Wheel of Time Card Deck
I am creating a poker deck for the Wheel of Time. Most of these images have been updated on the facebook page. You can also go there and click 'like' to support the project Album created by Reddera
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- 53 images
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- 53 images
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- 34 image comments
Wheel of Time Audiobook/Ebook Covers
After being disappointed by the old oversaturated 90's style book/audiobook covers that were covered in extra text, I made some new covers using the original artwork with a more modern title style based on the TOR ebooks.- Album created by AstralRadish
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- 32 images
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- 32 images
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Towers of Midnight video shoot
Pics from the set of TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT- Album created by Jason Denzel
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- 2 images
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History Pics
Just a few random photos of Castles and a trip to Beamish Museum- Album created by Kemian
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- 5 images
Artz & Craftz
Gallery test.- Album created by matt.b
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- 5 images
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WoT Characters
Probably the best pictures of WoT Characters to be found on the net. All done by Seamas at Album created by Sawa
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- 44 images
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Pictures of a site near Slaughterbridge, on the River Camel in Cornwall. Reputed to be the site of King Arthur's Last Battle- Album created by FarShainMael
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- 3 images
The Dragon Reborn
These are some pictures I find do a very good job at following Rand's description (more or less).- Album created by White_star
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- 2 images
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Tintagel, King Arthur's castle and birthplace
Pictures of Tintagel island, off the north coast of Cornwall UK, and the remains of a castle traditionally attributed to King Arthur.- Album created by FarShainMael
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- 6 images
- 6 images
Art of The Wolf King
My stuff!!!- Album created by The Wolf King
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- 9 images
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- 9 images
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JBlademaster's WOT gallery
Some photos I took of my wife and I dressed in our homemade garb. Christie is an Aes Sedai of the green ajah, and I am her warder.- Album created by Jblaylock
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- 21 images
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- 21 images
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Old Garbage
A slue of images I drew years and years ago. Maybe some new ones too over the next few weeks.- Album created by liruichen
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- 14 images
- 1 image comment
- 14 images
- 1 image comment
random WoT stuff
Here are a few random things I've created when I'm bored and need an art project to work on.- Album created by martianblues
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- 13 images
- 4 image comments
- 13 images
- 4 image comments