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British Monarchy Mafia- Game Over, Town Wins!!!


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I can see 4 Mafia tops at the start with just 14 people. With one gone that laces 3 I don't see any more than that.


Still want Pral to answer my question.


I still want Hallia to answer your question. She has a bad habit of not answering questions this game.


Need to go back and take notes on that but WHY DID PEOPLE JUST FOLLOW THAT VOTE WITHOUT QUESTION?!?!


Doctors are a thing, and sometimes they are right. 

Now, Razen could also be right, but a speedlynch tells us nothing. 



While we're on this subject though

@Razen who have you blocked other nights?


@Pral and Hallia, answer Talya's questions


@Doc, if you did good work last night, good work. 


I don't even like my own reasoning. Now isn't the time to worry about if there's a GF or not. He's cop viewed town, and therefore not lynchable until we need to GF hunt.




My only candidate right now is JS, so that's where my vote is going.


I've already detailed why. Can someone besides him take a look at it and give me input?




@ Dice - I am town roleblocker.


@ People asking me to who I blocked: I blocked Eldrick N1, Dice N2, and Eldrick N3.


Now to what I've observed.  I really don't like how John Snow and Not Bob just assumed that the scenario I posited happened.  I don't know one way or the other if I blocked anything last night - Eldrick could indeed be vanilla town as he claims, meaning my block did nothing.  And therefore it could be a doc save, and not my block, that led to no kill last night.  But yet they seemed very eager to go along with that theory.  John Snow has escaped being lynched a few times now, but I'm thinking that he isn't scum here, he wouldn't have offered to get himself lynched yesterday to test his theory.  That leaves Not Bob.


Unvote, vote: Not Bob.


@ Heart, yes I'm still waiting on both of them.



  On 7/22/2015 at 11:56 AM, Eldrick4221 said:

I'd like to bring up the idea that this possible other vig reveal themselves. Is this a good idea?



I'm actually open to this idea, I think it would be good


  On 7/22/2015 at 2:06 PM, Razen said:

@ Dice - I am town roleblocker.


@ People asking me to who I blocked: I blocked Eldrick N1, Dice N2, and Eldrick N3.


Now to what I've observed.  I really don't like how John Snow and Not Bob just assumed that the scenario I posited happened.  I don't know one way or the other if I blocked anything last night - Eldrick could indeed be vanilla town as he claims, meaning my block did nothing.  And therefore it could be a doc save, and not my block, that led to no kill last night.  But yet they seemed very eager to go along with that theory.  John Snow has escaped being lynched a few times now, but I'm thinking that he isn't scum here, he wouldn't have offered to get himself lynched yesterday to test his theory.  That leaves Not Bob.


Unvote, vote: Not Bob.


There did seem to be a lot jump on it quickly and I don't like that. Also would like to hear what NotBob thought of Last night's no kill. NB? Care to answer

  On 7/22/2015 at 11:21 AM, Eldrick4221 said:

Dice got some serious townie points in my book tonight. If he was mafia, he could have easily hammered me, and he didn't.


This is very true, and I think it semi-clears him in my book.  An opportunistic scum would have definitely hammered you (if you're telling the truth about being vanilla town).  Unless of course they were already on the lynch train.

  On 7/22/2015 at 2:18 PM, Razen said:


  On 7/22/2015 at 11:21 AM, Eldrick4221 said:

Dice got some serious townie points in my book tonight. If he was mafia, he could have easily hammered me, and he didn't.


This is very true, and I think it semi-clears him in my book.  An opportunistic scum would have definitely hammered you (if you're telling the truth about being vanilla town).  Unless of course they were already on the lynch train.


I left my vote there while I worked partially for this reason. anyone who jumped on to hammer me in that time would have looked horrible after the flip.


Here's my logic at this point:



Not Bob









So if we assume Hallia is telling the truth, that has three + whomever she viewed last night as town.  We know she didn't view Eldrick, and that he has claimed vanilla town.  I'm assuming that Dice and Talya are town in this scenario, Dice because of not providing the hammer vote on Eldrick when he very well could have and Talya because she's been asking very townie like questions.  That leaves Not Bob, Pral, and Snow in my opinion. 


I have doubts about Snow, because his actions have come across as town to me in this game (in the sense that he advocated for his own lynch when he put forward his plan yesterday). 


Pral has claimed vig, but hasn't used any shots yet.  There is a small pool to choose from, considering the confirmed town and the fact that he wouldn't want to shoot himself.  He read Snow as town, meaning that he would have chosen his shot between Dice, Not Bob, Eldrick, or Talya.  I would need to go back and read through his posts to be certain, because a list of reads would really help narrow this down.  Personally, I don't think all of them would have been viable targets - Talya comes across as town from what's she posted and Dice has been moving up my personal town read list.  Leaving Not Bob or Eldrick.  But I'm not Pral.  So I do find it interesting that he didn't shoot.  Maybe because he's actually scum?


