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British Monarchy Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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  On 7/22/2015 at 6:20 PM, John Snow said:


  On 7/22/2015 at 4:31 PM, Talya said:

Ok...maybe they will claim then. I will say it is not me.


Yeah, no. Don't do this. This = bad. 


If people follow suit, you could very well end up outing the other vig. It's their call if they choose to claim. Not yours. 



funny  seems a lot like what you did at game start.

  On 7/22/2015 at 6:30 PM, Talya said:


  On 7/22/2015 at 6:16 PM, 鲍勃不是我的名字 said:

I still like my vote either way...also WTL John snow or Dice.

What do think happened last night or are you gonna do little?



Was thinking Razen blocked Eldrick...still think he's played scummiest of...next is Snow is disappears for two days when the heat was on...then Dice cause...I can't read him at all.


Doing my reread, up through page 20.


  On 7/8/2015 at 4:28 AM, lord of the dawn said:

so far? John Snow has been acting odd, claiming vig, and then throwing his vote around, it feels like he's trying to provoke something, and of course him not really defending himself all that well. im honestly leaning towards him a bit, but i'm taking a bit of a wait and see approach. get more of a feel for things you know?

Mentions that he's leaning towards JS, doesn't vote.

  On 7/8/2015 at 5:47 AM, lord of the dawn said:

jumping right out and claiming that he was a vig straightaway was a bold choice for JS, but he draws a lot of attention to himself like this, i dunno, it just seems like a weird power play to me with no purpose.


and pralaya claiming vig after JS  does two things. casting doubt on JS and also drawing that same attention to himself. it could be a play on pralaya's part in some way. ultimately though i think it casts suspicion on both of them, and they are both certainly coming off that way.


although i think im still leaning towards JS due to him jumping in like that and threatening people. it wasn't a very nice thing to do and wins him no points with me. Pralaya just kinda claims it, and handles the fallout relatively well. im not sure though, either way i think i want to wait and see a little longer.

And again.

  On 7/8/2015 at 4:26 PM, 鲍勃不是我的名字 said:

Looks like our Vig pair have left the stage...if they do not get an answer back I'll probably move to John Snow.


Zander still looks like town to me...maybe this is from last game...he posts more than most...plus I kinda get his humor from earlier.


Right now.


Vote Dice


Basically stirs the pot and leaves...very little content...want more contributions.

I don't see it on Notbob.  I haven't seen it and I will not be voting him today.

  On 7/8/2015 at 6:14 PM, lord of the dawn said:

im still leaning towards JS, but i i do agree with zander, i think we should wait on JS' answer, if he defends himself poorly, again, then i think we have our answer honestly.

And again mentions leaning but doesn't vote him.

  On 7/8/2015 at 7:20 PM, John Snow said:

That edit tho

Does a teammate mention an edit knowing that it could result in a modkill?  Or does he do it to get town credit knowing that a new player like LotD would get slack.  Continuing on, but probably going to vote JS or Dice today.

  On 7/9/2015 at 6:52 PM, Pralaya said:

Anyway, [v]lord of the dawn[/v]


Based on my earlier reads. I don't think his reads are that organic when you look at it. The vote train on JS looks definitely scum driven. 

With this early vote on LotD, I feel ok about Pral.


  On 7/9/2015 at 7:42 PM, lord of the dawn said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 6:52 PM, Pralaya said:

Anyway, [v]lord of the dawn[/v]


Based on my earlier reads. I don't think his reads are that organic when you look at it. The vote train on JS looks definitely scum driven. 


hey that hurts haha. i was honestly getting tired of his shenanigans. 22 pages  of playing catch up and seeing nothing but him defend himself poorly is enough,  and even with events after, im still wary enough of him to leave my vote there. its hard to see whether or not he's being truthful. and seeing you show up now of all times after this is kinda ridiculous. though i can respect waiting until your done catching up, but i don't think that's the case.


 though you put me in a bad place too, haha, either i leave my vote on JS- look like i'm covering my arse and look like a jerk, take my vote off and put it on you, although warranted, makes me look like i'm hopping on the train and hate voting you at the same time, which i wouldn't be. or take it off and look like im still trying to cover myself, kind of a lose lose situation, but for now, im going to 




and see what else happens, too much has happened to really make a good choice. this situation is just weird in and of itself all in all. so i will continue to wait and see


And only a few pages later LotD unvotes JS.

