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Posts posted by SinisterDeath

  1. 14 minutes ago, Mirefox said:

    It's all anecdotal from me, so not worth much.  I've just noticed a complete lack of advertising.  I think the only thing I've seen for it is a sigh at the bookstore near the books.  I guess Amazon thinks they need to target people other than me, lol.

    Do you regularly go to websites like:










    Black film and tv?


    Point being.... Stating there was no advertising = anecdotal. 


    What Amazon has definitely failed is...

    TV Ad Spots.

    Ad Spots on other websites.

    Youtube ad spots.


    Billboards plastered in LA, NYC, and London are only useful in LA, NYC, and London.

    Which reminds me.

    I don't recall any big hub-bub about a cool 3d WoT s2 billboard in London like they had 2 years ago with the Fade.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Mirefox said:

    There is next to no advertising for the show

    So that is relatively false, it's just where that advertising is, isn't in place we are seeing.


    Example being I was literally told by a member of DM, that while on excursion to LA there were advertisements plastered all over LA for the Wheel of Time Season 2.


    There were a shit load of advertisements & pieces in a variety of online magazines and probably physical magazines that most of us have never seen because... lets face it... how many of us have physical magazine subscriptions to whatever it is that they put in article or ad in?

    Paying for TV ad spots is another thing entirely. 
    I don't think I've ever saw an ad spot for an amazon show on any other competing network. At most I've seen them on Youtube or websites but that's about it.

    They also got hit because of the WGA and SAG strike killing the press tour actors & writers go on, so the only advertising they could have done was that one press junket they rushed through before the strikes...

  3. 34 minutes ago, Ralph said:

    From premiere would be lost 54%


    from e8 more like 70% as things stand


    so not sure where it came from

    S2 also had a ~2 year gap between seasons, and a LOT of people didn't even know when Season 2 was starting.

    I'm less interested in premier numbers as I am in weeks 2-4 numbers.
    (I also believe, against all predictions One Piece gobbled quiet a few of those streaming hours up from a lot of other shows!)

  4. 1 minute ago, Windigo said:

    Ok so while not a fan of Lan's arc this season I was not hating on it, as it was more Lan later than Lan earlier in some ways.

    But this episode when Lan fakes out and leaves Logain after an implied promise of giving him the key, that made me angry at it, because if there is one thing Lan is at his core it is honorable. I could put up with a softer honorable Lan, but this really bugged me. 

    Well he did say he was going to give him the key... When he gets to the White Tower.


    Which will be pivotable when Siuan gets deposed... 

  5. 1 hour ago, ilovezam said:


    Haha, the classic "Your Honour, I pressed the trigger of the gun I pointed at him, but I did not actually want him dead!" 

    In this case, it wasn't a weapon, it was crowd control. Like a fire hose. 


    I think the easiest way to think about the 3rd oath, is to approach it the same way we do modern day police use of force.
    "Oh shit! That person blinked at me! MY LIFE IS IN DANGER!"

  6. 11 minutes ago, VooDooNut said:

    P.S. Oh yes, Detective Lan was weird too. Rushed. Same with his Cat Crosses The Courtyard stuff. Oh well.

    For one thing... I know Lan isn't a "meat head", but I'd think the topic of the one power would be really above his head, and some super rare topic like "knotted weaves from the age of Legends" had to have come from a sly Verin nudge... But I missed it if it was there.


    But in modern terms... it felt like Lan was mansplaining Saidar to Moiraine... only she apparently didn't know anything... about the one power... Lol

  7. 4 minutes ago, Pandemonium said:

    Can't say I love this episode, which is too bad after the momentum from last 3 episodes.  

    Gitara's foretelling felt very underwhelming.  Usually the cold openings are great, but this one was rushed and.the acting felt odd.  Matt's hallucination scene was just really weird and I don't think provided that much insight into any character other than Ishamael.  


    Bathanes darkfriend turn and sudden demise was way too abrupt.  Lanfear never attacked a city head on like that before in the books.  The whole thing where they said a forsaken is not strong enough to still a sister is ridiculous. 


    Siuan seems so out of character.  They are doing way too much storytelling here.  Rand is so weak and he is heading into the final episode


    Egwene and Perrin were best things about this episode.  


    Yikes, I would say this is one of the worst episodes, but not as bad as season 1 episode 8.  




    I really can't disagree.


    I don't know why they have Lan playing One Power detective for Moiraine?


    That doesn't feel like a puzzle he should solve on his own... 


    Did I miss any note passing between him and Verin? 


    Honestly, I'm just happy that whole plot line is finally finished. Done. Kaput. Move on.


    People. Whining about the Stepping arc being too long, this has gone on for 7 episodes... 

  8. 2 hours ago, IttyBittyOne said:

    Except in the books Perrin was 10 years younger and never married. The whole death/mourning of Laila was pulled outa someone's *** and many minutes of valuable screen time were wasted on Perrin's angst that could have been spent on the actual story. What did they have to omit from the book to cram this newly fabricated material in? Why fabricate this new background at all? It doesn't contribute to his overall story arc, so I respectfully disagree about it being good writing.

    What do you mean 10 years younger?


    His book character is 20 and his show character is 20.


    If you're going to bring in the fact that the actor is 26 during season 1, I have news for you.


