the Prophet/Galad/Uno) without them? The Bowl of Winds story needs to be reworked.  The destruction of the female sa'angreal during the cleansing might need rework.  The marriage of Lan and Nyn changes.


    According to your definition, do these changes (if they happen), make the story "unfaithful"?

    Anything that gets rid of the circus would be a good adaptation, but unfaithful.


    So I'm not hung up on how faithful it is, but rather how good the adaptation is.


    The LotR movies were a very successful adaptation that had major bouts of unfaithfulness.  There were huge cuts (Tom Bombadil) and major additions (Arwen) that I thought were done well - whether I liked them or not.  I enjoyed the movies very much.


    The WoT show had many unfaithful changes as well.  I did not like how most of them were incorporated, and as a result did not enjoy the show.


    I could see the Sea Folk being cut as they were under-utilized by Jordan.  But would have to see how the changes were made before deciding if they were done well from my perspective.

  3. 12 hours ago, wotfan4472 said:

    I am aware of those two. I am just confused about why Darshiva disappeared for soo long after hearing that information, then shows up to fight. The only conclusion is the Dark One was ordering Darshiva directly. He could have sent orders through the other two in the process.

    I still think that Darshiva was in the Dark One's direct presence that whole length of time. 

    Or it could be as simple as Jordan forgot about him, and then was like: Oh crap, gotta do something with Darshiva!


    He had a lot on his plate, can't blame him for forgetting one of the many minor characters...

  4. 8 hours ago, DaddyFinn said:

    RoP still doesn't hit the right spots for me. Lazy writing(too many close calls and last minute rescues, the usual cliches), boring action with some highlights(Arondir vs. miniboss orc), characters I still don't care about(pretty much all of them).. The ending was ridiculous. Something has to happen in the last two episodes to hype up season 2. I don't have high hopes.


    WoT had barely any of these issues for me. Might be biased but they are nowhere in the same level. The money isn't showing with other than the visuals.


    Sadly this season has been pretty much as I expected: not interesting.

    • Assassin Nynaeve taking out trolloc on her own
    • Untrained Nynaeve healing blast after trained Aes Sedai failed to contain Logain
    • Mat and Rand saved from terminator darkfriend at last minute by Thom
    • Untrained channelers miraculously save the day at the last minute after trollocs overwhelm defenders at Tarwin's Gap
    • Untrained Egwene heals near-dead Nynaeve
    • Cliff hanger with Loial getting cut by evil dagger - usual cliches

    I don't have high hopes...

  5. 4 hours ago, Cauthonfan4 said:

    At this point I'm going to adopt a wait and see approach for season 2. If people I trust tell me its back on track and more in line with the books I may check out season 2. But I have little faith in that happening.


    Really looking forward to reacher though.

    You know that show that closely followed the books and was far better received then wheel of time across the board?

    Wait and see for me too.  If S2 gets back on track, I'll go back and watch S1 (including the last 4 episodes that I never watched) and then head into S2 knowing that it will get better - even though I'll have to sit through stuff I don't like.


    I also liked Reacher much better.  I never read the books though.

  6. 3 hours ago, SinisterDeath said:

    I seem to recall Rafe talking about bringing characters back on track to where they should be in the books, which also implies bringing the entire story "back on track".

    Which confirms the characters were off track to begin with, and also implies that the entire story was off track.  And some folks wonder why we complain about the show.  Characters and story are most of the show.


    Here's to hoping it all gets back on track! 👍

  7. 6 minutes ago, SinisterDeath said:

    I didn't say they "didn't like DM". They run a competing fansite. They have a vested interest in not contributing to the growth of the other.


    That's where I mentioned the others dropped the ball.


    Think of it like Twitter/Facebook. They get a shit load of hits on those sites.

    They get 5 views/posts here. Forums are a dyin' medium.

    I get what you're saying about forums vs. other media.  But how does advertising their convention on DM contribute to DM's growth?  I think it would contribute to the conventions growth...