Not Bob is an enigma.  He's been very cryptic and short with his answers.  Part of which I think I remember was his playstyle in general, but he also made a point to dismiss the notion of read lists and apologized for not keeping on top of the votes at the end of Day 2 when we were frantically looking for all the votes we could get.  He's been pushing Eldrick hard all game.  I would really like to hear his answer to Talya's question.  Until I hear his answer, he's the man I think we should lynch today.


The votes - in a spoiler to cut this ost down - because I'm nice like that - sometimes!



  On 7/21/2015 at 11:58 PM, Razen said:

Thought so.  Vote: Eldrick.


We know why Razen did


  On 7/22/2015 at 12:04 AM, John Snow said:


  On 7/22/2015 at 12:02 AM, Razen said:

That's good to hear.  Because I blocked him last night.  And no kill.





Why did you do this please?


  On 7/22/2015 at 12:23 AM, 鲍勃不是我的名字 said:

Vote Eldrick


I know you have been gunning for him, can you articulate why?


  On 7/22/2015 at 1:15 AM, Eldrick4221 said:

Lol. The vanilla townie didn't do anything. How but that.

[V]Eldrick [/v]

Let's get this over with so you guys can figure it out later.


risky doing this if town,




  On 7/22/2015 at 1:30 AM, Eldrick4221 said:

I have a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that Hally is actually mafia. I didn't like her actions on Zander's train, as I already mentioned. I think seph might have been the cop. I think Razen is also scum, and last night was set up to make me look bad. Feel free to lynch me and prove I'm telling the truth about my viewpoint.


I don't think it was a set up in the sense made up, he might have blocked you, doesn't mean he is town, still could be GF. But we can look at that later.


  On 7/22/2015 at 1:59 AM, Hallia said:

Whoa whoa, lets not be hasty.


Don't be hasty +1 for this :wink:


  On 7/22/2015 at 8:13 AM, Eldrick4221 said:

His choice of RB makes sense to me. He was voting me Day 3. He didn't block anything, though. I don't do anything to block.


Full Reveal:

George VI of Great Britain, Town Vanilla


(homage to Salami for the purple idea)


so, you're the Queens dad...how's the stammer?


  On 7/22/2015 at 8:22 AM, Eldrick4221 said:



He claimed vig for the sole reason to get reactions. He ended up drawing out another vig claim. Don't know if this was intended or not, but it's still bad either way.

His reason for the vig claim was to promote activity, yet after the day of DM being down, his activity dropped significantly. His excuse is he forgot.

He was one of the people on the speed lynch of Zander. His reason for voting was self preservation.


This is the way to go, and his lynch will be informative being the sway went from him to Zander really quickly. We can look at that if he flips mafia, and see what we can determine from that.


I've thought about this and he did claim vig, and then Pral did and they are still both alive. Explain your reason's why you think Pral, because I'm very interested. I might go this way depending on his answer to me.


  On 7/22/2015 at 9:04 AM, John Snow said:


  On 7/22/2015 at 9:01 AM, Eldrick4221 said:


  On 7/22/2015 at 8:58 AM, John Snow said:

You're saying, as a doc, there's any way in hell you'd protect the 1-shot limited vig over the cop?


And if you flip town I'm going to assume that the mafia is either monumentally stupid or they holstered for some reason. I'm disinclined to believe that the doc was that good. 

That's exactly the wifom that could have happened. I could very well have protected the vig, expecting the mafia to believe i was protecting the cop.



Not on your life. Same as I would never protect myself as an outed doc with a cop. +1 cop view > 50/50 shot of losing the cop or having no NK. 


Plus the best move would be for the mafia not to shoot the vig or the cop, and aim for the doc. 



I agree with he last part - but we don't know that is what they did, maybe they were hoping that the doc would save themselves, maybe they thought they had blocked the doc and went for the cop and hadn't blocked the doc and so cop saved. Just a thought.


  On 7/22/2015 at 9:29 AM, Eldrick4221 said:


  On 7/22/2015 at 9:10 AM, Talya said:

Eld why aren't you going for Pral today?

I need Pral to answer that question.

I'm not believing it was the RB that stopped the kill, I wonder if the doc did, maybe someone thought they were RB the doc and didn't...

Another thought.

Because I don't expect to get support. Pushing him without anyone else interested in going that way is pointless. I have made my reasons why it's suspicious.


This is not a scenario I expected, but it doesn't help his case. He could have died last night, and yet he still didn't shoot. It's highly unlikely he shot the same person the mafia shot and the doc protected.



Please see above and can you lay them out point by point please.


As for numbers...


normal game of 12 expect 3 scum...we have 14 so we could have either 3 or 4 scum. We have a RB and limited Vig (we don't know if there is another) a cop (if she isn't lying) and hopefully a doc. If they have a GF it all but negates the cop, the vig, more likely to get town as scum. We have had a few vanilla town, so I would think no more than 4 mafia started this game. We are down 1 already, so 3 left to find.




Talya (I know I'm 100% town)


Hally - Cop (no reason not to believe, unless I tinfoil)

Razen - RB - viewed as Town by Hally

Heart - Vanilla - viewed as town by Hally


Above are in my top town for present




Pral - limited Vig (never did say how he was limited - Care to elaborate Pral) - we still have no idea if this is true. Nothing to show for it and after the claim, he did go silent for ages, until AFTER JS had expalined his stuff. I know RL but looking back it looks a bit odd.


