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Multiball Mafia - GAME OVER - TOWN WINS


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I'm sorry I didn't remember to respond to a single line in a paragraph.


Bare minimum? Compared to a good bit of the rest of the thread? Doubtful

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Oh what do you call starting the AJ iso btw?

And exactly what did you get out of that?
Does that matter? Your arguing I'm doing noting this game. I'm arguing I'm trying to do something.

For your information not much yet. I only manages to get through his first 40 or so posts before I had to stop.


You still haven't answered if Wifi is scum who miss killed town? 


You don't have answers. You're not trying to help town. You're trying to get to night so you can NK someone else. 



Onto more important things like finding the rest of the mafia. 



Honestly I'm not sure who to go to next. 


Dice I'm not sure about. Every game I've played with him I thought he seemed scummy lol And this game he doesn't, but there aren't very many... inflammatory people which I think stirs up what seems scummy to me. I really want to say he's town. 



Luthine - I have to say I like her posts. She seems to be trying to solve which seems town. She's seeing a lot of the same stuff I'm seeing as well which I like. I'm leaning more towards town on her


Talmanes - EHHHHH I don't know. He didn't have a lot of early content but I do know from other activities that he is purely on phone right now and I can't even imagine trying to play mafia strictly from phone, so not a lot of content from him isn't inherently scummy i don't think. Some of his early interaction with Zander was weird but I think it might have been from previous game play so idk. Lately he's been posting decent content, but he's had to without nyn and Zander in here pushing things.  I'm still leaning more town but I might could be persuaded


Lily - I'm not sure I think she could possibly be town but a lot of her interactions seemed weird and the vote on Hallia was blah. I don't know why she voted when she did. We were no where near Day end and waiting until after the weekend could have given some of us that aren't here a lot on weekends a chance to put our opinion in. I don't know


Wifi - Town. I don't think being a new player she's pulling something claiming town and shooting AJ. There's no way if she were with an experienced player and mafia that they would have told her to tell she shot. Now she's just a target for the other team if she's mafia? yeah not so much. Makes no sense... 


Nini - I don't know. I'm leaning more towards scum with her mostly because of the stuff that Nyn said and then died. She hasn't posted a whole lot of content which she did the same thing last game and was town so I really have no meta on her. I'd say she'd more scum than town but I don't know for sure. 



So if there are three mafia left and I had to choose who I thought it was I would probably say Lenlo, Nini, and Lily though it could be Tal or Luthine... At least that's how i'm feeling. 


I really think that Dice and Wifi are town. 


What are you talking about? Miss killed town? Do you know what a multi all game is?


I don't have an answer cause its not a coherent question. Also your dodging


If she's a wolf, which is a big if as I've said, she killed her competition. Which is more valuable then killing town.

So I don't understand the question your nailing me for not answering.


What are you talking about? Miss killed town? Do you know what a multi all game is?


I don't have an answer cause its not a coherent question. Also your dodging



No you're dodging. This isn't about set up. This is about WHAT TOWN WOULD KILL NYN AND ZANDER IF WIFI IS SCUM? 


They were pretty cleared by everyone, no one suspected them. YOU are avoiding the question. No Townie shoots Nyn or Zander, so those HAD to come from the scum factions. Wifi shooting AJ clears her, plain and simple. 



And what am I dodging?? please point it out. 


You don't seem to be understand what I've been saying. Wolf. Vig.


Yes I'm paranoid. See some of the crap I've seen. You would be to.


Okay. I'm caught up. 


Slight town reads: Nyn, Zander, Kat


That's all I have right now, although I am concerned how Dice thinks he can have a solid read this early. Or why he expects me to. 



We Know nyn and zander were town....so does that mean kat is too.....or ??  food for thought....this is early in the game so was she lucky...


I'd also be comfortable lynching Luthine. Her posts have gotten better but I still get a feeling she's been more interested in seeming busy then uncovering scum based on her posting.


Fwiw I tried to be forthcoming in my posts about what my thoughts and thought processes were in order to particpate, give people something to ~evaluate me on since no one knows me and not be suspicious for "lying low", except now I'm suspicious for not being original enough in my reads, lol.