  On 7/9/2015 at 9:20 PM, lord of the dawn said:

1. dicetosser1- a bit of joke voting when he arrives on page 13, I can’t hate him though, made some very good points then and later in the game. When he does show up he puts on a fair showing. Town leanings, but my minds not really made up all the way yet


2. NotBob-seems like the quiet type, straight forward with his questions, but not a whole lot else really. Neutral for the most part, though he contributes some.so null I guess?


3. Aiel Heart- Talya brought up a few  minor points, but im going to apply the ol’ wait and see, see how she defends herself


4. Alannalynn- again, not really all that sure what to think, going to take another wait and see approach here.


5. Pralaya- I honestly don’t know, and I don’t know how else to contribute to something that pretty much everyone has a similar opinion on. suspicious activity, and weird plays. Claims a partial Vig role, whatever that means, for now, I need more information, see if better questions I haven’t thought of come up.


6. Hallia-has been raising some good questions, and points here and there. Decisive in her decisions, really got the feeling she thought about her votes. Town leanings


7. lord of the dawn-burn this man with purifying fire ***


8. Eldrick-kind of all over the place, its hard to get a read on him personally, ill say null for the moment, take a more wait and see approach, though ive been doing that a lot.


9. Zander-hes on top of things, responds to what he can, almost zealously. Very pushy with his prods, says whats on his mind. Very aggressive. It’s hard to tell whether he’s very town, or scum, but ill give him the benefit of the doubt and say town.


10. Seph-pretty on top of things from what ive seen, not as aggressive as zander but gets his points across pretty well. Trying to find the truth just like most everyone else, stirs the pot a little. Town leanings I think


11. TinaHel-still not enough for me to make a decision personally, I would like to wait and see on her.


12. Razen- feeling kind of neutral to me so far, nothing that really pulls me one way or the other. Null for now I suppose.


13. Talya- I like a lot of the points she has brought up over the thread, she thinks out her posts and it shows. Town leanings


14. John Snow-*sigh* ive made my opinions about this whole bit known already. Either just a really poor play with a God awful defense, or scum leanings.


**NOTE: I have no idea exactly what I mason is, it’s the price I pay for being out of the loop on stuff for 5+  years. Should have probably asked for clarification on what that means, but it slipped my mind, so I’m asking now, my apologies.


***ALSO NOTE: Please don’t burn me with fire, that stuff hurts

I...er...referring to Dice at this point, no.  There were no very good points up to here.


Vote: Dice

  On 7/10/2015 at 5:08 AM, Eldrick4221 said:

I only missed 3 people. I can do it now.


Strong Town:










Null to slight town:






Null to slight scum:





I didn't like JS's play, but I'm accepting his explanation. Null for now.


I've liked Razen's play. Towny posts and easy to understand where he's coming from. Town read


Zander on the whole has been towny. I didn't like that he was pushing his "I am town because I have high post count", but I do think he's town. Town read


I didn't like that Dice's vote on Zander, because Zander typed in caps. It's a crappy reason to vote someone, and to my knowledge it's still there. Null to slight scum.


Laine isn't the strong towny presence I am expecting from her. I don't like that. She is apparently in another game, but that's no excuse. Also Null to slight scum.



I've liked Seph's game so far. Lots of towny posts and moving the thread along. Town read.


I don't have any issues with Heart. I like this playstyle over her typical teal deer style, but that's just me. She's been easy to understand what she means, and I've liked what she's been saying. Town read


I've been back and forth on Hally. Some stuff I like. Some stuff I don't. She's null for now, but slight town lean.


I haven't really noticed much from Lotad (Yes I'm calling you that too). I think he's mostly been going with the flow and agreeing with what's already being talked about. That's not a good look. Null here and watching him.