Eld - Vanilla town - If you are town, dice is right, you put everything down, this is how I used to play, trying to change that




Dice - he could have hammered Eld, didn't - +1 for that

NB - jumps on Eld -  -1 for that

JS - Jumps on Eld -  -1 for that too.


Ok. Reasons why Pral

(most of these will have already been mentioned at some point)


Biggest one is I expected him to be a target last night, and therefore expected him to shoot before he died. He didn't, and therefore looks bad.

I also find it weird that he claimed vig, and is still alive. I assumed this was because the doc was protecting him, but now I'm not so sure.

I didn't like the timing of his reveal Day 1, and rode him for a while about it. his game improved later that day, but it doesn't change the fact that it looks bad he waited until after JS explained to pop in. That was a large window of time.

and, of course, he's in the PoE, assuming Hally is telling the truth.


The problem with Pral being mafia, is that means they didn't have to decide between power roles. The only real reveal was the cop. I guess that they cold have went after Hally, hoping she wasn't protected, but that feels unlikely.


Thank you Eld. Even if the doc did save him, we had kills so assuming they didn't target him


I'm going to ISO him and NB I think


Glad to help :)


I'd ISO too, but I don't have the mental faculties to do something that intense. I'm staying up to fix my sleep schedule, and don't wanna strain myself lol.

  On 7/9/2015 at 3:13 PM, Pralaya said:


My reads on each are below
1.dicetosser1 - Not much posts but that is seomthing I am seeing in his other games. Votes Zander for posting in caps and rightly argues that low posters can be important! (I agree, lol). Null so far
2. NotBob - Was quite calm in his reaction to JS claims and mine. Not trying to take advantage or not trying to disrupt the claims. He had his confusions and those were natural. Looking town here
3. Aiel Heart - Again, not much posts. But, I like the questions asked to Eldrick, me and JS here . So far, looking townish.
4. alannalynn - Had basically not much reaction to the claims. However, she tried talking about masons a bit  - like questioning about Zander's claim of masons and here. But, it more a confused suggestions or speculating rather than trying to distract town. Null to townish here. 
5. Pralaya - I am town. I win with town !
6. Hallia - Good reaction to the claims. What I would expect a townie to do. I like that she took her time before voting JS. Leaning town
7. lord of the dawn - not much posts. But, his points against JS claiming looks forced. As if wanting to vote him but trying to make it convincing. And while he FoS'es JS, he votes JS the moment he sees the heat on JS increases. Leaning scum
8. Eldrick - He votes JS as soon as he sees his claim and even before looking at my claim. Then he sees my claim and says it looks worse for JS in this post and that looked odd. Then he starts the idea that the vigs must prove themselves and reinsforces the views in a few more post including here . That looked more like fishing. Both his later votes - on JS and me seems like he is trying to jump on the latest train. Leaning scum for me.
9. Zander - TOo many post to quote. Has been active and been part of the speculation. Tried to talk about masons initially. I don't see a problem in him claiming that he felt there was a wolf in Snow/Pral/Hallia/Tayla. Others voting him over it definitely seemed fishy. I am thinking he is town.  
10. Seph - His main reaction to the claims is that we are masons and out of all the people, he seems to be one that mentions that a lot. He has numerous posts where he tries to reinforce the fact. But, his other posts have sounded good - so I am torn on him. Null
11. TinaHel - Not a lot of posts. She did give reads on others, which looked fine for me except for her vote on Zander. Looks like she basically did not have a strong reason but voted anyway. But, not much to go with.  Null.
12. Razen - Liked his reaction to the whole claims thing. He was sceptical of the claims but was willing to do a wait-and-watch approach without distracting the town with a lot of speculations. And, that I feel is a very towny thing to do. Do not agree with his vote on Zander saying that he was trying to get me or JS killed. But overall he has seemed townish to me
13. Talya - Am getting a good vibe on her. She has been actively trying to scum-hunt here. Null to townish.
14. John Snow - I pretty much said what i feel about his claim in my earlier postI could see why he fakeclaimed. But, I don't like his vote on me. Anyway, null for now. 
My vote for scum would be between lord of the dawn and Eldrick. 




For info, this is Pral's readlist D1. He has LotD as scum,  but as yet there isn't any votes on him. Also has Eld as Scum. Hasn't voted yet.


  On 7/9/2015 at 2:48 PM, wheeloftime13 said:

Vote Count


Dice (1/8): NotBob

Zander (3/8): dicetosser1, Razen, Tina

John Snow (3/8): Zander, Hallia, lord of the dawn

Pralaya (2/8): John Snow, Eldrick


Not voting (5/14): Aiel Heart, alannalynn, Pralaya, Seph, and Talya


Countdown to end of Day 1: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/election?iso=20150711T20&p0=263&msg=British+Monarchy+Mafia+Day+1&font=cursive&swk=1


Just got to work, on mobile. I will typically wait before revealing, to see interaction. I viewed Tal, to be sure I wasn't tinfoiling.


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