Which is not wholly fair, I sent out feelers D1 by voting AJ at random and because spontaneous votes like that seemed to be a thing. Then Nynaeve, still a bit at random and as I said then "I'm not calling for a lynch on her, btw, I merely voted for her, with a ways to go yet till the deadline. I find it interesting to see players' reaction or non-reaction to having a vote against them. One way like any other to "collect data"."

I tried to be forthcoming about my experience in Mafia when Zander interrogated me and then questioned his sudden Hallia vote after she'd voted me.





 I don´t think I have played with Luthine or Wiffy before. Hi! Welcome to the BT!



[v] Dice [/v]


Hi! And thank you :)


[v]AJ[/v] at random, and because I want to use these nifty voting bracket thingies.




Oh and Ill [unvote] before going to bed, see you guys tomorrow, please don't make me read 20 new pages :)






 Errrr, it really was years ago (8 actually) I don't remember for sure I'd say maybe 10? And yep I got to play as both Townie and as Mafia.


I see the number of posts being mentioned is there some sort of contest or... are some of you just given to spamming? :P



Do you have a preference as to which alignment you enjoy playing as more?


And no thats not a trick question.  Just curious.


And ya all these other players tend to spam a lot.....me i dont even know the meaning of the word.....





Right, "not a trick question" :P

I got really lucky once as Healer and had an awesome run so it's been my favorite role so far. My time as Finder I got NK on Day 2 though so... eh.


Plotting and scheming as Mafia can be fun, especially if you're trying to implement a specific strategy. Lots of floundering on each side of the divide though if memory serves =)


Well it's the BT and Zander is playing so there will definitely be some spam lol.


There's usually a lot of joke posts on Day 1 but once we get into it they usually drop off. It's okay to joke around a bit as long as you get a bit more serious as we get moving.


The first game I played with Zander he annoyed me so much I led a lynch on him lol. He was actually scum that time though...


Haha, okay. I'll admit my finger got a little twitchy after the few pages were 80% Zander.






Nyn what do you feel about AJ;s take on this?


I feel that it's dumb



Well, that was unnecessarily unpleasant, I will [v]Nynaeve[/v]









Voting someone for being uncivil will prolly ACTUALLY net you a wolf like maybe 10% of the time give or take a bit.


Some people tend to not be civil always and thats usually NOT alignment indicative.

Oh, I'm aware, but as I said this is D1 there's not much to go on so I might as well vote for someone based on how their absence will make the game more ~pleasant.

I get wanting games to be pleasant but that plan is -EV or in easier terms a negative approach to take as Town.


Reason is this is very normal for Town!Nyn, Nyn is also a very strong player and a vocal one. Losing her is she's Town will be a detriment not a help to Town.


Ive got 0 problem with you going after her, but make sure it for a more valid reason if that makes sense to you?


Im not trying to tell you what to do, Im just trying to offer advice and help. Because eventually Im gonna have to try and read you and I have no Meta (experience) playing with you, so I wanna give you some space to operate, but I also want you to know if youre doing something that doesnt make sense cause if youre Town, Wolves will be able to manipulate this and prolly get you mislynched.


I want to give you some time to feel your way through and have more to judge your alignment from based on your actual gameplay.


Does this make sense to you?


If you have question feel free to ask anyone ok?

Well, idk what's "normal" for town!Nyn or town!anyone, nor do I think it particularly fair to sorta favour strong players in first days (vocal ones vs quiet ones, yes, because otherwise game doesn't move).


I'm not calling for a lynch on her, btw, I merely voted for her, with a ways to go yet till the deadline. I find it interesting to see players' reaction or non-reaction to having a vote against them. One way like any other to "collect data".









General question, why is it common to give "town reads"? I don't remember that being a thing in the games I played in (granted I don't remember a lot about those it was such a long time ago).


I mean, even if there's no consensus, the fact that a few people say that they think X is a townie doesn't risk putting them at the top of the Mafia's kill list?