    You can't film 8 seasons of a show over ~10 years, and have a story that takes place over 2 years and expect actors to stay the age they were when filming began in season 1... That's not how linear time works... 

  9. 3 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

    I meant I watch it in italian, with italian subtitles. just like I watch wot in italian, with italian subtitles (i find subtitles of a different language than the audio to be confusing). and for both shows the original language is english. so, same situation for both.

    but in one piece, the italian subtitles match the italian dubs. in wot, italian subtitles and dubs do not match.

    One Piece might just be the exception not the rule.

    12 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

    I don't know if it's a netflix vs primevideo thing

    You brought up Netflix/Prime and I brought up Ragnarok which is on Netflix, and the exact same thing occurs for English speakers/readers.

  10. 38 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

    how is that not an example of international dub?

    maybe for you it wasn't, because it was made in english first. but i still watch it in italian.


    12 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

    I've watched one piece, and the subtitles match. I don't know if it's a netflix vs primevideo thing

    You mentioned One Piece.

    You said the subtitles matched.

    I assume you meant the English subtitles match the English words, or that the Italian subtitles matched what was being said in English.


    What I meant in context of One Piece not being an "international dub" was that it's original language was English, it's subtitles were originally English. So it' doesn't suffer the same English subs not matching with the English sound track.

    One Piece doesn't track like a foreign film cheaply ported to the US.
    It feels more like a Hollywood film ported to international markets. Albeit, it's probably one of the best attempts I've seen.. specially given that the author of the source material was actually involved in the show I guess?

    - - - -

    Ragnarok's original language is Norwegian, it's Dubbed in English, and Subbed in English.
    The English Dubs doen't match the English Subs. Ragnarok is also on Netflix.
    It has the Exact same issue you mention with Wheel of Time.

    It's part the course for a LOT of dubbed/subbed Movies/TV shows, and it's sort of an anthema to those of us who watch dubs with subs on...

    For reference so we're using the same definitions.
    English dub = English dubbed over the original language spoken in the film.
    Italian dub = Italian dubbed over the original language spoken in the film.

  11. 11 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

    I've watched one piece, and the subtitles match. I don't know if it's a netflix vs primevideo thing

    That's not an example of an international dub with subtitles.


    Go watch Ragnarok on Netflix with English Dub and English Subtitles.

    Any time the "original" language is different, the subtitles are never going to be a 1:1 match from one language to another.
    You can pretty much see this on any Anime where it's original language is Japanese. It was first subbed in english, and then later dubbed in English. The English subs almost never match the English dubs... 


    It drives me up a wall. (Jojo's is another prime example of this)

  12. 19 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

    is someone else watching the show in another language with subtitles? I do, because i have soome troubles hearing dialogues sometimes. and I noticed in italian the subtitles don't match very well. the meaning is the same, but the words are all different. like, the dubbing team took the dialogues in english, translated them liberally trying to make them sound good and recorded them. then the subtitles team toook also the dialogue in english, without even checking how those dialogues sound in italian, and just made a word-for-word translation.

    it's not a big deal for me - reading the dialogues i can get the meaning, and from that I can figure out the words I missed - but it is annoying.

    Welcome to the world of foreign Subtitles? lol

    Shows that are dubbed in english are notorious for having a completely different text in english subtitles.

  13. 11 hours ago, Mailman said:

    If you think this is how BDSM Dom/sub relationships work then you really need to educate yourself.

    RJ's writing has always had a kink for spankings and humiliation. It's literally littered throughout the series.


    When It came to RJs "Dom" stuff, it was entirely one sided. They're not a consenting dom/sub relationship found in modern society. They're one sided, power fantasies like what you'd find in a horror movie which people dub "torture porn".



  14. 13 minutes ago, Vartija said:

    Could she even do it with the One Power considering the Oaths, or would the Warders have to do it when she ties him in air?

    Book Oaths, yes. Because all she has to do is believe he was a dark friend and she could use the One Power as a weapon against him.

    Show Oaths do not make mention of Dark Friends or Shadowspawn. So she couldn't just nuke him. But she can restrain him. If her warders killed him while restrained, that's not directly using the one power as a weapon.

  15. 31 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

    wait, nobody is speaking of the incredible revelation of this episode!

    when ryma asked if liandrin broke the oaths, elayne said "all of them". she lied, she used the power as a weapon outside of self-defence, but the third?

    clearly it means liandrin has rediscovered how to craft power-wrought weapons! and she has crafted weapons off scene.

    either that, or elayne lied, which means in this version of the story elayne is a darkfriend


    16 minutes ago, Elder_Haman said:

    She hasn’t taken the oaths yet tho. 


    To make no weapon with which one person may kill another.

    One could go pedantic and argue that in a round about way, Liandrin has made a weapon of the one power, via enslaving Egwene and turning her into a weapon via the Seanchan.


  16. 11 minutes ago, DigificWriter said:

    The show has really leaned super hard into BDSM Dom/Sub territory with its depiction of the sul'dam/damane interaction, but also mixed in historical Master/Slave cruelty and dehumanization elements, which is both fascinating and horrifying.

    So it leaned into the books? 🤔🤪



    Re: Liandrin, I don't remember her telling Verin that she was going to go to Caemlyn.

    There was that interaction she had with Verin about investigating the supposed "attack" on the girls "caravan" heading to Caemlyn.

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