  8. Just now, SinisterDeath said:

    In the show (not the book), before we got a view of the past we see people mining what appears to be old-buildings for metal.

    Thing with audiences are... sometimes you have to treat them like a nail while you swing a giant mallet to get their attention. Tiny details like a Mercedes hood element are for those of us with an eye for small detail.
    In your face, blatantly obvious, and basically yelling at you "DUH" is for everyone else.

    Right, figured we were talking show.  Guess I see your point though.

  9. On 7/11/2022 at 9:27 AM, SinisterDeath said:

    At least one of them has reason to not promote DM, and the other three aren't officially affiliated with DM, though I'm sure a lot of them are in Jason's radar for certain information they have privilege to.
    TLDR: Jason missed an opportunity to promote this on DM, but don't blame him, he's busy!
    The other contributors on the news team definitely dropped the ball.

    So one doesn't like DM for whatever reason, others aren't affiliated with DM - so what happened to shameless self-promoting.  Pop in, start a thread, and spread the word.  They would have gotten my money.


    I don't think anyone would have considered it spam - in fact most (all?) of us would have been excited to know about it - even if we couldn't travel.  Sorry to zombie the thread, just smh...

  10. 1 hour ago, WhiteVeils said:


    Suian and Moiraine /did/ avoid each other...even more than they did in the early Great Hunt.  

    Perrin's story arc through S1 AND S2...his whole journey with Violence is going to hinge on that relationship with Laila and what happened (Note: NOT classic fridging, no matter what people say. Fridging is when the bad guy kills the woman to motivate the hero, not when the hero does it by accident).  Sanderson did not say it was bad...he said he felt it was a necessary change, but he would have had Perrin kill Master Luhan instead of Laila.  The reason they killed Laila was because they didn't have the time in the script to build up a whole relationship between Luhan and Perrin before Winternight, whereas the husband/wife dynamic could be established with a few very quick shots.

    The writers were fine. There were one or two lines that seemed a little weak, but the over all plots and dynamics were good.  They brought forward some things from later books to give hints to viewers of what is to come, but EOTW was always among the least gripping books.  It gets better from here.

    Husband/wife dynamic definitely easier to deal with.  But they introduced stuff they didn't need to at the same time.  Why was she distant, why was he trying to comfort her?


    But I don't think Perrin/Haral would have been difficult.  Some off-hand comment when they were at the inn:

    • Perrin - I don't think Master Luhhan has been happy with my work lately...
    • Rand - Don't be an idiot, you're the son he never had.  He probably had a fight with Alsbet and is taking it out on you.

    I'm sure it can be greatly improved, but I don't think it has to be hard or has to take a lot of screen time.  Mat did not have a lot of screen time with his sisters, but it was obvious he loved them.

  11. 15 hours ago, WhiteVeils said:

    It's clear in WOT they're trying to hint that it's a Future post apocalyptic Earth, so in some ways it needs to be even more creative...have that hint of modernity with their medieval.  Also, most of the people we've seen (save Suian in full regalia) are not the elites that GOT focus on. Those  'peasants' are the primary cast, and need to be distinct. GOT doesn't have many middle class folks.

    I'm not sure I understand.  Do you mean references to Sho-wings, Jo-cars, shocklances, and a Mercedes hood ornament/emblem in a museum are not enough for a TV audience?

  12. 44 minutes ago, notpropaganda73 said:

    Episode 4 was poor imo. It's been a mixed bag of a series so far. The good elements I really like but they feel few and far between. 


    I was glad not to see the Harfoots this episode but I feel this means they'll feature heavily soon. As an Irish person the more I see them the more annoyed I get. Lazy tropes. 

    No Harfoots?  I'm in!  Forgot to watch it this weekend - which probably indicates how much I like it.  Don't hate it, but obviously not waiting with bated breath either...

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