It does, but it also depends on whether or not there are power roles, and whether or not these people's reads are any good. Certainly if a person is getting universally town read and is town they'll most likely be killed off before endgame.

Hmmm, so it allows the Finder to share their results without a reveal then? Interesting.


I'm heading to bed, might be starting to warm up to the "Dice is scum" theory but I'll sleep on it and reread before making up my mind, I'm too tired to think rn.



I dont like this. your playing both sides here


Giving you the benefit of the doubt that this isn't just you being defensive, care to elaborate on this?


I really want to do a reread because nothing strikes me as very conclusive one way or another yet. As "conclusive" as things can be on D1. If not this pm because I'm busy then tomorrow. For now [unvote].


(PSA: I've installed the Firefox add-on "AutoPager Fixed" in order to do this without having to click to open each new page, they all load in the same window and I just have to scroll down. The Multiquote button doesn't appear past the "first page" but I still find it useful.)



I'm suddenly yearning for popcorn.




1. Sooh

2. Nini

3. Dice

4. AJ

5. Talmanes

6. Luthine

7. Lily

8. Wiffy (mentored by Laine)

9. Nyn

10. Hally

11. Kat

12. Zander


I think Nini (is that short for something?) and Lily have yet to touch base? Not 100% sure and I'm on mobile so it's a pain to check.


Both have posted iirc.


What was the point of this post?



Huh, hadn't seen this before. Well I was trying to figure out who had posted and who was lying low. Not helped by the fact that I apparently remember avatars better than names, and have trouble connecting the two in my memory, orz. Also, what Lily said :P








you say ure starting to warm up i read agree with the3 dice is scum theory but u dont commit fully and make sure u leave a backdoor out so yhou can go oh no i changed my mind! or i never actually thought that

Ah okay, true. I'd been trying to keep up with the post in between doing other things and could see people expressing suspicions or lack thereof about several players but wasn't convinced of anything much. Right before I made that comment I saw someone else piping up about you being scum and that made me go 'hmmm' but I was honestly too tired too look it up properly.


I shared my thoughts to 1) participate and 2)also because I expected to have the time to think about everything more carefully this morning and be able to expand on those quickly. Rather than be in the "idk one or another" grey area, and basically have my comment not bring anything to the discussion.





@AJ - I've really gone into my thoughts on Dice pretty specifically at this point, not sure what you are looking for. He did something I didn't like early on, so I'm watching him. I've happened to agree with nearly everything he has said since them so there is definitely a possibility if him going either way in my book.


@Dice - Thank you for your response. Still not something I like, but I appreciate your candor.


At this point I'm really not liking Luthine and Kati. Luthine apparently voted Since just because others said he may be suspicious then immediately unvotes when called on it by Dice. Could be lazy play but it looks more like scum trying to appear to be participating.


For Kati I read over her post about not having seen Laine at first without thinking of it but I think Niniel made a really good point. After seeing it in that context (thanks for digging up the quotes Zander) I can definitely see that being a scum slip.


Errr, no, that's not what happened. My vote hadn't been for Dice, it was for Nynaeve, I put it in on Friday as a "D1 means any random reason is valid", unvoted since suspicious candidates arose. My discussion with Dice was wrt my not committing one way or another about other people's read of him as scum but saying I was starting to warm up to the idea.








edited to fix spoilers tag


Then my reads: I say I don't think much about the supposed Kat slip, say that Sooh should participate more because "it might be "safe" to lay low as Mafia." Find Dice not so suspicious, Lily more so, ask Zander about his early Kat suspicions. On Hallia I say I believe her explanations regarding her accusing Dice of sketchiness for early town read when she'd done the same and her voting for me because she was being defensive of Nynaeve. What makes me doubt her and what will eventually make me vote for her is Nynaeve's doubting her and saying she's not playing to her usual Town meta and Hallia not convincing me otherwise. Not a bad reason to vote imo.


Then I comment on Wifi's chaoting posting saying it confuses me and makes me suspicious of her.