I haven't liked Pral's play at all. Leaving shortly after the vig claim. For like 2 days. Then only popping back in after JS explained what he was doing. And on top of that, his partial vig claim explanation reeks. I've given him some time to change my mind, but he hasn't. Scum read


I have liked Tina's play. I don't think she's said anything I didn't disagree with. She hasn't had many posts, which is probably why I forgot her, but Strong town lean


Notbob is just one of those people I have trouble reading at the beginning, or at all for that matter, but he hasn't done anything that warrants a scum read, so Null



I had trouble reading Talya last game, but I am getting a town vibe from her this time. Town lean



  On 7/10/2015 at 5:12 AM, Eldrick4221 said:

Actually, I'm gonna bump Razen up to strong town as well. Liked his posts. Nothing I disagreed with. Easy to follow.

With this read list for being so early, it's pretty good!  I'm feeling better about Eld, will not vote him today I don't think.


  On 7/10/2015 at 6:14 AM, Eldrick4221 said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 8:50 PM, dicetosser1 said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 10:46 AM, Razen said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 7:34 AM, John Snow said:

Well since you guys are unable to scumhunt if I'm not ITT, I'll just shoot all my work and planning to heck.


was waiting from Pralaya. Definitely dodging thread at this point. Was on at 1 pm yesterday, and 10 pm again. Nothing to say in thread. 


So here goes. What I was doing this game. 


First off, I'm not a vig. I lied. I was kickstarting the game, and seeing who posted differently than normal (see also: my vote on Zander). I wanted to see who was just going to try to fluff their content to not get vigged. 


And that was all I was going to do. And then Pral claimed vig. And didn't vote me. Which I thought was weird as hell. 



But you know, I thought, heck let's see where this goes. And Pral's good with my claim. Which is really weird.


So I decided to spend the rest of the day trying to read Pral. My best plan was to see how Pral reacted to me playing poorly. I also wanted to see Pral's reaction to the mason thing. Also, I'm not a mason with Pral. FYI. Not even slightly. 


See, it's a solid play as a GF to fakeclaim vig. It's irrefutable. Other than the days you want to "vig" you have your team submit the kills. So I was guessing that Pral might be doing that. 



Instead Pral has dodged thread. Intentionally and consistently. (Protip: If you want to dodge thread, set your status to always show offline). Now while this isn't the most scummy thing Pral could do, it's the best play for a scum to do. Let the train on me ramp up, let town kill their vig, and get vetted by a townie death. And lose nothing. 




So that's my thought process. Any questions?


Also Pral obvscum imo. [unvote] [v]Pral[/v]

I'm confused.  First, you said you weren't the vig.  And then, you're saying that Pral's absence is allowing the train on you to ramp up and let us kill our vig.  You're contradicting yourself here.


For what it's worth, I do agree that if he is deliberately avoiding posting in the game thread after browsing when his claim has been questioned endlessly it's that he's trying to hide something.  And I do think it's insanely weird he was ok with your claim too.



need to come back to this when i get to work  



on page 24


Reminding you to come back to this. I want to hear what you want to say.


I really like this.


And the flow leading up to LotD's lynch here:


  On 7/10/2015 at 11:22 AM, Pralaya said:


  On 7/10/2015 at 2:31 AM, seph said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 6:52 PM, Pralaya said:

Anyway, [v]lord of the dawn[/v]
Based on my earlier reads. I don't think his reads are that organic when you look at it. The vote train on JS looks definitely scum driven.

Pral has your view on zander changed? Or is it just lord?



Zander? Do you mean Eldrick? Because I have Zander as town .


Between LoTD and Eldrick, I think Eldrick's response has been much better and he is able to reason out his actions well. As I am saying in my earlier post, I am mainly suspicious of the timing and not necessarily of why he is doing that. Unlike LoTD, whose actions and timing doesn't make sense to me.


Pral is keeping the pressure on him, and making good points, when he could easily have gone the other way.

  On 7/10/2015 at 11:40 AM, Eldrick4221 said:

Ok Pral. I'm feeling a little better about you. 


