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Posts posted by SinisterDeath

  1. 1 minute ago, Elder_Haman said:

    No. But does everything have to be spelled out? Or do you think audiences are capable of making reasonable inferences?

    As we know, TV Shows need to "show not tell" in regards to exposition. 

    I believe this also relates to plot relevant inferences.

    We don't need to see the characters relieve themselves to infer that they do in fact, relieve themselves on trees.

    Just like we don't need to see how Liandrin managed to single handedly sneak 3 accepted out of the tower, and have time to run back up the tower and put a compulsion weave on Sheriam to make a false entry on the girls leaving the tower, to make the assumption that Liandrin had all kinds of help in Tar Valon, even if it was just making liberal use of compulsion.

    Even then, given how little Lan actually did this season and how much of it was acting off of those around him? Why not show Lan getting help from someone, or show Lan doing some research, instead of just telling us that he found something?

    Because in all honesty, they violated that one rule. They told us, instead of showing us.

  2. On 10/1/2023 at 7:32 AM, king of nowhere said:

    you imply this site is subject to censorship, but if that was the case, this thread would not have been approved in the first place.

    I mean, this site is subject to censorship as covered in this section of the website.  

    https://dragonmount.com/forums/forum/561-forum-rules-guides/. (Hence why we have rules regarding Language, Naughty pictures, WoT Fan Fiction, etc.)

    This is a private website hosted by private individual(s). It is not a website hosted by the US, State, or Local Government and is thus not subject to the 1st amendment which reads as follows:


    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    Last I checked, DM is not congress and passes no laws. DM is not a public space, it is a private space like someone's house.

    Section 230 which was originally part of the Communications Decency Act is something DM is subject to in multiple ways. Both as a Publisher of WoT related News and Content, and as a Web Forum.

    Broadly Section 230 makes DM not legally liable for things users post or upload.
    Section 230 also legally allows DM to moderate user submitted content as it sees fit.
    Should Section 230 ever get repealed, we'll likely see the Forums shut down, and every comment field turned off on DM.

    In social media sphere(s) like Facebook, Twitter, and beyond this has led brigades of people to cry foul of "My free speech is being violated!"... In general, no it's not. Those sites can do whatever they want.
    When the government requests those sites do it, that's another thing entirely... 

    Either way, I think we can probably all agree that Facebook's algorithm moderation is an absolute joke. It's trash. They need to hire real people because holy crap the spam bots are bad on that platform. Really bad...

    We balefire our Spambots here.

    My spambot kill count is over 9000!

  3. 1 hour ago, Pandemonium said:


    Unfortunately wheel of time keeps hitting so many problems: covid, post production backup delays, writer's strike.  

    I really hope they don't turn this into an every 2 year show, but that seems possible.  If they can't get it out annually I bet they will try to go the 5 season arc instead of 8 season

    Unfortunately, COVID and Rafe isn't the reason why their shows aren't released annually.


    I put this spreadsheet together of various prime shows and the number of days between season start to season start..



  4. I "watch" stuff on prime to, but it's not my go to platform.


    We're in the age of streaming overload.


    There's too many shows, on too many platforms and not enough time to watch everything.


    It used to be possible to watch most shows you were actually interested in watching.


    These days you'd have to make it a full time job...

    Or have a full time job that lets you do watch TV while you work.... 

  5. 3 minutes ago, DigificWriter said:

    1) Temporarily killing Egwene so that the collar falls off and then immediately resuscitating her thereafter would not be a 'fake-out' death

    So they need to play some Egwene oragami and then unfold her?



    4 minutes ago, DigificWriter said:

    2) Egwene being rescued without being physically freed from the collar in no way means that she will remain a damane for the rest of her life; it simply means that there is not an immediately available solution to the problem of removing the collar and that a solution will need to be found

    Leave her collared and send her back to the white tower for more training.


    Which would be a real great look for the show, to have the only indigenous Australian on the show be the only literal enslaved channeler in the white tower under lock and key under Eliada whom is presumably being played by Shohreh Aghdashloo, whom is of Iranian decent... 


    Yeah. That'll go over well. 

  6. In other news.


    I went back to the Season 1: Episode 6 Flame of Tar Valon episode, and checked the X-Ray to see if it updated locations at all. I was curious if the hut was located in T'a'R. 