Okay, *rubs hands* I'm all caught up now :smile:


I like several players so far but it will be hard to trust people when we have different mafia teams. My experiences tells me that it´s much easier to look town as mafia in a multiball game since you are actually hunting for mafia. 


I feel that this is very important and something I'd sort of lost sight of myself: just because someone asks the right questions, has the right attitude etc... doesn't mean they're not Mafia! It's true for any game, but especially so in a multiball where the Mafia player doesn't have to act like they're pursuing scum because they really are!

If it's different mafia teams indeed and about 4 players (maybe 5?) as has been suggested, that means 2 pairs of Mafia players, so looking for patterns might be complicated...


Following this logic, I won't be posting about "town reads" because I don't think they can be reliable in such a game. So now for my suspicions or lack thereof. Or well, not complete lack since my basic state is to be suspicious of everyone, let's say people I have "reason" or not to be suspicious of atm.


Kat: I don't think much about her supposed scum slip with her "I haven't seen her". I think it's good that it caught people's attention but it would be really sloppy and pretty pointless if anything, especially so early on.


@Kat, I'd love to see you interact more, what are your thoughts about Wifi?


Same for Sooh who got rightly called out on not participating much in the game, you gave a list of reads after being prompted but we haven't seen much of you since. Mentioning it because it might be "safe" to lay low as Mafia.


Dice: I went back to his early town reads and yes, they seem really categorical but if you consider directness and ~sharpness his style as AJ suggested:



AJ, can you explain your dice read? If you have already and I missed it, can you link me to it? Thanks. 


I touched on it briefly earlier but didn't go very in depth.


He has the directness and business-like attitude that I expect from him as a townie. It was there from the first post he made telling Talmanes that Zander wasn't getting lynched (the one he's catching so much grief over). His vote on Lily was pretty sharp too.



Then it sort of makes sense. Voting for Lily like that is particularly understandable on D1 when you don't have much to go on and have to make snap judgements. (tbc)


Dont know you as a player but I can hate the logic here.




Now, about Lily, while her initial "backtracking" didn't especially ping me, I'm leery of her defensiveness re: Dice and his voting for her.



Slight town reads: Nyn, Zander, Kat


That's all I have right now, although I am concerned how Dice thinks he can have a solid read this early. Or why he expects me to. 


This in particular doesn't look good because it doesn't address the fact that she backtracked but instead she sorta strawmans about having an early read, something she herself did, and about Dice "expecting her" to have one. Nyn and Zander had already been considered Townies by several players, so the read doesn't bring much else...



Can you expand on your read on Kat?



Not much. She's playing like she did last game, or it seems that way to me. Like I said last game, I'm an intuitive player, especially early on. 



Not sure that this says anything one way or another, would just like to have it out here for completion's sake.




Not sure how i feel about Kat answering for Wildflower. 


Are you two friends from the WT?


Wont lie, Kat is kinda sketching me out but that wasnt the reason why tho...



@Zander, this was right at the beginning, what was it that sketched you out about Kat? Or point me to the post if you already elaborated on that.



Hallia; I'd say the thing that caught my eye the most was her being suspicious of Wifi so early on. I might be wrong but I was more or less convinced by her answers regarding her calling out Dice on an early town read (on Zander) when she'd done the same thing on Nynaeve.



I said, that was le derp I'm my part. To be fair though, Nun had like 5 posts before IIIIIIII did it. :laugh: but it's D1, I get it stood out. I would expect you to call me on it

It's the lala D1 lolsy tone of her comments that has me thinking there wasn't anything behind that.


Bringing this up because this bit involved Nynaeve, as did her vote against me that then made Zander and Niniel vote against her. I asked Zander straight away why he'd voted for Hallia based on her vote for me, because right before he'd warned me about not doing this that didn't make sense or the Wolves would manipulate it and get me mislynched, so my mind jumped to that, even if I considered it a bit big that the Mafia would try that strategy right after it'd been brought up.


Anyway, I'm leaning on believing that Hallia was being "defensive" of Nynaeve then as she put it. Only thing that's making me doubt is that while Nynaeve herself brought it up



Part of me is wondering if it was an act of solidarity towards me. Kinda muddles things.



she then admitted it wasn't coherent with her usual behavior



Is this solidarity alignment indicative of her?