I didn't like your huge absence after the vig claim. I didn't like the timing of your coming back (after JS waited anf then finally explained what he was doing, and I didn't like your "partial vig" claim.


But I do like what you've contributed since you got back. I'm still skeptical, because your earlier actions are really bad, but maybe they're not scummy bad. Keep doing what you're doing, and maybe I can move you up into town. For now, I'll put you back in null.




I'm glad that Laine is back and catching up. Most of what she has said so far is summary. I'd like to see her get caught up and start solving the game.

Same here, looking back I'm actually really impressed by Eld's play.

  On 7/10/2015 at 5:29 PM, 鲍勃不是我的名字 said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 9:14 PM, Zander said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 7:35 PM, Hallia said:

[v] LordoftheDawn[/v]


show me your own progression on this???  dont like it at all.



Seemed natural to me.  I want to write it off as rust be wouldn't be surprised he's scum.


Why you defending him?


Just showing my progression of how I came to have NB as town.

  On 7/10/2015 at 10:32 PM, dicetosser1 said:

Right so i have been bad and not here  catching up now



  On 7/9/2015 at 6:51 PM, Pralaya said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 3:18 PM, TinaHel said:

Just a question - Pral, why did you choose to claim?


Well, when JS claimed vig, it initially kinda threw me off. But, then, I speculated him to be town based on the role I had. To be sure of that and to gauge his reaction, I claimed. 


  On 7/9/2015 at 6:21 PM, John Snow said:

Sorry, nope, don't buy this. You were behind for 2 days and you just "happen" to catch up when you get called out? Classic scum tactic. 


And here's the thing. Me not CC-ing you had me as strong town in your book (assuming, but pretty fair assumption). And there was a train ramping up on me, and you don't think that's the time to pop in and say "I'm not caught up, but this guy is town guys?"


The point is that I never knew of the train ramping up on you till I reached that point in my catchup (which was probably after you voted me). Like I said...I can't prove it but those who have played with me before would know I catch up pretty slow.



Red   This makes NO sense whatsoever. Especially if you think the guy is town. I will say this straight out I think you screwed this up majorly

It made sense.  As he had claimed, he said he wasn't a full vig.  SO if going into the game knowing he was say, an even night vig, he could probably see there being an odd night vig perhaps.  I myself am dubious, but looking back I suppose it's possible.

  On 7/10/2015 at 10:34 PM, dicetosser1 said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 7:50 PM, Eldrick4221 said:

Just wanting to make sure people have the right reasons for town reading me. Calling me town because "He couldn't be scum. His teammates wouldn't let him do that" needs to stop being a thing.


So you should be happy that im considering voting you just so I dont have you making my head spin late game.


And going for an easy lynch, for shame.


I'm not voting Dice today. He easily could have hammered me, and he didn't. This doesn't mean he isn't scum, but it looks really good for him.


I'd be happy with either JS or Notbob. Not feeling town from either of them.


Also willing to for with Pral. As I mentioned, the worst thing we can do today is lynch the doc. He is the least likely person to be the doc in the PoE, being he claimed vig and is sticking with that.


On that note, Hally, if a doc does reveal themselves today, I don't think you should view them. Whoever the doc really is, they will almost certainly be protecting you tonight, so you can work on locking the game for us. If someone claims, and survives, then we will look at them. There's no way the mafia will let both cop and doc live, when we are so close to solving the game.


Not ready to vote yet, waiting here answers from Pral.


I liked what you found about dice, thinking back on his lack of hammer, could also be because he knows Eld is town (if Eld is town).


For the record, if you guys want to lynch me to prove that last night was a doc protect and not a role block, I am perfectly ok with that. My death will be useful to us winning.

  On 7/23/2015 at 5:18 AM, Eldrick4221 said:

For the record, if you guys want to lynch me to prove that last night was a doc protect and not a role block, I am perfectly ok with that. My death will be useful to us winning.

I'm even willing to help it happen.


No Eld...I don't think it would help at this stage. We need to find wolves. (Unless you are one, but doubting at the moment).