    Hint: No, it did not update the location.


    However, reading the Ter'Angrael description it mentioned that they can be used to transport people to places or... experiences.


    Which is exactly what Moiraine and Siuane were describing in the cold opening. 


    So I'm guessing it puts people in what's effectively a dream shard? 

  7. 20 minutes ago, DigificWriter said:

    Not everything is WAFO; sometimes (most times, I would argue) Word of God, BtS information can (should) be taken at face value and treated as binding without having to have said info confirmed onscreen.

    I mean, everything is WAFO for us as viewers... lol.


    Rule #1 in any media.

    Someone isn't dead unless you see the corpse dead and buried. Preferably dismembered and turned into ash.


    20 minutes ago, DigificWriter said:

    That's the thing; in this particular instance, the show has already proven that book lore doesn't hold based on the already-mentioned information from Sharon Gilham

    The show has yet to show whether the costume designer is correct or not. Hence... WAFO.


    20 minutes ago, DigificWriter said:

    The a'dam not being able to be removed while a damane is living is not something that either breaks the world worldbuilding of the show or creates plot holes.

    Let's just decapitate Egwene, heal her head back on so she can become Amyrlin of the rogue tower after it splits... 

  8. 1 minute ago, DigificWriter said:

    There's a difference between debating something and/or acknowledging that, in one specific instance, BtS commentary proved unreliable and automatically assuming that nothing that anyone says in BtS commentary is reliable or that book knowledge holds 100% sway in every instance

    That's where WAFO comes in.


    I'm operating under the presumption that book lore holds true until the show proves otherwise.



    I'm assuming Rand is going to Fight Ishy in the sky until the show proves otherwise. 

  9. 27 minutes ago, Guire said:

    I am the last person on planet to ask about current buzz worthy items.  I do have 2 adult children with spouses that should be prime audience Rafe's version was targetting.  I also have 3 teen sons with lots of geeky friends.  I hear about HotD, Witcher, One Piece lots.  Nothing about WoT.  Is show creating a buzz in certain places?  The fragmentation of society and entertainment makes it feel like big budget mass audience water cooler shows are probably going to be super rare even if quality of show is there.

    HotD is on HBO.

    One Piece and Witcher is on Netflix.


    Which one is WoT on?

    Have they talked to you about GenV yet? 

    How about Harlan Coben's Shelter? Wilderness? The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart? Good Omens S2? 

    How about "The Power"? Or "Deadlock"?


    All of those are Amazon Originals they've probably never heard of, with the exception of Good Omens... and they may not have picked up Season 2, let alone watched it yet... 


    Prime Video has this issue in that... everyone has Prime, not everyone uses prime video.


    Everyone knows what Netflix is.

    Everyone knows what HBO is. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, DigificWriter said:


    Except for the fact that the show's Costume Designer flat-out said so.



     No. People are assuming it's not true based on book knowledge.

    We've been down this road before.

    The same thing was said regarding Moiraine.


    Cast like Daniel said she was stilled in an interview.

    We've went in circles over whether she is or isn't for months.


    I'm pretty sure we argued about writers lying to the audience about her being stilled... And now you finally bring up the literary device "red herring" which is just a fancy way of saying... The writer lied to the audience. Lol


  11. 53 minutes ago, Mirefox said:

    I’m confused about pacing.  I thought going in to this season that this was supposed to be books 2 and 3.  Yet we are seemingly going to finish right where 2 finishes.  Are they going to conflate Falme and Tear, or maybe rush Tear to start Season 3 and out to The Wastes from there?


    17 minutes ago, Agitel said:


    I had the same impression. I guess they could try to just do the first few books in full, then absolutely just condense/remove much of the back half. But my thoughts are yours. They could do Tear very early next season. Much of the journeys these characters have been on developmentally have incorporated parts of book three, even if the actual plot events have not yet been brought forward. Then dive into the Wastes. Or maybe Callandor will be pushed back quite of bit, out of order, or not see it at all. Maybe merge it with the great sa'angreal so there's only one that Rand uses.


    I'm just spit balling.