If so how and why?



It's not. That's kind of the point.


Le shrug. I'm trying to keep an open mind but mostly I seem to convince myself of one thing and its opposite in turns, lol. It's worth noting that Nynaeve has questioned Hallia's comments several times.


I don't know yet. Not liking Wifi's play atm. Nini I find a bit suspect. When I get to my computer after girls go to bed i could give you a better answer


Could you elaborate on both of these, and especially what ticked you off about Wifi's behavior at that point?



Wifi has me completely confused atm, but she's definitely drawing my attention, and not in a good way. It'd be nice to have her answer this particularly:






as for Kat seeing Lainey elsewhere: she meant on the WHOLE of DM not just about this thread. :rolleyes: she was just trying to be nice!

How do you know what she meant?


Kat: please elaborate! Where do you mean when you say HERE?


I can understand reconsidering after some makes new posts or an event happens that changes your opinion, but that wasn't really the case here.
Why not consider your read more carefully before instead of making one and then changing it as soon as someone brings attention to it?

That's good advice. I tend to be impulsive by nature, and I used to overcompensate by being too careful and not posting much. Looking for that happy medium. 
I've reconsidered my read on Kat. She's not in my town pile anymore, although I'm not ready to put her in the scum pile. I don't like the way she and Wifi keep answering for each other. The first time, I thought she meant she hadn't seen Alanna online, maybe facebook or something, but it's getting too weird and seems that they are trying to cover it up.


B. YES, KAT answered for me TWICE: 1. When I was asked if I had a mentor AND 2. Where she was.

C. YES, I did EXPAND on kat's answer. Which is why I want her to elaborate on whereHERE was! The REASON for my expansion is because people were saying that kat and I were CHEATING ie. Having a qt account together. They may not have used that word but the insinuation was there. And just so you know: I DO NOT CHEAT! I was told that there is NO COMMUNICATING of any kind outside of the game thread except @ NT when the mafia get together to pick their kill for the night AND PR to communicate with the MOD.

D. I am going to be rethinking some of my picks. I just got to get the iso to work.



but here post came AFTER you mentioned it....


But I dont like this at all...i want to give more time for her and Kat but willing to vote here if I can get enough people on Hallia or she doesnt trend up quickly.



Maybe in a fashion that is less full of capslock and bolded text? Because that looks like the textual equivalent of flailing.



So in short, my suspicions list goes, in order: Lily, Hallia, Wifi.


And I'd like to hear more from: Sooh, Kat, Talmanes, Dice


Luthien/Luthaine/Luthine out for the night :D


ETA: spaces




[v] Wifi [/v]

I feel ok about Kat and AJ

Find it odd that Luth thinks she and I could be teammates


That's a really apathetic and lackluster reply considering the fact that you had 3 votes against you at this time.

Also you were second on my suspicions list so ?


Atp I'd feel good about voting Wifi but since the wagon's forming on Hallia and I'm still suspicious [v]Hallia[/v]


A coroner's report should give us some well needed solid information.








Bear in mind that these came after a lot of discussion had happened and a lot of fingers pointed. So yeah, I didn't pull a suspect out of nowhere but then again if people were raising suspicions, there were good reasons for it so it's normal that I'd weigh in on that, and I did voice my opinions and gave my reasoning for them. I can't see anything wrong about that.


I also sent out a random feeler @Niniel D2 about giving herself up as AJ's teammate which I thought was obviously a joke but which I was surprised to see she didn't see as such.





Welp... There goes the core. 


Dice, you have hereby been promoted to my best town read. Congratulations.


And apparently all it takes to ~convince Dice is this exchange:






well at least i wasnt totally suxed in by AJ.



Lenlo  can I actually trust you this game?



who do you think should be todays lynch?

Was there a game you couldnt trust me in?


Imo... Kat or Luth/Wifi.


I say /, because I could do either of them. One kinda resolves the other to some extent. Id lynch Wifi over Luth at this point though.