I know Pral has been on I wish he would answer my questions otherwise I will assume he is avoiding them. But we still have over a day I believe






so here we have two posts leading up to hallias vote on me. Yet there is not ONE quote of MINE in there. So what made up your mind hallia? Cause that looks like you didnt read anything of mine yet.







still nothing of mine.


So four posts voted me in the second yet hasnt quoted a single thing that stood out to her for good or ill.




  On 7/23/2015 at 5:10 AM, Hallia said:


  On 7/10/2015 at 5:29 PM, 鲍勃不是我的名字 said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 9:14 PM, Zander said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 7:35 PM, Hallia said:

[v] LordoftheDawn[/v]


show me your own progression on this???  dont like it at all.



Seemed natural to me.  I want to write it off as rust be wouldn't be surprised he's scum.


Why you defending him?


Just showing my progression of how I came to have NB as town.

  On 7/10/2015 at 10:32 PM, dicetosser1 said:

Right so i have been bad and not here  catching up now



  On 7/9/2015 at 6:51 PM, Pralaya said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 3:18 PM, TinaHel said:

Just a question - Pral, why did you choose to claim?


Well, when JS claimed vig, it initially kinda threw me off. But, then, I speculated him to be town based on the role I had. To be sure of that and to gauge his reaction, I claimed. 


  On 7/9/2015 at 6:21 PM, John Snow said:

Sorry, nope, don't buy this. You were behind for 2 days and you just "happen" to catch up when you get called out? Classic scum tactic. 


And here's the thing. Me not CC-ing you had me as strong town in your book (assuming, but pretty fair assumption). And there was a train ramping up on me, and you don't think that's the time to pop in and say "I'm not caught up, but this guy is town guys?"


The point is that I never knew of the train ramping up on you till I reached that point in my catchup (which was probably after you voted me). Like I said...I can't prove it but those who have played with me before would know I catch up pretty slow.



Red   This makes NO sense whatsoever. Especially if you think the guy is town. I will say this straight out I think you screwed this up majorly

It made sense.  As he had claimed, he said he wasn't a full vig.  SO if going into the game knowing he was say, an even night vig, he could probably see there being an odd night vig perhaps.  I myself am dubious, but looking back I suppose it's possible.

  On 7/10/2015 at 10:34 PM, dicetosser1 said:


  On 7/9/2015 at 7:50 PM, Eldrick4221 said:

Just wanting to make sure people have the right reasons for town reading me. Calling me town because "He couldn't be scum. His teammates wouldn't let him do that" needs to stop being a thing.


So you should be happy that im considering voting you just so I dont have you making my head spin late game.


And going for an easy lynch, for shame.




FINALLY she quotes me and she manages to get them wrong.


Prals move DOESNT make sense at all. What DOES make sense is the vig shutting up and killing the one claiming vig. If you are a limited day vig and you think the other claimant is Town AND the other vig what MAKES SENSE is shutting up and not shooting him.0






Now  the bit about eldrick  Did I vote him there? No I hear you say? then how was i going after an easy lynch? And if i was after an easy lynch why didnt i hammer the same person later on?


Also please explain the difference between me saying the red and YOU saying this


  On 7/22/2015 at 10:03 PM, Hallia said:

Tempted to just get rid of Eld for the wifom around him.




Pot meet kettle.


Right now if I thought he'd get lynched Id vote Razen.  His hammer on Zander was horrible. he has claimed a role that is most often a mafia role on DM, using it to instigate a run up on Eldrick and then he turns around and makes out like it was a test and the people who followed him now look bad.



you know what? I dont care if he doesnt get lynched I either vote him or i wont respect myself in the morning


vote razen


I see what you're getting at with Razen. I had that same issue earlier. If we end up hunting a GF, he's my first choice.


But he's not getting lynched today.


As for the comments you made towards Hally, I want to hear her response about that.


I didn't quote you before that because there wasn't anything relevant. You were pretty much absent. And I'm of course voting you before I see Razen lynched.


Getting a little annoyed Pral on again today and 2.20pm and didn't come on here at all..he'd better come on this evening and answer some questions.


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