    Best explanation I got...
    Book 2 we got Perrin hunting the Horn.
    Book 3 we got Rand's solo journey where he does some shit and then declares himself the Dragon.
    Book 2 we get Moiraine doing some off-screen "Research" before finding Rand.
    Books 2 & 3 the girls escape the tower and get kidnapped by the Black Ajah and held prisoner. Egwene get's taken captive by the Seanchan.
    Book 2&3 Mat escapes the Tower and rescues the girls and blows the horn and blows shit up.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Mirefox said:

    Sometimes I wish I could be a fly on the wall in the writers' room.  I'd love to hear the conversation around Mat.  I imagine it would be something like this:


    A: "Ok, team, we need to get Mat to Falme."

    B: "We do?  Didn't we just spend last episode having him say he'll go and then giving him a reason not to?"

    A: "Yes, but now we need him there."

    B: "Why?"

    A: "It's in the books."

    B: "Oh, so lets get him there the way he went in the books."

    A: "Can't do that.  Forget about the books."

    B: "But you just said..."

    A: "Not now, dammit, we need to figure this out."

    B: "Ok, well how far is it?"

    A: "About 1500 Miles."

    B: "..."

    B: "Well, we could give him a motivation; something to chase.  The dagger, maybe?  Or the horn?"

    A: "The what?  Oh yeah, I forgot about those.  No, that's too much work."

    B: "Jerry over there did some good work on Episodes 5 and 6.  Maybe he has an idea?"

    A: "Jerry, pitch me something."
    J: "Are you ready for this?  We could hit him on the head, then cut to him in Tear."

    A: "Perfect.  Jerry, you really are a wunderkind."

    I'm just pondering if it was sniveling Barthane's that knocked Mat out... or if it was a certain Warder...

  13. 9 minutes ago, Mirefox said:

    The Saidar and Saidin is a great example of exactly why its hard to accept that they are sticking to book lore.  The writers went out of their way to obfuscate the point and it is blindingly obvious.  I've already brought this up but from the very moment the show began, Liandrin completely gets it wrong showing that either the writers don't understand the book or they've changed the nature of the One Power for the show.  And if you want to say it is an unreliable narrator issue, then the problems are even bigger and Liandrin is monunmentally stupid.  Moiraine's asinine speech to Rand could have been easily given had she said she can't teach him because men and women use different sides of the power and can't teach each other.  Instead, she gave a nonsensical answer.  The writers had it right there and couldn't bring themselves to say it.  It wasn't until the needed a plot device that they decided to mention a difference - 15 episodes into the show.


    As for seeing the weaves, they deliberately tried to obfuscate that as well.  They made it look like Logain would possibly see Nyn's weaves.  At no point did they have a character say something like "what is he/she doing?"  Even in this episode they made it look like Siuan could see Rand's weaves.  All until they needed the plot device.

    For the record, S1E7 when Rand had his Flashback, we discovered it was Rand not Egwene that knocked the Trolloc off the ledge in the Ways with the One Power. Egwene didn't see his weaves.

    So no, they did not wait 15 episodes to show that women couldn't see men channeling.

  14. 2 minutes ago, DigificWriter said:


    That's not lore; that's crafting the story from a specific perspective knowing that said perspective is in fact a red herring.

    Yeah about that...
    Same exact logic applies to the A'dam.

    We the viewer were told one thing was true, it must be true because people in the show said it was so (even people outside of the show have said the same things about Moiraine being stilled), and then it turns out to not be true. Red Herring.

  15. 1 hour ago, Rhaze said:

    I kicked a friend out of my house for doing such a thing to my tv. At a GoT watch party, we were cooking out before the show came on and I walk in to see him with my remote changing my settings...


     wait a sec.. I spent a solid week going through every setting. I used a config disc, and looked up numerous configurations people used online and set several different options to switch between them... and then some dude just picks up my remote and starts setting my tv to his eyesight? I was HOT and not just from the grill.

    There's a difference between someone's TV who is already set up, and a boomer's TV that is setup wrong.

  16. 16 minutes ago, Mirefox said:

    Ha.  I don't go to any of those sites and most of my advertising comes from TV and YouTube, which you listed as failures.  I guess I'm not at the right places.



    Amazon not picking up ad spots for YouTube is on Amazon. I don't think I've seen a single WoT Ad on Youtube...

    On the other side, youtubers who follow WoT news will have picked up on those interviews and distributed that information to people who follow them.

    So if you're also not following YouTubers who talk about the WoT show, you're also not going to get any information about it that way either.

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