Which isn't worth anything as far as arguments for trusting someone go...





red   your making an assumption. tell me where i said i trust lenlo.


Blue   you are right   but i also read it as a joke as len and i have played together a lot



right now i dont lynch niniel or len.


and i didnt vote cause i dont know which way to go nin


Sounds like I'm assuming right. You didn't have to say it, your behavior spoke for itself.

  • Club Leader


Thanks for clearing that up. I honestly didn't see where you posted that Dice hasn't made you suspicious since the Zander call. I did read all of your posts, although I didn't pay attention to what phase they were. I really shouldn't be trying to play today. 



Vote Dice


I still get a bad feeling from you but I won't vote you based on a feeling at this point. 


isnt that basically what your doing to me? or do you not even have that much?



No, I have that opportunistic vote from you. 

  • Club Leader

@Dice - Out of curiosity what have I done to make you thinfk you should vote me? (Based on you saying I haven't done anything to make you not vite me).


As for lynch still not liking Lily, has just been wishywashy and not contributing much to the game. I don't know if something else is going on but I'm comfortable with my vote here.


I'd also be comfortable lynching Luthine. Her posts have gotten better but I still get a feeling she's been more interested in seeming busy then uncovering scum based on her posting.


I don't want to lynch WiFi. I don't see anything else suspicious about Kat either. Niniel I'm still watching but wouldn't want to lynch at this point. Dice makes me wary for some reason but has done nothing to make me suspicious again so won't vote there either.


I'm not liking Lenlo much at this point but I'd rather watch him today than Lynch him today.

These thoughts are what make me suspicious of you. I know I'm town. Luthine is a strongish town read for me. I am glad you don't want to lynch Wifi or Kat. They feels town to me, too. 


I'll note Lenlo has trended up for me so I'm at: Lily, Lenlo, Luthine.


I just realized those are all 'L's


@Lily - You've done a lot to make me suspicious and not a lot to make me not suspicious. Luthine started poorly in my book but has trended slightly up as the game has gone on with better posts. Still not out of the woods yet though. Lenlo has steadily been trending upward for me as well which is why he's at 2 now.


Fwiw I get a town read from Talmanes overall, I've liked his posts, he seems constructive. Wifi I'm more or less convinced is legit. Lily has been acting impulsive but I hear it's something she does, I'm also waiting to see something from her eventually so she's more or less on standby for now. I've liked Kat's posts defending herself and she hasn't done anything to make me suspect her.


So that still leaves Niniel, Dice and Lenlo as far as I'm concerned. I feel that Lenlo has been kinda evasive in his answers to Kat in these last posts.


@Talmanes: what makes you think Niniel and Dice are Town?


@Lily - Especially after my reread I feel your reads have been lackluster. Your vote on Dice over him voting you has never been expanded a whole lot and seems practically unfounded. You've been backtracking constantly. You say one thing, then immediately back down when somebody says something else. It seems all your reads change without any notice. Especially with the hammer. You posted 'what even is the case on Halli' Nun posted some comments and asked you if you agree, then suddenly you are on board then hammer quickly (hour and a half from first saying you were thinking of voting Hallia) with 24 hours left. The last few pages I addressed a lot of this as well.


@Luthine - My gut tells me to be wary of Dice, but the facts are all in his favor. I've liked his play, I've agreed with most of his posts. I don't agree with all his reads but he's been playing a solid game and seems likely Town. Could be scum hunting scum, but if he is, he's doing a damn good job hiding it.


For Niniel I'm on the fence. Like I said after my reread she hasn't done a lot to make me feel either way, and I would like to see more. I'd like to watch her more as she also makes me a bit wary.


Quick & dirty ISO on Niniel because I'm watching the Sweden/Belgium game at the same time.


 I don´t think I have played with Luthine or Wiffy before. Hi! Welcome to the BT!



[v] Dice [/v]


Then two blabla posts, then she jumps in and votes for Hallia right after Zander did. (Hallia at 1 vote)



@ Dice - no, I consider it an honor to be thrown into the lake. Just missed the salt and lemons. :p 





I find two things vote worthy so far. 


1. Kat answering for Wifi. I think Nyn´s questioning was good.


2. Hallia´s vote on Luthine. I agree with Zander that her reason is bad. We have 19 pages so far and most of it is bla bla so I don´t see why it´s distracting.



[v] Hallia [/v]



I like several players so far but it will be hard to trust people when we have different mafia teams. My experiences tells me that it´s much easier to look town as mafia in a multiball game since you are actually hunting for mafia. 


Has an exchange with Kat about their "history"

422. questions Hallia's appreciation of Kat's list of reads
539. asks expl about Hallia's read of Kat as town




I think Nyn is town. Leaning that way on Luthien as well given that she didn't hold back in her discussion with Nyn. Zander is a bit tougher for me as I haven't seen the same eager puppy look yet. It has been mainly sadface.gif so far. 


Hallia has had some odd reactions to things so far, so she keeps me on the fence. Kat seems to be the way she was in the last game I played with her when she was town. That's all I can remember off the top of my head. Forget going back to read the game more thoroughly right now since internet is bleh.


Can you elaborate on Luthien?



What about it was not clear? 


I agree with Sooh´s toughts about Luthine. 



Asks AJ his thoughts on Zander. Says she has a hard time reading Zander and that's why she asked AJ.


On about Kat & Wifi connexion.

704. wonders about Wifi: seems sincere about not cheating, is confusing
705. calls out Wifi about her soft claim and wonders why she suddenly considers Kat mafia if she doesn't think they're connected.



Some thoughts.


The Hallia train - I can´t see any better that I would change to right now so I´m not against it. But since this is a multiball game it might have been better with more trains so that we could try to connect people later? I don´t know. Will keep my vote on Hallia.


Kat/Wifi - a lot says me they are mafia together. It´s the way they have spoken for each other and that Wifi now are changing her mind about Kat. Kat had a weird start with all the posting but I´m not sure that is a mafia tell or not.


The problem is that my suspiciouns is about things that can´t be proved in this thread because it´s about if they have a qt together or not. And I don´t know how to deal with Wifi being a newbie. And Kat hasn´t done anything scummy after this that I can remember.



Tl;dr  I don´t know how to read this.


Says other trains would be good but keeps her vote on Hallia.



1. Sooh Lenlo
2. Nini
3. Dice
5. Talmanes
6. Luthine
7. Lily
8. Wiffy (mentored by Laine)

11. Kat


I believe Wifi´s clainm. AJ went after Lily and Talmanes in a way that makes me believe that they are not on AJ´s team. I know I´m not. Left is Lenlo, Dice, Luthine and Kat. AJ was very friendly with me and Dice. I don´t think he would townread Dice that clearly if they were on a team. Maybe not a good reason for removing him from the list but I rather look at the others first. AJ seemed to stay away from Kat/Wifi. He said that he wasn´t against a lynch on them but didn´t know where to start. Later on he started to talk about going after Kat. Not sure how I should take that.


Right now I´m mostly suspicious of Luthine. Will say why in my next post.


I didn't catch up on it at the time but she dismisses Lenlo as a potential suspect without saying why. Then she does an ISO on me only and hilariously says she finds suspect that my posts contained ISO only about people I suspected cf.967 "It sounds like she had already made up her mind about the before the iso."


Asks me why I'd voted AJ on D1 straight away when she'd voted Dice just as soon.


Feels that I have "mostly followed the crowed" but hasn't been doing very differently that I can see? Up til the point where she started to make a case against me, at least. Though Lenlo had been suspicious beforehand. And btw still hasn't told me why even though I asked and he's posted in the meanwhile.

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I admit I've had a hard time getting a handle on this game. I haven't really seen that much scummy behavior. People are getting really good at hiding it these days. Or I'm really beginning to suck at this. I didn't like Dice's day 1 vote on me. It was too easy. 


With only 3 hours to deadline, and several of us at 1 vote, I'm wondering when or if I should reveal. 


I'm sorry. I'm scattered. 


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